In my last blog post, it was because I'd discovered "Fall' at my local Starbucks had arrived and today its because I got ANOTHER blog-love award!! YIPPEE!!
Sweet, funny, oh-so-talented JOY (TheJoyOf blog) tagged me with this blog award and I'm so thrilled to not only receive it, but also to be able to now pass it along to seven others!
This is just plain old school-girl fun, isn't it?? Even when we're all "grown up" (well, kinda) we still get to play TAG!
Before I go any further, let me say again how much you NEED to follow Joy's blog and also her webstore -- OH MY WORD! How can one person find SO many unbelieveably cool things to offer to us??
No matter what it is, if it gets into Joy's hands, it going to be transformed into something incredible! As I've mentioned in previous posts, I've lost count of how many things I have around my house now that I purchased from her INCREDIBLE store, The Hope Jar. (And still I buy more!)
So, thank you, Joy for thinking of me when you had this award to pass along. I wish I could pass it back to you (but apparently that's against the "rules"). Bummer...
Thankfully, there is no shortage of fabby blogs out there so here are my "lucky seven" picks to now be "tagged" by receiving this award:
1.) Elizabeth Maxon of Elizabeth House (a gorgeous shop in St. Louis, MO) -- someone I've admired and "followed" for years (since an article came out in Mary Engelbreit magazine probably 6 years ago?). Since then, we just continue to see more and more of her with her contributions in Romantic Homes magazine, etc. and her wonderful blog, The Adventures Of Elizabeth (very aptly named).

Elizabeth has forgotten more about style and beauty and ambiance than most of us will ever know. So, here's to you Elizabeth -- you keep us all hanging on your every word and waiting with anticipation for every new blog post and each new contribution you have in the magazine(s). Thanks so much for the time you devote to beauty in your own life and the lives of all who learn from you.
2.) I couldn't pass up "awarding" Kim at Dear Daisy Cottage. This is one incredible, colorful, delightful, sweet, happy, upbeat blog! The neatest thing is, Kim & I don't live very far from each other at all (maybe 30 minutes away) . We've never met but you never know - maybe one day!
Kim really lives the life. To me, Kim equals SUNSHINE. It is immediately evident that she loves and savors every minute of every day. Obviously a very good user of her time, Kim manages to not only maintain a very colorful and "active" blog but she also writes for magazines and is active publishing photography on Flickr in a photography "group" we're both part of. When I see yellow or red, I immediately think of Kim -- visit her blog now, you'll see why!
3.) Swoon-o'rama...Get ready to just "park it" for a while and be prepared to keep having to pick your jaw up off the desk as you browse this one... Shawn's blog/business Country French Antiques has me wanting to pull a "Freaky Friday" and BE her for a day (maybe longer). The beauty contained on her blog is so vast that I'm surprised there is bandwith in cyberspace to contain it.
4.) On to another blog I've really become "attached" to... Tania Wood's precious blog, WILIBLEU. I don't really remember how I initially came across her blog, but it didn't take long for me to begin "following" it. To be truthful, at first I had some "issues" with her and her blog...see, when I started reading her blog, it was the beginning of her adventure of moving from California to Maine. Anyone who knows me knows that this was MY dream! MINE! MINE! MINE! :) SO.... the littel green man known as "envy" was doing a number on me when I first found her blog... I'm okay now -- and very happy for her and her family, so we're good. :)
One day when it just so happened that she placed an order with me, I recognized her name on the order and I called her at home. We had a nice chat and I had a chance to "come clean" with my little bout with jealousy that I had at first. We had a good laugh over it and it was a fun time to get to know her by phone and now I'm nothing but happy for her and her sweet family. Really! I am! ;)
So, Tania -- here is your blog-love award....and don't forget me when those fall leaves start to blaze with color! :)
5.) How could I neglect my crazy sister's blog The World According To Libby? Libby is one person who genuinely "lives out loud"! Full-tilt, everyday. High energy, big laughs, FUNNY, and extremely BIG-hearted.
You can tell her anything and there is never a "surprised" OH MY! look on her face -- she accepts you for who you are, period. You can laugh with her (she's usually the one making YOU laugh), cry with her, be gut-level honest with her, and there is never a grudge or hold-over when its over. With Libby, each day is truly a clean-slate. That is a gift; a blessing. Lib, you're a one-in-a-million, girl. Here's to YOU!
6.) Next, you just have to know about Lola B's blog (don't you just love that name??). I've been reading Kasey's blog for some time now and every post is better than the last.
Her blog and store just look dreamy, dreamy, dreamy and if I EVER get to her neck of the woods, I'll definitely make her place a destination! Oh, by the way, Kasey...ever consider expanding your store online for those of us who don't travel much??? Hint, hint, hint... :)
7.) You HAD to see this one coming....who else but sweet FIFI? 'Fabulous' Fifi, indeed! Fifi is all things pretty, all things feminine, all things beautiful and sweet. And chic. And FAB!
French by birth (unlike some of us who claim to be French in our dreams!), Fifi has a style that you just can't help but be drawn to -- style of life, of home, of being... Fifi, there is NO WAY you are expected to have to "play along" in this game of tag (considering your schedule) but I just wanted to "award" you anyway -- in case there is anyone left out there who doesn't already know of and follow your blog. Thank you, friend -- for maintaining that blog that so many, many of us wait to read each month. Oh what lady! Cheers and thank you!
8.) Not to be missed, speaking of France, is Tongue In Cheek blog, from Corey. Oh how I love this blog. I feel transported to France by the way Corey writes about "everyday" life in France. So sweet is the way her hubby is strictly referred to as 'French Husband'. Oh, I just love it all.
9.) And AGAIN speaking of French-things, there is Barb at The French Elements blog...anyone noticing a trend here?? Starts with an F and rhymes with inch....I love reading her posts and of course all of her great pics! Congratulations, Barb -- love your blog!!
10.) And finally, for anyone who could collect yummy fabrics like some collect shoes, THIS is the site for you! Anna Maria Horner's blog is TOTAL eye candy -- especially if you are any kind of seamstress. Some months back, I "stumbled upon" her blog and IMMEDIATELY (I mean THAT VERY DAY) found out how to order her products and now carry her apons and kitchen towels in the store! (Remember all my recent blog posts about my new addiction to aprons? And my ramblings about June Cleaver? She's why!!).
So, Anna Maria Horner -- here's to you! You've filled our world with whimsy and color around here -- and I want to personally thank you for such a delightful blog. Reading about not only your fabric lines and sewing, but about your beautiful family as well! P.S. You look like one of the kids! How do you do it?? :)
For those of you "winners" who have now been "tagged" with this award, here are the guidelines to follow, should you choose to pass the award along to others. There is no penalty for not doing it, no bad fortune will befall you, just receive your award and enjoy it. Know that your writing and posting efforts are appreciated, acknowleged and loved!
1. If you've been tagged, copy and put the heart logo on your blog.
2. Mention and link to the person who gave you the award (that would be me...).
3. Nominate at least 7 (or more) other blogs and link to them as you mention them.
4. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated so they know they're loved! :)
Hugs to you ALL!
Shut Up! This is tooooo fun!!!! Ruhee, thank you soooo much for tagging me! I am humbled and honored and just wanna buy you a big ol' Pumpkin Latte!!!! Man I miss you. Can't wait to see you in just a couple of weeks! "Things" are going so much better now and recovering well, so I'm ready to start shakin' some bootay soon!!!
Can you tell I've been laid up a little too long......
I love you sistah!
thanks Ruth!
Just got one from Sara over at Sadie Olive last week.
You have great choices, and i just love Eliz house.
btw, if i could figure out how to size and resize photo's then my online shop would be up and running.
Bonjour Ruth et Merci Beaucoup!!!
I'm flattered and you have made my day!!
I love those French blogs too, just can't get enough ;)
Have a beautiful weekend!!
Dear Ruth,
I am soooooooooo flattered!!! Thank you VERY much for thinking of me with this award AND for your extra kind and generous words! I am honored to be included in this list of amazing bloggers and talented women. Blushing over here! YES, we must meet - and I look forward to it. Thank you for making my day!
Hi Ruth,
Thank you so much for thinking of me!
I really appreciate your kind words. I'm blushing!
God bless you, I know the weather is not looking very good in your area. I will be praying, praying.
Ohmigosh you have an adorable sister too??! :)
I just discovered your blog. Now, I can't wait to catch up on your old ones-- and visit all of the folks you featured. Perhaps, I should take the rest of the week off...
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