Confession time...I only just this weekend finished taking all my Christmas decorations down. Keep in mind, its the weekend before Valentine's Day...this is officially the latest our decorations have stayed up. So what happened here??
Well, first off, Christmas 2007 was our biggest ever - decorating-wise. Our home was one of four in our town to be featured on a Christmas Tour of Homes (SEE THE FLICKR PICTURE MOSAIC ON THE LOWER LEFT SIDE OF THIS PAGE) and needless to say, we pulled out all the stops in terms of glitzing and glamming the place up (a million thanks, again, to my sister, Minnie!!). We had five large trees and about ten smaller trees to take down in addition to the "frou-frou" that was in every nook and cranny in the house.

On the day of the tour, we had over 300 ladies come through in the space of three hours!! It was wonderful and I do believe I would do it again if asked! I can say that now. Kind of like childbirth -- after its over, somehow no matter how grueling it was, give us time and we're ready to do it again! :)

I must say, as much as I loved the way it all looked, it was past time for it to come down. I am SO looking forward to breathing a breath of fresh "Spring" air into the house now and turning the page to lighter, brighter, airy-er decor. I know ladies who honestly keep their Christmas things up all year 'round. No kidding. And, somehow in their homes it works, but that idea is just not for me... I so enjoy each new season as it approaches and unveiling a whole new look in the house for it, don't you? Maybe its the A.D.D. in me, but I really have to change things up often or I go crazy!!
Anyway, Christmas is put away, here in Florida, even though we keep hearing about snow and cold weather elsewhere, we're in the 70's and 80's, so Spring seems to already be on the horizon and The Beautiful Life is getting ready to unveil a wondeful new crop of things for the store!

UPS is slowly but surely delivering the new inventory - a load here and a load there - and as fas as we can, we're getting it all photographed and listed on the site (http://www.thebeautifullife.com/) so PLEASE make a note to keep checking back! AND! If you haven't already done it, use the button on the front page of the site to SIGN UP FOR EMAILS!! That's the best way to stay in the loop and find out when our new things are all up! Plus, you'll be privvy to coupon codes for some pretty substantial discounts and savings!
ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME KNOWS I AM A FRANCOPHILE (lover of all things French) EXTRAORDINAIRE, SO... I AM PLANNING A HUGE, FABBY, TRES' CHIC GIVEAWAY FOR APRIL THROUGH THE BLOG! What better theme than an "APRIL IN PARIS" theme?? Ultra perfect and SO fitting, so PLEASE be sure to enter starting in March (MORE DETAILS CLOSER TO THEN!).... In the meantime, I'll be stashing away a kinds of Paris-themed, to-die-for goodies! Please don't miss out and be sure to enter in March -- you can't win if you don't enter!
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