Thursday, January 14, 2010

As If We Didn't Already Love Etsy Enough...

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Sower's blog

This is going to be a quickie-post because the point of this is to get you

 OFF my blog 

and ON to some of the blogs and Etsy shops 

participating in the few-days-long help for Haiti event.

I found out yesterday about it all from my 
friend Rosemary from
you can read her blog post about it
and see a listing of just some
of the Etsy shops participating
(though the list is GROWING by the minute).

Here are two other blogs to check out with info on this:

A good place to start, is here:

and then


There are links on Angela's and on Rosemary's blogs to many of the
Etsy shops participating, so you can start there!

If ever there were a time when your wish-lists at Etsy can also do some
real good, 
NOW is the time!

Thanks for listening -- 

and thanks for

being part of 




  1. good for you deary,posting how we can help. that is so good of you.Bestest,Denise

  2. ~ thank you dear ruth for spreading the word! biggest hugs:)
    xo, Rosemary

  3. thanks for letting me know Ruth...Hope all is well with you and your family...

  4. off to check it all out...thanks!

  5. Hi Ruth,

    I am also donating to Haiti through my etsy shop.

    10% of all sales over the next month will go to Médecins Sans Frontières Australia
    who already have teams helping the sick and injured in Haiti.

    Thanks for spreading the word.
    Janette x

  6. What a wonderful thing...I'm off to check it out...Thanks!

  7. Thank you! A wonderful idea.

  8. this touches my heart ... isn't it just like these blogger girls to do something so wonderful?

  9. Wow, so many good little deeds will equal a difference. Great post.

  10. Hi Ruth,

    What a beautiful post. The devastation is unbelievable. Yesterday, I saw via the TV, people praising God that they made it through.

    Ruth, Thank you so much for praying for my MIL as I am praying for your mom. I wish we lived closer to her (she is in Co. and hubs has been doing a lot of commuting). I know God is watching over your mom and my MIL.

    big hugs,

  11. Bravo..."Etsy for Haiti"

    We can all make a difference!

    I look forward to popping in again soon.

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  12. Ruth...your such a good soul....I can not tell you what a sad week its been in our house,but the good news is all of Megs"boys" as she likes to call them are safe and sound....we were so worried when we had not heard but on Friday she found out they were ok..she wants to go back this year even more now but we just don;t think its safe seems so unfair doesn;t it? Talk to you soon,x0x0x

  13. there are so many good people out there!
    thanks for the info~

  14. Hi Ruth! You have a good heart!! I am familiar with Jen and Angela's wonderful shops, but I will have to check out Rosemary's too! I love this blog community!!!

    :) T

  15. Oh my that face!

    On my blog( the musing magpie blogspot) I paid a tribute to my brother who is airlifting victims out in a C-17... maybe he be the one to bring Amos home... he is away from his precious boys- 2 and 1 yr. old... and momma is prego with their first girl! to help families like your friends...He is soo honored and humbled to be allowed to serve these sweet people... I will be praying for his ( Amos')safe delivery.
    My brother is Captain Jesse Newberry... in case it comes up!


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