Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Belle Inspiration e-Magazine - Premier Issue Debuting Wednesday!

**You may want to hit the pause button on the
music player to your right before hitting the 
play button on the video above**

One more day!

I'm so excited about the unveiling of 
the new e-zine set to be unveiled Wednesday the 15th!

In their own words, this is what makes Belle Inspiration so special:

Belle Inspiration is your  rendez-vous with good taste and style.   Published bi-monthly and delivered to you in a digital flip-page format. 

Our international team of contributors are all about a romantic style of living, and enjoying the simple things that can make your day more beautiful.

Each issue will profile practical and versatile ideas coupled with beautiful images,  unique boutiques, wallet-friendly solutions for interiors, food and fashion. 

Meet business-minded women and discover how they launched their dreams.  We endeavor to be your online escape, a small respite during your busy day.  For you, your family, your home, your life!

Visit their subscription page here.

Publish PostHope you're having a lovely start to the week!


  1. Hello Beautiful inspiring lady who takes my heart with your beauty over here. I love your utube bravo!
    Thank you so much Ruth for you visit to my place and your comment I will treasure.
    See you soon and will add you to my blog roll of inspiration.

  2. Hi Ruth!
    I just subcribed to this...this very morning!
    It is yet to arrive in my mailbox....but I can't wait!
    Hope you are doing well!

  3. Hi Ruth,
    I will have to check it out, looks very beautiful and inspiring too!

  4. Hi Sweet Ruth~
    Hope you are having a good week. Hugs.

  5. Hi Ruth,

    Just stopped by to be sure everything is okay in your little corner of Bloglandia. It's not like you to be sooo quiet. Makes us worry. Hopefully you are just ever so busy and haven't had a chance to come up for air yet. I miss seeing your beautiful photos! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  6. I am excited about this! I am off to check it out right now!
    Have a pretty day!

  7. Yes it is somewhat unusual for Ruth to be absent from blogging for this long! She has been busy, busy, busy here...and my being home on vacation for the last week hasn't really given her any extra time! :) Rest assured, though, she'll be posting something new very soon, I'm sure. By the way, we just got in the latest shipment of some magazines...and they will be hitting the post office as soon as we can package them up! I've been trying to get her to let me do a "guest blog post" but I think she's reluctant to let "Hubs" do it...what do you think???


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