Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Friday, Ya'll! A Few More Things Added To "Miscellany"!

Ready for the weekend??  

This glorious, beautiful, delightful, relaxing weekend??

Me too!!

Before you get away, I wanted to tell you real quick about some of 
the newest items just added to the 

section of the store and there are at least 10 more things that will be
going up tomorrow.

But for now, here is what has just been added --

Two vintage painted wooden auction paddles.
Two and only two.

Oh the stories of bidding these paddles could tell, huh?

You will LOVE these vintage shopkeeper's signs!!!
There are four different ones -- but ONLY ONE OF EACH.
Grab 'em while you can!!

Two BEAUTIFUL porcelain plates depicting French salon chairs...
Ooh to the La La La....!

Yeah yeah...
So the whole number fixation thing is still going on...

These fabulous vintage ceramic number tiles are now for sale.

Hard decision to make, but here they are.
May they go to a good home.


If Marlene Dietrich invited us into her dressing area or 
penthouse apartment, I would not have been surprised to see 
THIS wall plate on the wall...
GLAM -o -RAMA!!!

One only!

For now,
I  am preparing to dart out the door and ...

drumroll please....


It's Friday night for crying out loud!
Am I NUTS????   :)

I typically don't darken the door of the local malls -- lot of reasons for it:
lack of time, lack of need, lack of desire to be crushed in among hundreds of other 
fast-walking, on-a-mission people heading for who-knows-what with great urgency,
and mainly 
we don't live closer than 30 minutes to any of the several malls in this area,
so for me online shopping ROCKS!   

But tonight, I make an exception
and I plan to throw myself into and thoroughly enjoy it!

And if you pass someone tonight in a mall walking 
d-e-a-t-h-l-y slow in her pony hair cowhide print heels, 
with a sipping a venti Starbucks Cafe Americano 
and peering wistfully into Sephora...


That would be moi.

Say hi, will ya?

Love you guys!!

Check back at the store tomorrow if you'd like to see more
of the "Miscellany" that is going up on the block for sale!

From my mall to yours,


  1. Yes, yes, yes to all! Lovely photos. ~Lulu

  2. What a cute post Ruth! I HATE THE MALL! You are one brave lady...I hope you make it out alive!

    I am heading over to your shop to check out your darling goodies!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Can I tell you how much i love to see that you've posted?! Spent the day at an antiques fair (only bought two pieces of ironstone!) and saw lots of numbers! (None as cute as yours though). Hope the mall was fun--esp. Sephora. Oh, the hours I can kill in there!

  4. Love the new goodies, especially the light plate! Can't wait to see what else you have in store!

    Best wishes,

  5. Oh, Ruth...Being a bona fide shoe hound, you have to show me a photo of those cowhide heels! Puleeezzz!
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Wonderful goodies...
    Hope you had luck at the Mall ~ hate going to them too, but sometimes just gotta do it.
    Have a wonderful weekend, I'll be working but can't complain when I'm the boss ;-) ~ Rebecca

  7. Hi Ruth!

    Wow, that stuff looks great!
    It's too bad I spent all my disposable income this month on my new camera, boo hoo!

    I loves me some Sephora, too! :-)


  8. Lots of fun new things Miss R!! Now the shop signs would have been so perfect when the kids were growing up!!! They seem to have the best response to all the questions a teenager's life revolves around (huge<>)

    Oh I feel for you little sister!!! A Friday evening at the mall is truly taking your life in your hands, and begging to have multiple bruised body parts!! You will need the rest of the weekend filled with lovely cups of tea, Vivaldi, JDAL, roses and truffles to regain your mental equilibrium, and positive personality!!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  9. Not a fan of mall's either. I hope you enjoy yourself with your coffee!

  10. Hi Ruth!!

    Absolutely LOVe your blog. Every post is gorgeous~!!
    In Elementary school there was a girl who was mean to me named Val so I
    don't care for the name val.
    We actually call her Sis alot because she is the middle child. Sister
    to both my son and daughter.
    Valencia is just so pretty I like to say it whole :)
    Thank you so much for coming by! I hope you will come see me again
    soon :)
    I added your blog to my sidebar.

  11. ... wooo sha, go head wit it... looking good!

  12. LOVE those plates! xoxo

  13. MALL is a four letter word,a bad one!!! Good luck darlin!!!

  14. Hope you had fun at the mall...I RARELY go there. Just wanted you to know...I am LOVING my new Vakre magazine! I miss ya!


  15. I love love the paddles and the switchplate cover, definitely glam!

  16. Can't wait to hear how the mall went. I hate the mall and shopping in general... sometimes I wonder if I'm really a girl! Give me a good book, peace and quiet, and I'm all set.

    But there are those times when I have to go... and I never miss the bookstore OR Sephora... they rock! Oh, and Mexican restaurant across from Cheesecake Factory is really good... just sayin'!

  17. Great goodies...I hope you had a successful weekend, xv.

  18. such wonderful finds my friend
    the mall? ugh

    hope you are well xo


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