Today, three new tags were added to the store's website --
"Parisian Passport" tags which are in beautiful tones of blue-green and brown, with imags covering the entire tag (sets of eight!) and two hand-stamped tags with sepia-toned ink, just a touch of glitter and some "jewels". Sort of a "vintage glam" look.
Below are three GORGEOUS styles of napkin rings made from heavy cardstock and printed with the most incredibly detailed and beautiful images!

There is a super-elegant charcoal grey "placecard" style -- a blank label for the guest's name...

Just look at the shine of the glaze and yet the subtle color variations under the glaze -- testimony to it's hand-glazed finish...

The glaze is more like a subtle"wash" of color that hits all the details in the bird finial...
What I love is that in some areas, the pottery beneath is almost still visible (glazed, but not completely opaque).
Again, showing that these are not just machine/mass produced.

Pure, heavenly French grey bliss.
Apple, anyone?

Some may remember that I actually carried this same range of pieces (called "Atelier") a couple of years ago. I sold out completely and for some reason never reordered. But now with my growing love of the lighter more "Swedish" looks, I took another look at this beautiful grey tableware and, well, it's back!
So, if you click over to the "Our Newest Items" page you'll find these two pieces as well as the new tags and napkin rings.
I was recently "tagged" by sweet Amanda (The Vintage Rose) in Tasmania!
Her new blog has captured my fancy and I always so look forward to seeing her posts about her BEAUTIFUL home and her BEAUTIFUL shop. Her blog has single-handedly made me want to go to Tasmania!
1.) Did you know that many moons ago, I was totally into working out and was asked to be an aerobics instructor...and...I nearly signed up to compete in lady's body-building. These days, my dream would be to work up to being able to run a 5k or something. Maybe someday. (And for those of you who know me now... exercise restraint & keep your thoughts to yourselves...). ;)
2.) In every car I own, in no time flat I wear the paint (or whatever it is) off the same two buttons on the dash: the a/c make-it-cooler button and the radio's station-changing button. So, if you ever have the "pleasure" of driving with me, prepare for an "in-cabin" temp of about 60 degrees and "audio whiplash" since I have to always have the perfect song playing (or at least be hunting for it!).
3.) Though I routinely sun-bathed all through my childhood, teens, and early adult life, I now am a strictly "fake bake" gal (the kind from a bottle, not a tanning bed). Being here in Florida having some color is almost expected, so I do like to have some bit of "glow", but if I could turn back the hands of time, I would have NEVER laid out in the sun for one minute, 'cause now it has all caught up to me (just like they always tell you it will). Bummer...
4.) I'd give anything to have my pretty manicured long nails again. But those went bye-bye not long after opening my business (10 years ago). When you get in 10 big, heavy boxes of new inventory that need to be unpacked and sorted through, nice long nails have a way of taking back seat to practicality. Plus, I barely find time during the week to hit the grocery store for the bare necessities, much less spend an hour or two in someone's chair while they fiddle with my nails. Again, bummer...
5.) Though I'm surrounded all day by dozens of beautiful things that I sell, and in my home, the longer I live, the more honed and pared down I long for my surroundings to be. Perhaps it is the growing lack of time I have to maintain so many bits & pieces around the home, but I suspect it is simply a desire to have around me only the things that I really, really, really treasure. The rest, I find myself restless to "throw over board"... How about you?
6.) I live & die by my trusty Swiffers -- the dry kind and the Wet Jet. Man I love those two inventions. How DID we ever get by without them? Oh, and speaking of floor cleaning... in a post similar to this one that I did last fall, I mentioned that I go through vacum cleaners like no one else I know. Well, since that post, yet another vacum "bit the dust" and this time my hubby wouldn't let me buy one (he knew I'd buy the cheapest one Wal-Mart had) and he brought home a Dyson. I kicked and screamed because I figured there was no reason to spend so much for a new vacuum when it was destined for the garbage heap in the usual 6 months or so... Guess what? That Dyson is STILL going strong -- MORE than 6 months later! It's still like brand new! Score one for the hubs... :)
7.) I adore a rainy day when I can go around the house turning on the lamps, lighting scented candles, and then sitting down with a cup of peppermint tea (Celestial Seasonings is my fave!) and maybe a few gingersnaps while I browse a good magazine or just sit and think. Moments like this are sheer bliss to me. CONFESSION: There have been days when I've turned the a/c down really, really low just to achieve the "feel" of a cool, crisp day - the kind that just calls for a cup of tea. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. :)
8.) Some of my fondest times have been spent in Freeport, Maine at the Harraseeket Inn. They have possibly the best afternoon tea presentation this side of London and simply beautiful accomodations. If you are ever in Freeport, you MUST stay there! You are just a very short walk from L.L. Bean and the best: a Crabtree & Evelyn outlet store! We stayed there three times so far and I would go back three hundred times more.

All of the napkin rings "hook together" in the back (by way of slits in the ends) and form the ring -- don't they look great??
Last, there is super-beautiful "Bon Appetit napkin ring (how appropriate!) in soft greys, dark greys, black, and gold...
Boy have I got some tableware to go with this one!
Wanna see??
Scroll down below this picture...
See what I mean... ?
Pretty doggone dreamy, isn't it?
A tureen with beautiful handles and a bird finial.
The French gris (grey) glaze is stunning.
There is also this large simple yet elegant matching grey platter...
There is also this large simple yet elegant matching grey platter...

Just look at the shine of the glaze and yet the subtle color variations under the glaze -- testimony to it's hand-glazed finish...

The glaze is more like a subtle"wash" of color that hits all the details in the bird finial...
What I love is that in some areas, the pottery beneath is almost still visible (glazed, but not completely opaque).
Again, showing that these are not just machine/mass produced.

Pure, heavenly French grey bliss.
Apple, anyone?

Some may remember that I actually carried this same range of pieces (called "Atelier") a couple of years ago. I sold out completely and for some reason never reordered. But now with my growing love of the lighter more "Swedish" looks, I took another look at this beautiful grey tableware and, well, it's back!
So, if you click over to the "Our Newest Items" page you'll find these two pieces as well as the new tags and napkin rings.
I was recently "tagged" by sweet Amanda (The Vintage Rose) in Tasmania!
Her new blog has captured my fancy and I always so look forward to seeing her posts about her BEAUTIFUL home and her BEAUTIFUL shop. Her blog has single-handedly made me want to go to Tasmania!
In being tagged, I am to "fill you in on" about a half dozen or so random thing about me or things that make me happy...
1.) Did you know that many moons ago, I was totally into working out and was asked to be an aerobics instructor...and...I nearly signed up to compete in lady's body-building. These days, my dream would be to work up to being able to run a 5k or something. Maybe someday. (And for those of you who know me now... exercise restraint & keep your thoughts to yourselves...). ;)
2.) In every car I own, in no time flat I wear the paint (or whatever it is) off the same two buttons on the dash: the a/c make-it-cooler button and the radio's station-changing button. So, if you ever have the "pleasure" of driving with me, prepare for an "in-cabin" temp of about 60 degrees and "audio whiplash" since I have to always have the perfect song playing (or at least be hunting for it!).
3.) Though I routinely sun-bathed all through my childhood, teens, and early adult life, I now am a strictly "fake bake" gal (the kind from a bottle, not a tanning bed). Being here in Florida having some color is almost expected, so I do like to have some bit of "glow", but if I could turn back the hands of time, I would have NEVER laid out in the sun for one minute, 'cause now it has all caught up to me (just like they always tell you it will). Bummer...
4.) I'd give anything to have my pretty manicured long nails again. But those went bye-bye not long after opening my business (10 years ago). When you get in 10 big, heavy boxes of new inventory that need to be unpacked and sorted through, nice long nails have a way of taking back seat to practicality. Plus, I barely find time during the week to hit the grocery store for the bare necessities, much less spend an hour or two in someone's chair while they fiddle with my nails. Again, bummer...
5.) Though I'm surrounded all day by dozens of beautiful things that I sell, and in my home, the longer I live, the more honed and pared down I long for my surroundings to be. Perhaps it is the growing lack of time I have to maintain so many bits & pieces around the home, but I suspect it is simply a desire to have around me only the things that I really, really, really treasure. The rest, I find myself restless to "throw over board"... How about you?
6.) I live & die by my trusty Swiffers -- the dry kind and the Wet Jet. Man I love those two inventions. How DID we ever get by without them? Oh, and speaking of floor cleaning... in a post similar to this one that I did last fall, I mentioned that I go through vacum cleaners like no one else I know. Well, since that post, yet another vacum "bit the dust" and this time my hubby wouldn't let me buy one (he knew I'd buy the cheapest one Wal-Mart had) and he brought home a Dyson. I kicked and screamed because I figured there was no reason to spend so much for a new vacuum when it was destined for the garbage heap in the usual 6 months or so... Guess what? That Dyson is STILL going strong -- MORE than 6 months later! It's still like brand new! Score one for the hubs... :)
7.) I adore a rainy day when I can go around the house turning on the lamps, lighting scented candles, and then sitting down with a cup of peppermint tea (Celestial Seasonings is my fave!) and maybe a few gingersnaps while I browse a good magazine or just sit and think. Moments like this are sheer bliss to me. CONFESSION: There have been days when I've turned the a/c down really, really low just to achieve the "feel" of a cool, crisp day - the kind that just calls for a cup of tea. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. :)
8.) Some of my fondest times have been spent in Freeport, Maine at the Harraseeket Inn. They have possibly the best afternoon tea presentation this side of London and simply beautiful accomodations. If you are ever in Freeport, you MUST stay there! You are just a very short walk from L.L. Bean and the best: a Crabtree & Evelyn outlet store! We stayed there three times so far and I would go back three hundred times more.

Well, I could go on and on, but here are a few little bits about yours truly in honor of me being tagged. :)
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll take a minute or so to browse the new things added in the shop -- I picked them out just for you!
Ruth thanks for visiting me. I love the new look of your blog...maybe its old it been so long since i"ve visited with all my friends. Need to take the time to visit more often, your blog is beautiful!
Hi Ruth....This is why I need to move down and work in your store...we would have SOOO much fun. I love all the new merchandise....and have to get over to that online shop pronto!
Have a great day! Laura
Your tags & napkin rings are to die for. I loved learning about you in your tag, we go through so many stages in our lives and it is great to see others with the sames stages.
Take care and thanks for sharing!!
Hugs, Nerina :)
love the napkin rings.....just curious, what do you use to get your glow. i haven't yet found anything that works!
Pretty Ruth:)
I will have to look at your new treasures!ASAP!
The tags are darling!
My Grandma's name was Ruth...such a beautiful name:)
Take Care,
Love everything (as usual)! The tureen is gorgeous ~ great for those crisp cool days filled with pumpkin soup...or perhaps peanut soup? Both sound sooo good right now!
I just found your web site and I'm totally addicted. Everything is so beautiful. We have a weekend farm house that I have been decorating for about a year. All of your photos are very inspirational and will become a style source for me. Thank You!!!
One last thing, I have vacationed at the Harraseeket (sp?) Inn, too. It is fabulous and the entire town of Freeport is very charming.
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