Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What If You Were In The Midst Of Finalizing The Adoption Of A Child In Haiti Last Week??

Photo courtesy of Aaron

We know of a couple in just that situation... 

Aaron and Jamie Ivey are dear friends

 of dear friends of ours,

and their hearts are breaking as they

now sit

and wait 

and wonder...


oh, Lord,


will they be reunited with their sweet 4 year old son, Amos,

whose union with them is bound only be the last

phases of the adoption process

but who must seem now


from them as their hearts break

knowing the devastation that now

surrounds their sweet little guy.

Aaron and Jamie brought their adopted daughter Story home from Haiti in October. 

But their son Amos is 

still there. 


Aaron is an amazing musician and his music video for the song "Amos Story" launched everywhere this past Monday.

This is just ONE of many, many

REAL-LIFE stories coming out of the

wreckage that is now Haiti.

To see glimpses of sweet little Amos, the son Aaron and Ivey long to hold close

 and safe

in their arms

as well as hear one of


songs about adoption,

Aaron's website is awesome, as well -- especially now it is full of news and info about Haiti and ways to help ... CHECK IT OUT


  1. Oh Ruth what a heartwrenching story - We'll all pray that this lovely couple will soon have that sweet little boy in their arms! Will head to the website now!
    Hope you are doing well, have not forgotten about your and your family as you care for your dear mother.
    Take care!

  2. oh my heart, this is so hard for those people. a few days ago, i was thinking about the those that are in the process of adoption and thinking of their agony. and briefly thinking, i wonder if i know of someone distant(being in the small world we live in) that i would hear later that are waiting. how close we come in a time of disaster. prayers connect us to each other and God. bestest, to all,Denise

  3. ...tragedy in Haiti has truely been a heartbreak felt around the world. We need to do and send whatever we can ~ even if it's only our love and prayers. xo

  4. oops... I posted my comment about this on the end of your last post... please read, I would love your prayers for my brother who is airlifting these precious ones home tirelessly.... see below!

  5. I find it hard to believe that the soon after Port Au Prince was leveled people are concerned with something like this. There are STILL bodies buried in buildings!! And they're worried about these adoptions? I think they need a reality check. For example: there are orphaned children in the US, children in foster care, they should be adopting from here.
    There are plenty resources for adopting from the US--I just did a search--for example:

    Again I think people are being selfish when there are still people in Haiti buried in ruined buildings, and people without housing, food, water and proper medical care.

  6. Thank you all for your comments and thoughts. In the wake of any devastation, priorities and how various needs are addressed will vary depending on each person's unique situation.

    The devastation in Haiti is no different. Jeanine, as for the Ivey's son, Amos... he IS their son and as such, it would be utterly inhumane for them to NOT agonize over wanting to get him home with them.

    I cannot connect the dots that would in any realm make their desire to get their son home to safety a selfish wish.

    I've thought long and hard over where you are coming from and I do "get it" on many levels.

    My point of departure from you is in saying that it is selfish to want to rush to the aid of those who can least protect and fend for themselves -- the children, many of whom were already orphaned before the quake and many, many of whom are for sure now orphaned.

    How, oh how, is this selfish?

    There ARE people down on the ground helping the injured (handicapped in their efforts to be sure, be there none the less).

    There ARE people tending to the dead in the best way they can right now.

    But as in any situation of triage, you have to help those who can best benefit from your efforts at the time.

    On the ground in Haiti right now, if I were looking at deceased on one side and parent-less children on another --- it's not even a question for me where my efforts are going. My effort, compassion and care are going to the ones left standing - in particular the defenseless children.

    When you are looking at utter chaos and more than any one person can humanly handle -- you have to do what YOU feel called to do for that moment in time. No one should feel shamed about the path they choose for helping. At least they are doing SOMETHING.

    You seemed bothered at the idea of adopting children outside the US. Again, I'm not able to flesh out the reasoning behind chiding someone for taking in an orphaned child -- regardless of what part of the earth's terrain he/she happened to be birthed on.

    Many of the folks that I know who have opted for foreign adoption do so simply because they have a connection with that country for completely other reasons to start with. Many of them have served in these other countries on a humanitarian basis and fell in love with the people they served and in seeing the vast numbers of orphans there, felt called to one day be a part of the solution of providing a family/home for one or more of them.

    Yes, the U.S. has a vast need for families to step up and adopt children born right here within our own borders. And trust me, many families have been waiting years through the adoption process.

    But when it comes to a totally hopeless and orphaned child, I cannot for the life of me see where geographic lines make any difference in the eternal scheme of things.

    Until I have brought even one mother/fatherless child home through my front door and committed to them for life as our friends have, I will not venture one step onto the path of deciding that their choice of land from which to pluck that child from was wrong.

    For the record, the Iveys did adopt from the US -- their son sitting on the couch with them in their CNN interview --- he was born right here.

    When needs are immeasurable, national boundaries recede into the background and become invisible.

    At least I sure hope they do...

    Thanks for listening....


  7. Prayers sent to your friends as they await their son to be home.

  8. Your comment to Jeanine was right on the money, Ruth. A child in need of a home is the same no matter what country is involved. No judgments should be made, as that path is that family's choice. My heart breaks for this family and so many others who are waiting for their children to come home. Amidst such devastation, such heartbreaking loss, we long for a ray of hope. And there are rays of hope out there. When this family is reunited with their son, we will shed a tear or two of happiness because as fellow beings here on earth, we rejoice in what is good and right. We have to. These little miracles are what keep us going.


  9. Amos has the sweetest smile...sending lots of love and prayers their way.

  10. OMG! This is amazingly moving, my heart pours out the the Ivey family and all the children and families in Haiti.
    Thank you so much for sharing! Hugs to you Ruth ~ Rebecca

  11. Thoughts and prayers with the couple and Haiti.
    Lovely blog.

  12. My heart goes out to them. I will be thinking of them and praying that Amos makes it home safely.


  13. Anonymous1/22/2010

    I will add Aaron, Jamie, Story, and Amos to my prayers.

  14. Hey everyone! We are very good friends with the Iveys & thought you would like to know that Amos is on a plane to America right now & will be united with the Iveys tonight. This is miracle news & we believe that God has done this work! Just thought you would be excited!



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