trying to get all the new inventory from Jeanne d'Arc Living in Denmark up on the site for all to see!
As of this writing, the items are being sold on a pre-order basis, which means we could very well technically sell out of some of these gorgeous items before they even hit our doorstep.

Why are we handling these particular items this way?

as well as the coming 4th issue of the Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine...the Danish magazine with a practically cult-following that is the inspiration for this entire new collection. (We also have the current, 3rd issue available for sale).
Well, to put it mildly, we've had major interest in this luscious new collection and I get inquiries every day asking if we can even just "set aside" this or that from the shipment - and this is just based on the few photos we showed in the last blogpost about the collection!
So I decided to go ahead and start the process of listing the collection of things coming and taking pre-orders for them so that I can order more intelligently (not that I ordered dumbly before...) on my next order - and I already have that "next order" in the works!
Since the last post about this, I've added the MUCH asked-about beautiful hard-bound book titled "French Atmospheres In The Nordic Way"

as well as the coming 4th issue of the Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine...the Danish magazine with a practically cult-following that is the inspiration for this entire new collection. (We also have the current, 3rd issue available for sale).

Essentially, everything you see for sale now in the all-new section on the website called (appropriately)
"Jeanne d"Arc Living" comes directly from the pages of the Jeanne d'Arc Living publications -- the books, as well as the magazines.
Everything is made in Denmark and of beautiful quality with designs so fresh & unique ~ a welcome change from what's been "out there" for so long.
Click over for a peek at the beginnings of the new Jeanne d'Arc Living "department" at The Beautiful Life but bear in mind -- there is WAY more yet to be listed on that page so keep checking back in the next day since that page will be updating all day long as new item after new item is listed.
I've been ecstatic since I found out you'd be carrying the line... as you know since I've been hounding you almost every day about when, when, when? As I said before, Ruth, this beautiful Jeanne d'Arc Living way of decorating goes so well with vintage French. Having a house full of antique and french items, your new items go so well mixed with them together, it's as though they're meant to be side by side. I don't have to give up my first love to embrace this new found love which thrills me to bits.
Oh and speaking of cookin' up a feast... Salmon Smørrebrød Canapes was on the menu tonight! You really started something.
Okay, off to pre-order a cart's full of goodies for my maison.
That mecury glass dome is fab! What does it say?
I'm sooo on my way to pre-order!!!
Really cool stuff!
Hugs, Lisa
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