Saturday, September 11, 2010

Orderable Now: Jeanne d'Arc Magazine AND Christmas Book PLUS The New Vakre Hjem!

All kinds of great news here with regard to 
magazine publications!

The other day boxes of the Fall issue of
Vakre Hjem & Interior arrived on our doorstop
and let me tell you...


Boy I love that magazine!

It is IN STOCK and ready to ship! 

Order your copy HERE!

Here's a short preview:

The next issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine will also be hitting
our doorstop shortly and it, too, promises to be packed with
page after page of Autumn eye candy and ideas!

Pre-orders for this issue are now being taken online 
and we expect to ship in just a couple of weeks at most!

I love the cover!!

Here's a little preview of it:

AND!!!  Guess what??

Jeanne d'Arc Living is going to reprint their 
oh-so-popular "JUL" Christmas book again this year!!

And, they are doing the reprint in paperback (like the magazines)
so the cost is going to be the same as the magazines!  

Isn't that incredible??  

We expect to ship them out in October and we're taking 
pre-orders online 

Here's a little peek inside:

So, even though we are still living with our typical
extreme-heat here in Florida (highs still in the 90's with very
high humidity), 
I am loving focusing on the "promise" of Fall ....
even if vicariously through these beautiful publications!!

If you would like any of the three, or all, head over to the site
and grab yours -- they are already selling fast!!

Have a great weekend and I'll be back shortly with still more
new additions to the inventory!

If you didn't catch the last round that we added to the site,
skip over and take a peek by clicking 


  1. Hi Ruth!
    I want that Christmas paperback book now but I already have the original. What's a girl to do? I love the covers of both of the mags, I am already planning on doing my porch table like the cover of Jeanne this fall... that cover is so inspiring and love the mismatched chairs on the other is great too. About the weather, it's in the 90s here and I want fall weather to come soon so I can get out there and plant my fall garden without breaking into a sweat. Have a happy weekend.

  2. Forgot to say... saw Susanne's sweet little face in Jeanne, what a doll that lady is, lovely photo!

  3. Just ordered the Christmas book. Almost bought it before it was in glad I waited! I can't wait to receive it!! Hope all is well.

  4. Those books look gorgeous!! I might just have to get one of those Christmas books! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  5. Those books look gorgeous!! I might just have to get one of those Christmas books! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  6. What fun treasures in that magazine!
    92 at my house today...
    still summer!

    Hoping Fall-ish weather arrives soon:)

    Kay Ellen

  7. I'm ready for fall too... more than I've ever been.

    Hey... high today in Paris is 68*... BLISS!

    Packing my light jackets and scarves. Got a new hat... not sure if I'll rock that or not. We'll see.


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