Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Craziest, Coolest, Funkiest Laptop Ever -- Like 19th Century Meets 21st Century...

So... I've been sort of casually in the market off and on for a laptop...

I think I found one I like!


Be still my heart!

This is another great example of Steampunk.  

{Or it is Tim Burton's laptop...}

You might remember  a while backI did a blog post about Steampunk jewelry.

Well THIS is taking Steampunk in a WHOLE OTHER direction and I love it!

For the life of me, I can't remember where I found this picture -- I wish I could...

In reality, I'm guessing I'll ultimately get a Mac Book, 

which is cool because  

 THEN maybe I can get one of THESE!

Just wanted to share my laptop shopping progress with you.

I feel sort of decadent thinking of getting one...
I mean, I do have many adequate ways of staying in touch with my biz
on the go. 

I have:
A iPod Touch
A Blackberrty
and 2 iMacs

At least one of them is within inches of me at all times.

So... do I really NEED a laptop, too??

Of course, I DO run an internet business...
So... having a laptop isn't all that crazy, right??

{PSSST!  Hey!  You out there!  Yeah!  YOU!
I'm lookin' for a little confirmation and justification here,
can ya help a girl out??  I do "need" one, RIGHT??}

Can you tell I'm struggling to justify the purchase?

And for the record...


Boom.  In the bag, bring 'em home.

Why can't I do that with this purchase???

Take care all!!



  1. Do it Ruth, just do it! Get a MacBook, I love mine! And also having an internet business, I would be lost without it! That old/new laptop is freakishly cool! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is awesome!!! Is that a music box? I wish they could actually make a laptop look like that. I love those apple book cases too. And yes... if you have an internet business, you need a laptop. Its a business expense and you can partially write it off. (just to help you in the justification department) :P

  3. Ruth

    I love that, You so need that! (will you back me up when I "need" something too?) have really been liking Steampunk lately, and has that ever surprised a few friends of mine, I think it's kinda neat.

  4. So Cool Ruth ~ you Always find the most fabulous things!!!! Love it!
    Oh and YES of course you NEED a laptop. It's been perfect for the business! Love mine take it with me most everywhere.

  5. Well from where I'm sitting (in front of a netbook even though I already had a laptop) it would seem to me that someone such as yourself SHOULD most CERTAINLY NEED a laptop! I mean being in the internet business and all how could you not have one?!?

    Okay, so how did I do? Can I have that cat snack and creme now? Or do I need to help with the justification of the steampunk one too?! I'll do it if that's what it takes....really, I mean snacks are important....and creme is a must for my complextion....oops, sorry I was still on the "justification" train and got a bit carried away....



  6. husband got me a macbook for my birthday, love it. lying in bed right now next to him sleeping with all the lights off while I catch up on my blog reading with the laptop. just do it!

  7. That is really cool! You may have inspired me here, thank you.

  8. Oh my!!That laptop! I want it!!

  9. Anonymous7/15/2010

    Who are you trying to fool??? How long have I been trying to get you to buy a laptop???

    -Finance Dept.

  10. Okay, okay Mr. "Finance Deparment"... :)

    It is well known that in our household, it is often the hubs who is the "impulse buyer" and I am the one who agonizes and deliberates and over-thinks many larger purchases...

    So, yes -- I do have the approval of "corporate" on this one, but I have to do my obligatory season of hemming and hawing about it all... Then off to the Apple Store I'll go. Again. :)

    Thanks, Mr. Finance. Now... about that wood flooring replacement, new bed/mattress, kitchen renovation, porch floor painting, ..... ;)

    {See what he has to deal with???}

    ~Ruth {other other half of "corporate" and Mr. Finance}

  11. Ha! Yes, Tim Burton! Or a laptop from a Harry Potter movie! :) Of course, price would be a consideration here.

  12. You definitely need a laptop, Ruth and your world will never be the same! Love the Amelia Earhart one (that's what it reminds of ;)

  13. Anonymous7/15/2010

    i say yes, go ahead. that laptop is one of a kind. it really makes a statement and maybe you won't ever see one again like that. i have never seen any thing like it. push out the guilt and pull in the laptop. Bestest,Denise

  14. Yes, Ruth, Every Gentleman will want one of these........I don't care if it is a mac or Pc the design reminds me of a sea captain looking over his bridge e - mailing that there is an iceberg...Maryanne xo

  15. Oh my gosh! I want that laptop!!!!

    m ^..^

  16. Ok I thought the Mac book cover was amazing but this Steampunk laptop?! Oh man how I wish I had one of these!

    Love it!

  17. Go ahead Ruth, take the plunge!

    I just love the antique looking laptop, super cool!


  18. ingenious, whoever designed this! can't wait to see your new laptop. hope you have a great weekend! verbena cottage

  19. Get it.

    It's beautiful, and you will be even more creative when using it (that's how I would justify it!)

    Thanks for sharing it with us!


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