Monday, October 4, 2010

Substitute Blogger!

Hello everyone! 
 Yes, it's been a while since Ruth
has put up a new blog post.  
Never fear!
She is doing fine!
My wife has been incredibly busy lately!
That's not a bad thing, though!
Of course, having me home for a well deserved vacation
has kind of kept her occupied along with plenty of other
stuff going on around here!
( I haven't been a lot of help, so I offered to do a post for her,
and she actually caved in and let me!)

We did get in a new shipment of the Autumn issue of the Jeanne d'Arc magazine.
All the pre-orders we have will be shipped within the next 
couple days, so you should have them soon!

Also, we got in some new vintage canvas bags and pillows.
Those will be up on the store site as soon as 
we can get pictures taken.

I am reminded of how much effort really goes in to running a store,
even if it's totally online...that might even be more work 
than an actual bricks and mortar store!

Despite my usually busy schedule, I want to help Ruthie whenever I can,
so I was thrilled that she actually let me do this post!

"HUBS"...  :)

Ruth really appreciates everyone who has been following this blog,
and all the friends who have been asking about her!
I'm sure it won't be long until she has another post, might even here from me again!



  1. Anonymous10/04/2010

    How sweet of you to help out! Sounds like it really has been busy.
    Love it when the hubby gives me a hand here...just had to enlist his help this weekend. ;-)
    All the best and Of course it would be great to hear more from you! Tell Ruth I said "Hi" and its okay to delegate....don't work too hard!

  2. Hi Doug, your Wife is Doll and how Sweet of you to help her out. Love hearing from the Men in the lives of all the Wonderful Lady Bloggers! Hope you two are having a nice time together. Jamie

  3. Way to go, Doug! I don't think my dear husband will ever post to my blog unless it's to tell my followers I've had an accident. Hugs to Ruth, and Please tell her not to overdo it. You're a gem for helping out with a post. (He's a KEEPER, Ruth!) ;-)

  4. Hi Doug! Give Ruth our best and let her know she is missed!I like your guest post, hope to hear from you again!!

  5. Well well...we done got us a man!!! How sweet of you to post for our Ruth..give her a big hug from me!!!

  6. How nice of you to help her out blogging! I am taking a break from online college assignment - Composition II (yuck!) and this was just the thing to make me smile. Hello to Ruthie!
    :) Lara

  7. How-de-do, Doug! Not many fellers brave 'nuf to come round these parts. I bet you can relate to my husband today...earlier this evening I stood in the middle of the kitchen staring up towards the ceiling. He stopped, looked at me, and said in a high voice "hmmm, what should i hang there?" You guys are the best :) Big hug to Ruth for me :)

  8. Bonjour Doug,
    Yes, we will tel Ruth we definitely want to hear from the Hubs again! Great job, it is wonderful how you are working together.
    A big hello to Ruth!

  9. This is just too cool! Yes Doug, it would be great if you would do a post once in awhile. What a sweetheart you are :)

    Ruth...hope you get caught up soon. It is great that your store is so busy. I love that for you!


  10. Doug, What a fine job you did post on Ruth's blog...Ofcourse, we would love o hear from you again! Enjoy your vacation with your sweet wife!
    Give Ruth my best!

  11. Hey Doug, Nice teamwork. Definitely look forward to you stepping in more often.

  12. Awesome that you are helping Doug~~give Ruth a big hug from Kay:)

    R&R is a good thing to do too!

    Blessings to you both,
    Kay Ellen

  13. Hi Doug (and Ruth),

    What a nice surprise. I think it is wonderful that you stepped in and did a post for her. Your wife is a very special lady but you already know that.

    Please tell her that I appreciate her visit and her kind words. It is a blessing to know that so many people in blogland are praying for Jeff and the family.

    Hugs to you and Ruth,

  14. How cool of you to help guys make a great team.

  15. Anonymous10/05/2010

    Yay, Doug!! I loved your post! Yes, please, let's hear from you again in this blog. This is GREAT!

    Enjoy your vacation time and get some much needed rest. Both of you!

    Love you muchly,

  16. Hi "Hubs"! Tell your lovely wife hello from Leigha.
    Take care...

  17. Well, Ruth is a beautiful lady but you're not so bad yourself Doug, especially stepping in to give her a hand when she's so busy minding the store!!

    Watching the mail anxiously for my new magazine - I have the mug (actually bought 3!) so am ready to make a cuppa, open some chocolate, and read about beautiful things in Denmark!!

    Tell Ruth I said hello. Look forward to your next post!

    Mary - A Breath of Fresh Air

  18. Nothing is sweeter than a supportive husband! Can't wait to see the new canvas pillows!

  19. hey,way to go. you have done a great job and have to say that it was very nice to hear from you. Ruth can trust you with this job anytime she chooses. i usually about this time check in with Ruth when we do not hear from her in awhile. i like to make sure everything is o.k. with her. didn't do it at this time,because i trust that she is so busy and everything is o.k. i know you know this, but Ruth is a very dear person as you know,but when God was passing out gifts, He gave you an extra special honey. greet Ruth for me. Bestest,Denise

  20. DOUG! you rock! I love that You are picking up the slack for that sweet Ruth of yours! And you are a fab writer..entertaining! I can't wait for my magazine. I do hope you are catching a few football games in between blogs...

  21. Bravo Mr. Beautiful Life! I dont think my husband would offer.....blogland as he has observed is full of decorating crazed ladies! Too scary but perfect for a Halloween fright!

    Well done!

  22. OMG! You did a great job!!!! I can't let Robes see this or he will jump on the bandwagon and it will be the longest blog the world has ever seen..... Glad you guys are busy!!!!Maryanne xo

  23. You know, it's really fun to see what the 'HUBS' actually LOOKS like! ;0) Maybe we could get a photo of the TWO of you TOGETHER sometime???? Ya think?!

    Ruth works too hard...
    You should bring her to Seattle for a vacay. ;0)

    Deb @ Retreat


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