And not to be forgotten, I give you "100 Wishes" - a roll of 100 of the sweetest retro-style tickets to dole out as you please to whomever you please...
And as the tag on the roll says
"If I had 100 wishes, I would give them all to you"
those are my thoughts to you, too, my blogging friends.
In order to be officially entered in the giveaway for ALL THE ITEMS YOU SEE ABOVE (NOT JUST ONE OF THEM!), simply leave me comment on this post -- that's it!
(If you leave a comment as an "anonymous" I will also need you to send me a quick email so that I will have some way to contact you if you win!)
I'll wrap up the drawing & announce the winner late in the afternoon on Wednesday, May 27th.
If you'd like an extra entry into the drawing, just mention the giveaway on your blog with a link back to this post. If you do this, please be sure to email me letting me know you did, so I can give you credit! :)
Now...on to "Music Monday" for Memorial Day...
The song I chose is one I've loved so much for almost maybe 15 years! It is called "What Did He Die For" by Twila Paris. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the actual video here on my blog (something about the author not allowing the video to be embedded on other sites, or something...), so I can only give you a link to it on YouTube if you care to pop over and see it. CLICK HERE TO SEE IT
Wishing you MUCH relaxation with your family today and reflection on the reason for the holiday.
Thank you ALL, again, for being by blog-buddies -- I adore each of you!
I send a friendly toast to you!
Congratulations on your 100th post!! What an amazing and generous giveaway!! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Congratulations on 100 posts! I wonder what we ever did before we found the blog world!
Hi Ruth,
Congrats on your 100th post and all the best this Memorial Day. Like everything you do, this giveaway is beautiful. I'm off to view the link on YouTube right now while sitting on the porch - a good day. Talk soon!
congrats on your 100 post. thank you for the giveaway
Congratulations Ruth on your 100th post!
What a very generous giveaway. You're so nice! I would be thrilled to win any of them.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
Congrats on 100 posts!! What a giveaway! You know how much I love your store!!
Congrats again!!
Wow! 100 posts! That's amazing. I'm impressed. If I was your business manager, I'd tell you not to give away so much stuff...but hey, since I'm not...here's hoping I WIN!
Thanks for the smiles, the music, and all the inspiration.
Just taking a chance that this comment will go through. Congratulations on 100 posts, on having the most wonderful site and for having the most enjoyable blog site ever. Love you muchly, Min
Congratulations on your 100th post!!! Love you and your blog and of course I want to be entered in this wonderful giveaway! Have a great day.
Congratulations on your 100th post! What a beautiful giveaway you have put together. Just reading the description makes me want to get up and clean...now to switch all my cleaner to lemon!
What a beautiful assortment of goodies for your give a way!! Congrats on the 100th post. Love the vintage style apron!!
Congrats on your 100 posts! Lemon dryer sheets...that sounds heavenly! Thank you!
Congratulations Ruth! 100 posts comes quick! Your giveaway is both lovely and generous! Please count me in and I will mention your giveaway on my blog this evening with a link! May the next 100 posts be as much fun for us both!
Take care, Laura
Fun!! Now that Jane is on her way home I could really use all this stuff to get my house ready for her arrival!! Count me in :)
Rachel Setliffe
Congratulations on your 100th post. You have a really fun blog. I check in on you often.
Gwyn Rosser
The Pink Tractor
Hello Ruth,
Congratulations on your 100TH Post! I always love to hear what's happening around Green Acres ;) and what fabulous finds are in the shop. I'm not entering the giveaway, just wanted to send my best wishes to you. Take care.
Congratulations on your 100th post! I just reached that milestone myself about 10 posts ago. Your 'prize package' is amazing. Please add me to the drawing. And thank you for being so generous!!
Happy 100th Posts Ruth!!! I wish you many, many more ahead....I love your blog and your taste. Such wonderful goodies you are giving away so celebrate ~ I would LOVE to be entered to win!! xxoo, Dawn
Congrats on you 100th post. What a fantastic and generous giveaway!!
Thanks for the chance at winning,
O.My.GOODNESS! Miss Ruth, you've outdone every other blog giveaway I've ever seen! This is just.... well, Amazing. Generous. Beautiful. Which is just like you and your spirit, so I'm not surprised! Congratulations on your 100th post - and thank you for all of the loveliness you share with all of us each day.
Please do enter me in your drawing! I'm on my way to post right now about your giveaway on my blog (http://hummadeedledee.blogspot.com) and I'm borrowing your photo of the WISH tickets for it - hope that's ok - so enter me twice! ;0)
100 posts & going strong! Congratulations! This is my first time on your blog & I will be sure and come back often. Sharon
Hi! I'm checking in because 52 Flea had a link in her her blog..
You have a very nice giveaway and a very nice blog!
Greetings from Norway :)
Felicitations! Your giveaway is fabulous - so many lovely things. I have my fingers crossed that I win :-)
Bon semaine
Congrats on the 100th post! I've finally started blogging and can't wait til I hit that milestone! I'm posting a link back to your blog/giveaway in today's post. Oh - I saw your ad in the June issue of Romantic Homes. Looked good!
Congratulations on your 100th post! And what an amazing giveaway. Thanks for including me. :)
Congratulations on 100 posts!
What a lovely giveaway - I am so in!
And praise God, what he did for us! Sometimes those older songs are the best but I sure hate it when you can't put the video on your blog!
Congratulations on the #100. Your blog and webstore are the best. They both reflect your beauty. May you have 100 more!!!
What a sweet apron! Congrats on 100 posts! :)
Wow, such a lovely and generous blog giveaway. Congrats too on your posts. A nice milestone. Count me in to win this lovely gift. So special!
congrats on your anniversary! I am sure the next 100 posts will be as wonderful as the first 100.
Congrats on your 100th post! Lovely giveaway too!
Congratulations on your 100th post! I hope there are many more to come.
what a great giveaway! sign me up!!
Congrats on 100 posts! What a generous give away. May you be blessed as generously as you give!
Hi Ruth,
Many, many congrats to you on your 100th post and beautiful blog. I think you must secretly be a fairy Godmother to offer such a bounty.
You are a very generous lady!
Hope all is well.
Congratulations Ruth! 100 posts ~ I am so excited for you ~ cannot imagine a day without reading a post from you!
Here's to many more!!!!!
~ Rebecca
Wow! What a giveaway. I love your blog and congratulations on 100!!!
Keep up the good work,
Congradulations! I just discovered your blog-love it and your shoppe-I know I will be stopping by (and buying!) Bobbie -barbaraboxell@yahoo.com
Congrats! You deserve it. Your giveaway for your 100th post is fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats! What a wonderful giveaway for your 100th post. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cool give away! And congratulations on your 100th post!
Ruth, you have the best taste and are so generously offering the yummiest stuff! Congrats on 100! You are a gem of a blog friend! I am going to post a link to your giveaway right now!
Congratulations on your 100th post here! And I added you to my fav list. What a wonderful blog! Thank you for allowing me to comment.
What an incredible give-away! Your blog is fabulous and I can't wait to get to know you~
Congrats on your 100th post. So glad to have found you. You have some great items in your shop. Love the pillows...now just wish I had a favorite number.
Congrats on your 100th post! Lovely giveaway you put together
Happy 100! I love all the great things you are offering, I do have to say the 100 wishes are my favorite! Thanks for offering!
hugs, Lisa
Congrats on 100 posts! Here's to 100 more! Good luck and enjoy life.
What a fabulous giveaway! Nothing quite as refreshing as a clean house and a cool breeze dancing through the windows. So glad I stopped to enjoy blog! ~Michelle
Congratulations! Love the 100 Wishes.
Hope you have a wonderful week. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Your blog is beautiful and I enjoy looking at all your pictures. Blogging is such fun - keepup the great work and congradulations on your post. I am a brand new blogger and am just figuring out what this is all about - I love it!
Congratulations on your 100th post. What a gorgeous giveaway parcel you've put together!
Congratulations Ruth on 100 posts! What a beautiful giveaway...you are too generous.
My goodness! Your giveaway is as generous as your blog is inspirational. Congrats on your milestone. Here's to many, many more posts. - Amy Bauer amy@usdemolition.com
Oh' I think I may be too late.... but I'm glad I found you. Love,love your blog.
Hope I'm not too late! Please enter me. Esther
I just found your blog and hope you will enter me in the drawing! Congratulates on your 100th post! :-)
Congrats on your 100th post! What a wonderful give away - please enter my name :)
Oh my goodness! So happy to have found your blog! It is just delightful!!!
100 posts, well done!!!!! What a generous giveaway, here's hoping.
Hi there~
What a beautiful collection of gifts!
Congrats on your 100th post!
What a lovely blog!
I pray I win!
Georgiann from The Garden Gate (blog)
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Merci, Christine
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