Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow. Commercials Have Certainly Come A Long Way... (Thankfully!)

{{ I have what I suspect is a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder and I think I may have
found what could be contributing to the problem... MY cup is the one in the middle and when it's
full it weighs a TON!  Haha!!   Hope you enjoy this fun coffee-themed post...}}

A recent assignment my daughter had to do for her digital design class
had her creating a fun video about our favorite thing:  COFFEE.

Here is her creation:

It turned out so cute, but in her search for some old coffee commercials,
she got a "taste" of how things apparently used to be for women "back in the day"...

If you judge only according to these old coffee commercials, you would think a woman's 
life and marital happiness revolved solely around her ability to create a good 
cup of coffee.  Yikes.

I recently purchased the book "Starbucks Saved My Life" (a true story about a man who had it all and then some, but a fall from grace caused him to lose it all and he ends up working in his local Starbucks serving the people he used to hob nob with and living in a one room apt. -- but he learned a lot about life and true happiness as a result) and based on these old-school
commercials, Starbucks could have possibly saved some marriages, too...

These sad commercials are just a sampling of what we found:

And while those commercials were fairly disturbing because of the husband's cruel words
regarding his coffee preferences, 
and the wife's fate hanging on the quality of her perked coffee,
we uncovered a series of commercials that were downright scary!   :)

Though they used puppets for all of them (and I believe we hear a future
Sesame Street character voice in them), my goodness they are violent!   

Just look at this: 

So, while there are still commercial trends today that have gone in directions that
I would argue are degrading to women, it appears that the "good old days" had 
some issues, too!


Have a great day and a GREAT CUP OF COFFEE!  :)


  1. Love coffee and loved your post! Olivia's video is great!
    My mug is just about as big as yours!
    Think I'll have another cup!

  2. Commercials aren't the only thing that has come a long way....if a husband cops that attitude today, he might get the hot seat! Ah, domestic bliss. Love your daughters commercial.

  3. Loved your daughter's video! Oh my those commercials were so mean!! My faves are those folger's ones from the 80s! Hope you're having a great day!!

  4. Fabulous coffee post! I pride myself in making very good coffee, if I may say so. I use the darkest coffee beans available. If you are going to drink coffee, DRINK COFFEE!

  5. The video of your daughter Olovia is grat - and the vintage videos give a good social impression of those times (we've come a long way, sisters). Thank you - and now a cuppa :-) Britta

  6. Oh! I love this post!
    First off, I love your mug - it's beautiful and the pefect size (thanks for the side by side comparison!)

    These commercials are so amazing, a glimpe into the life of women at the time. Thank god we have evolved!

    I remember a coffee commercial where the man has has second cup of coffee and the woman wonders in her mind..."Hmmm, Jim never has a second cup at home" Very worried!

    Thanks for this!

  7. Well done Olivia!

  8. Oh Ruth. this post is as classic as a French cup of cafe au lait. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. And thank you for the sweet words on Luc--sometimes he looks like a monkey to me! xo

  9. I enjoyed this post this morning ... while I was enjoying my coffee! Those Wilkins commercials! Oh my!
    Loved this!
    Have a pretty day!

  10. Thanks for the fun coffee post! I absolutely love watching old commercials. Chock Full O Nuts have always had great ads, I may go look some up....

  11. Where can I find a cup like your BIG one?

  12. Dear "that.could" ---

    That large mug is made by Emma Bridgewater and was one that we sold in my shop a few years ago. Unfortunately, that gigantic size is now discontinued (I wish it had not been!) and is no longer able to be purchased. We carry the Emma Bridgewater range in our shop online but that huge mug is no longer part of the lineup. :(

    Thanks for asking! :)


  13. Anonymous7/18/2010

    I cannot BELIEVE I somehow missed or passed over this post! It is fantastic, but my favorite part is Olivia's video! Wow! That's my niece! Yea, Olivia! You are the rockin'-est niece on the planet. Planet Coffee, that is! Ha! I love you guys so much! Rock on, girls. Sorry 'bout your poor shoulder, Darlin'Girl! Just cut your coffee in half. I mean one for the left hand and one for the right. Ha!

    Love, Min


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