Friday, May 21, 2010

Start Your Weekend With GIVEAWAY TIME AGAIN {With Nine-By-Design Style!}

So have YOU watched the latest large-family themed reality show,
Nine By Design on Bravo?

On ultra hip NYC couple + 7 kids + a booming urban design/reno biz =

Just starting with the parents - Robert & Cortney Novagratz...
youth and model-looks plus impeccable fashion sense meets even keener interior and architectural design sense 
combining to create a crazy-successful real estate development biz not just in the
chic-est areas of NYC, but worldwide.

Together they've been transforming derelict buildings/spaces into jaw-dropping
new living quarters which they flip and move on.

Can I name drop for a moment?  
Yes... indulge me...

You may remember last year The Beautiful Life was commissioned 
to make a custom versions of our
Mathematicus numbers pillows - 
they requested their pillows be embroidered with a room number for each of the guest rooms in their fabulous,
newly renovated boutique hotel on the Jersey shore -- 
-- featured as one of
Elle Decor's top 10 Chic Hotels.  
We blogged about it HERE

What a fun project that was!!
It was about the time we dealt with Sixx Design last year (April) that they were expecting their
first book to be unveiled - aptly named Downtown Chic.

They mentioned it to me and I got on the pre-order list with Amazon
so that as soon as it was out, I got one!
{The book is now sold out on Amazon!}

The book is full of practical tips for redoing your space, but also gives you a bit of a peek
into the lives of this uber-hip family and their homes.


How would you like to win a copy of this book??

What better timing, with their new show in full swing and their names as hot as ever in the media....
you can get your hands on this beautiful, inspirational and intimate book about the dynamic
design duo (and their 7 kiddos).   

Leave a comment on this post for an entry.

Want another shot at winning?  Feel free to blog about the giveaway!
(And let me know you did).  :)

I'll announce the winner next week on Wednesday 
(no particular reason for Wednesday -- I just can't stand long waits, so 
an entire week was WAY too long for me!! )

You do not have to have a blog to enter, but I will need SOME way to contact you 
if you win, so PUHLEEZE, pretty please, leave me your email address if you comment
under "anonymous".  Okay?   

Have a super weekend as we near the end of May and (GULP) inch closer 
toward June.  That's just crazy!   HOW can it be almost half a year is over??

Before long, it will be time for the July buying markets where it will be all about Christmas! 
WHAT?????   It amazes me every year...

Okay, peeps -- let me hear from you on this post if you would like a shot at this 
FUNKY-FAB book by those FABBY-HIP Novagratz's!   

Stay cool!


  1. This looks like a great book! Love their style!

  2. I love this show! Last night I watched the one where they went to London, it was fantastic.

    How refreshing to see a couple with not just one kid but 7 work together as a team both at work and at home.

    Love it and would looooooove this book!

    Great give away, chickie!

  3. One of my favorite reality shows and I love their funky, hip style.

  4. My girls and I love this show. How fantastic to have your pillows featured in their hotel. We can't wait to see what they going to be up to next!

  5. Cool giveaway! Count me in!

  6. Hey--look at their cowhide rug!! I am so impressed you did their pillows for the hotel reno! I have heard of them before but didn't put two and two together about your silly, humble Ruthy!

  7. Sadly I have not seen this show, but it sounds like a lot of fun to watch. I'll have to check the local listings and tevo it! Thanks for the heads up.

  8. awesome give-away. thanks so much for the chance!

  9. Oh yeah... a new show for me to Tivo!!! I'm so happy!

    Don't know how I missed that one!

    I would LOVE to win a copy of the book. You have hands down the best giveaways! But that's just you... sweet and generous!

  10. Awesome give away girl... And I love that music... so pretty!

  11. What a fabulous giveaway! I'm so excited and keeping my fingers X'ed. I was an instant fan the second I saw the first show. Those two amaze me and those pillows you created for them, both gorgeous and genius! Thanks for the opportunity and the fantastic giveaway!
    Paris Atelier

  12. Love the pillows , I havent seen the show here in Australia . Would love to win the book though !
    Karyn x

  13. I would LOVE to be entered. What a fab show . Great design. I am going to blog about your giveaway right now :)

  14. OMGosh I love, love, love that show....I watched it for the first time last week, now I am hooked!

  15. I would love a copy of this book, Ruth! I didn't connect the fact that Sixx Design and this family were one and the same. I've only watched one episode - but they are fascinating and talented.

    Hope all is well with you, my friend.


  16. I'd love a copy! (And I love those pillows. Great job.)

  17. The are a groovy family. Love the show so I know I would love the book! And how cool is 'Five' for a name of one of their kids? Count me in please!

  18. Saw the commercials...can't wait to see...looks like tons of fun!! The pillows look amazing...the photo is fabulous!!
    Awesome giveaway...I'll bet it's just chock full of creativity and wonderfully fun photos!!
    Happy Weekend xOxO Nerina

  19. Looks like a fantastic book!

    carbar79 at gmail dot com

  20. Those pillows are gorgeous. I love this show, and that book looks wonderful.


  21. Love this show!!! We have 6 kids, and have a blast! This book looks fabulous....great giveaway!

  22. Yes i have been watching there show!

  23. I must admit this show is quite addictive! How awesome for you to be able to work with such a fascinating couple.

  24. Hi Ruth!!!!
    I't been a while since I had time to comment.... Thanks for the heads up on the book! They have a fun, unique way of putting things together!!!!Maryanne xo

  25. oh i love this show. i want to live next to door to this family. excited about this great giveaway. include me pleezzzzze.

  26. hip and cool. would love this book.

  27. totally love this show and how fab about the commission of the pillows. congrats!



  28. LOVE them. LOVE my pillow from you. And would LOVE to win the book!!! Lynn

  29. Those pillows are gorgeous. Love your blog!

  30. i LOVE this show!!! So awesome about you and the pillows Ruth!!!!
    i was just in Barnes and Noble looking for it...and couldn't find it!!! So it would be GREAT to win the book!!! Thanks for a WONDERFUL , Thoughtful Giveaway!!!


  31. Oh I do watch their show!!! It's great!

  32. I will look this up on HULU. It looks like a blast. Lovely blog and great post. And yes, it is a beautiful life.

  33. Oh, I loved their show. Its been off now because I haven't see it lately. Its so much fun to watch. What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  34. Oooh...I am hooked on this show - what a couple!! too fun to read their book!

  35. Esther5/24/2010

    I love their show- and I love your blog and shop! And- I've just adopted my 4th child (getting closer to 7 kiddos like them). Would love their book. Thanks for the chance!
    Happiness to you-

  36. dear ruth,
    so glad you found me (and I'm so glad I found you!) Love your blog and just became a follower ;) Happy to be included in the give away! Have a great week-Barbara

  37. Love the Mathematicus numbers pillows Ruth ~ fabulous! Thank you for this generous giveaway - the book looks wonderful.

  38. Anonymous5/26/2010

    a big hello, i am finally back and just in time for the give away. i am way behind in reading my favorite blogs. i feel like i have all these goodies to open and read. no body missed me, did they? that's o.k. :) Bestest,Denise

  39. I love their style .I would love to see the book


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