Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Morning, Friends...

{The sunlight was soooo beautiful streaming in this morning that I actually went
and grabbed my camera -- which I rarely do -- to capture the rays coming into the kitchen.}

Just wanted to take one moment out of what is always a 
way-too-busy schedule to say 
GOOD MORNING and invite you into my
kitchen for a quick cup of coffee.

This is my trek into the kitchen each and every morning --
bright and early by at least 6:30AM, to get the coffee going
and start the day.

But some mornings, the way the sunlight plays against the fixtures in the room,
it seems like I could just sit in here for hours with my coffee and my thoughts.

I am still SO very glad we painted the cabinets last Fall.
If you missed that post, be sure to see it 

We basically got the feel of a new kitchen for about $50.00!
That's a great deal in ANY economy!
And considering the old gal's 120 yrs. old (not ME, the kitchen!)
she really turned around with just a coat of paint!

It's funny -- the kitchen was the MAIN room I had my sights set on for
TOTAL GUTTING when we bought the house, but now almost 10
years later, it's still pretty much the same as when we bought it.

It does not have the "requisite" granite countertops (nope, still has
the yucky, scratched formica ones), no Viking stove (like I really "need" one),
I have far less counter space, fewer cabinets, fewer electrical outlets
(WAY less), and less floor space than the kitchen in our previous house,
but somehow I've managed to survive just fine, haven't I?
Funny how that works....

What I DO have are killer views out of A LOT of GIANT antique windows
with wavy glass; brick floors (that I painted, of course), and lots of historic
character around every corner.  So... I think that's a fair trade off.

You may recall that I was struggling to figure out what to do with a newly 
freed-up space in the breakfast area of the kitchen 
(when we repainted, we disposed of a large armoire that formerly took up the floor space)
and I don't think I've yet showed you I finally put there... 

I got a FABULOUS pine table to go there -- it's big drawer holds the
necessities (lightbulbs, batteries, appliance manuals, etc...) out of sight 
and also holds the few remaining decoratives I saved after painting.


See the wooden slated crate-thingy on the floor to the right?  
That is the FIND OF THE YEAR I snagged at Anthropologie from
one of their displays!!!  

 It was the one thing that really caught my eye on a table 
(naturally -- the beat up, rickety display thing -- not the the gazillion things 
on/around it for sale!) and I literally disassembled their entire display to get to it.

I found a price tag on it (for VERY LITTLE!) and marched right up to the check out 
counter with it!  

I still don't know where I'll actually use it -- thus, it's place on the floor for now.
I have a big cake base/pedestal on it now (which also does NOT belong on the 
floor... but I digress...).

Turns out, that crate is WAY bigger than I realized and I just need to find a spot
big enough and just right for it.  
I will.   Trust me.   I will.   :)

OH!  I also wanted to show you something I recently
ordered from this lovely shop online in Paris (YEP! PARIS!).

Look at this beautiful petite banner made of linen!

It says "Bonheur" (the "o" is a cute little button!).

Bonheur = Happiness.  Nice, huh?   ;)

Well, it's off the shop for me...
A nice big delivery has already arrived for the shop and I 
CANNOT WAIT to tear into it!!!

And, since I already have my camera out, there should be no reason
not to hurry and get pics taken of the new inventory and
get it up on the site!

Thanks for spending a a minute with me this morning in the
kitchen over coffee.

You're always welcome -- the backdoor is always open to you!   

If you're interested, the book giveaway ends tomorrow, so feel
free to leave a comment on 

I'll be back tomorrow to pick the winner!

Have a sun-filled day, where ever you are, and stop by anytime!
I'll put a pot of coffee on for us!


  1. Love your new table! I also love your black shelf, looks like you recycled part of an old ebony piano - what a great idea. Looking forward to seeing your new shop items!

  2. What a gorgeous kitchen to wake up to every morning!!!
    Happy day!

  3. Good Morning sweet friend!

    I enjoyed having coffee with you this morning. Have fun playing with all the new goodies!


  4. What a lovely kitchen! How wonderful to catch the sun rays shining in!

    Thanks for the coffee, wish I could stay longer! Come see me sometime!


  5. I am STILL so in love with your kitchen! I went back and REREAD the post about how you painted your cabinets and that is SO how I would do it! lol I have written down the kind of paint you used (Behr Premiumn Plus) and I just neet to pick out a color! I did a post on painting my island red today and SO WANT to paint my oak cabinets!! I HATE to paint, but you have made me think I can actually do it in a couple of days!!

    Love your photos today too!! Gorgeous!

    Lou Cinda :)

  6. I'm back! One question. What did you paint the cabinets with? A brush, foam roller....

    Lou Cinda :)


  7. Anonymous5/25/2010

    Your kitchen and nooks are adorable. I don't miss the fancy countertops or pricey cabinetry at all. It is lovely and I love your flooring! Just perfect. :)

  8. Ruth, I love the shot of your kitchen with the sunlight pouring in. I also love what you said about not really 'needing' granite countertops or a Viking Stove. I fantasize all the time about what I would like in my kitchen - but the fact remains it is just fine the way it is. I can work with what I've got.

    Love that new pine table - it looks perfect there.


  9. Oh, how I hate to leave your company today! Beautiful, beautiful kitchen that just sings a happy song! {thank you for the song you have playing, too!}

  10. I could wake up to this vision everyday! It is pure beauty! You know what a big fan I am of your beautiful home;)!

    I love your new find and the way you have it dressed is delicious!


  11. So glad to hear you have some coffee ready...I'm outta milk and haven't had my cup today...uugghh. Your kitchen is so cozy and inviting...love it!

  12. Hey Lou Cinda!!

    I used a wide brush -- a typical bristle brush -- for most of the larger flat surfaces, then filled in where necessary with a smaller/narrower
    angled brush for tighter spots.

    I painted right over the hinges and I did NOT sand the cabinets first. Yep -- I broke all the rules. Love it! :)

    They STILL look as good today as the day I sealed up the last paint can and washed out my brushes. That paint is incredible!!!

    We chose a paint color from some other line they have there at Home Depot, but had it mixed up with Behr paint.

    The paint covers SO good, you are done in no time. It dries fast, washes up with soap/water and doesn't smell too bad. What's not to love? ;)

    When done, you can go back over it all with some type of polyurethene but we chose to do hand-waxed/paste wax finish which I still really like
    all this time later.

    For my really old house, it gives a nice furniture-quality to the look, vs. a possible more modern look I might have gotten with
    a glossy poly coat.

    I know they make poly in a matte finish, too, but the result I got from using a flat finish paint and then the paste wax is a
    REALLY matte finish -- like antique painted furniture. And that just really lends itself to my particular kitchen.

    LOVED hearing from you!


  13. Shall I make everyone EXTREMELY jealous, and tell them I have HAD coffee WITH Ruth in this VERY kitchen??? The rest of the house is... well... can't even describe it. Too beautiful and peaceful for words.

    I keep trying to get her to hire me (for free... well... for coffee) but I think she knows she'll never get me out of the main house... although the other area she works in is to-die-for as well!

    I did so enjoy virtual coffee with you today Ruth :)

  14. Teri!!!!!! You are SOOOOO sweet!!!!!

    I'm GOING to take you up on your offer to help! (And then won't YOU be sorry!! Hee hee!)

    I want to have coffee in your kitchen!! (Like how I invite myself??). :)


  15. your kitchen is so beautiful! I love the rays of the morning sun!!!!

  16. first of all, i have to thank your handy camera for making it possible for the enjoyment of viewing your kitchen! wow, i wish i will be there this instant enjoying my coffee and surroundings, and your lovely company! glad i found your blog via barbara. am your new follower and am so excited to visit your web and scroll through your previous posts! have a great evening! verbena cottage

  17. There is nothing more soothing than the sunlight streaming through a lovely room. The morning light in your kitchen is so serene and cozy. Your kitchen is very pretty. I love the floor.

    I also love all of your vintage pieces and vingettes.


  18. Bonjour Ruth,
    Your kitchen is so pretty. There is nothing better than a "vintage" home!! The grey cabinets do have the look of furniture, I remember that post. Love the big window over the sink. Your new table was made for that spot.
    Enjoy all that sunshine streaming in!

  19. Good Morning, Afternoon & Evening Dear Sweet Ruth! Your Kitchen is Gorgeous!! I love that crate from Anthro! Course I love everything you show us! :) Cant wait to see all the new treasures in your shop!

    & Yes!! Miss Teri! You have made me very Jealous!!I wish I could have coffee with you girls in Ruth's Beautiful Kitchen!

    Hope you guys are having a Beautiful Evening!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  20. Your kitchen is lovely....and when I get up to the lake this summer I intend to follow your lead and paint those old cupboards! I love your Anthro find and am always snooping around my local Anthro looking for that kind of treasure too. Take care my friend, when I have my cup of coffee tomorrow morning I will be thinking of you in your pretty kitchen! :)

  21. Having coffee with you in that sunfilled, beautiful kitchen would be a great treat!

  22. Ruth...I LOVE your kitchen!! Its so nice to have a peek into your life....you have way to many cool things missy!! xoxo

  23. ok...how do you find such perfection in music?! "sunshine in my window" ?? -- Heavens to betsy, you're amazing ;)

  24. The light in your lovely kitchen was beautifully shot and I love the vignette with the dark gray wreath. ( Don't worry I will give away some more Arte Pura)...When I do you will be the first to know...Maryanne xoxoxo

  25. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! your kitchen is amazing. and your floors and the natural light. so pretty! I am loving your blog! I am off to go read more of it. so glad I found you or you found me! good all the way around. :)

  26. Oh Ruth, your kitchen is a dream!
    That find from Anthropologie is fabulous, great score!

    Love ya!
    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  27. LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos!!! Lucky you scoring a display piece from Anthro. The ones here are priced 5 times higher than the highest antique store....I know, they don't want to sell them, I get that, I have a few of those too. Thanks for sharing! Really liked the lampshade too, did you make it? Can you sendme the link of the blog post about your daughter's missions work?

  28. Oh, my that "Silver lining" song!!! I just posted...had those words in it. I am looking for a silver lining this very day! :) LOVE your blog!! Going back to read your post now. Was just so excited to learn of a new song!

  29. Ruth:
    I love your beautiful kitchen. Having the light come in like that is just a bonus!

    Now, I'm off to see if I can find the reservation post to order a copy of the new JdA magazine. Forgot to do that earlier. sigh

    Have a great weekend.


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