Saturday, July 10, 2010

You Have GOT To See This!

I'd love to introduce you to Obee Designs ...

as well as an

Gail is the author of the blog and run the Etsy shop as well --
but it is her beautiful young daughter who is the creative force behind the 
Near and Dear "winged heart" t-shirts and necklaces the shop has become known for.

This talented art student designed the winged heart motif for her creations -- inspired by
the loss of both her grandfathers to heart disease.

She donates a portion of all her sales of the Near and Dear "winged heart" range of items
to the American Heart Association.

This is the fabulously funky t-shirt:

I LOVE IT!  I always get compliments on it when I wear it and it's become a
favorite, go-to shirt for me.

And these are the gorgeous handmade necklaces she creates:

The REALLY neat thing is, when you place your order for one of the necklaces,
if you have someone special in mind who perhaps battled heart disease, you can provide an
image of them and their picture can be placed on the reverse of the necklace!!

Or, you can choose to commemorate a birth, or a special occasion of someone and
have that special picture or image placed on the back.  Or, simply leave it blank.

And you know what Gail did out of the blue a few months ago??????

When I lost my mom, we shared some very wonderful emails back and forth about the loss of
her own dad and my loss of my mom.

She was so comforting and real friend.

Then, one day in the mail I got a package from her...

Yes... my very own Obee Designs Near and Dear necklace with...
this picture on the back:

My mom.  

Oh boy... what a gift.  Priceless.

I wear it often and again, like the t-shirt, I ALWAYS get so many
compliments on it.  Then, when I flip it over and show them the picture on the back,
and how it was made just for me to remember my mom, it takes the admiration
to a whole new level!    :)

Obee Designs was recently featured on the news and that is SO great for this sweet
young gal who has taken this entire idea for honoring her two departed grandfathers 
and run with it!

YAY for her!!

Here is the video of her news spot!

Now.... Gail's shop is ALSO chock full of some GORGEOUS home decor 
things that Gail designs.

As an interior designer, Gail has a real eye for beauty and unique designs...

I've had a running "wish list" for a while now and she recently came out with a couple of
new pillow designs that just may have put me over the edge -- OUT of the "wish list"
realm and INTO THE SHOPPING CART!     :)

You ready??

Just LOOK at some of what Gail has created!

Be sure to visit her BLOG as well as her ETSY shop today!

I think any time a fine young person like Gail's daughter has put so much of herself 
into something so worthwhile, it's a delight to support her efforts.




  1. You are so sweet to share this! I am on my over too check it out!


  2. Ruth my dear,
    You make me want to cry!!! I can't tell you how much we appreciate your kind words and support. You are truly a doll to take the time out and post our story for us like this. Like I have said, you hold a very special place in my heart for being either the first or second blog follower I had. You have been with me on my blog journey from the very beginning and I will always love you for that!! I am so glad and grateful for the friendship we have cultivated through this blogging journey together. I have met some of the most incredible people in blogland who are truly kind hearted. You, dear Ruthie are at the top of my list!!
    Thanks again from the bottom of my heart and my daughter's, you're the best!!
    Gail (and Meghan too!!)

  3. Hi Ruth,
    A lovely post and a touching story. I will be sure to visit Gail and Meghan's blog and shoppe. Your post regarding your Mom was beautiful and poignant.
    Thank you.

  4. Oh I am so glad you did this post on Gail and Maghan. They are the sweetest mother/daughter team. Gail is such a lovely friend and Mom. Their designs are so beautiful and made from the heart!
    Good Sunday to you Ruth,

  5. Ruth, Thanks for the introduction. Their designs are the pillows and necklace. What a sweet and thoughtful gift.

    You had asked about my Butter Slab. I bought it on-line several years ago and the company no longer carries them. Joni at Cote De Texas has a similar one for sale on her sidebar. Thanks for visiting and your sweet note on my son's home.
    xo, Sherry

  6. Thanks so much for sharring this with everyone.I am a follower of Gails blog and enjoy our visits.The new pillows are fabulous! Check them out.~Cheers Kim

  7. Hi Ruth!
    Just checking in! Been busy, nuts actually.....Obee seems interesting.....maryanne xo

  8. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I'm on my way to check it out now. Beautiful things....

  9. Oh my gosh! How beautiful and I now have another Etsy to go check out! Drooling over those pillows. Thanks for sharing this talent with us!

  10. Hello Ruth,
    The desings are beautiful! These girls are truly talented and good blog-friends!
    Ruth, I am so sorry to hear about your loss!
    I have some catching up to do on all of my favorite blogs.
    God bless,

  11. Hi Ruth!
    So sorry I haven't been around lately...but I am so glad I saw this post! What an amazing talent! And the story behind it is priceless!
    As are such a doll for shining the light on others and their wares.
    Have a blessed day

  12. Aren't they so inspirational! There designs are sooo cute & their story so touching! Love to see you featuring them here!!!


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