Wednesday, January 6, 2010

For All Of Us Who Can't Decide HOW We Want To Wear Our Hair...

Always wondered how you'd look with Taylor Swift's
head of big, blonde, curly locks?

Or dream of having Jennifer Aniston's smooth, perfectly tamed and voluminous mane?

All you have to do is upload a photo of yourself and then "try on" any number
of celebrity styles to see which one is "you".  

Have a little fun with this next time you're tempted to lop off all your hair or
get out that box of hair color you've had stashed in the bathroom cabinet for months...

It's free and it'll save you months of heartache by not ending up with
a style/color you hate!  

Now, if only changes in our look could really be this easy!

Click HERE to visit the site where you can see how you look
with all sorts of celebrity hair styles!

Have fun!


P.S. - Me, I'm staying with what I have -- after all it hasn't even been a year
since I went back to my dark hair from blonde -- so, I'm good for now.


  1. I just laughed when I saw your post title because I was just showing our daughter Kate Gosselin's new hairdo! Too funny -- we gals and our hair. When my friend answered her phone earlier today I said "we should not be wearing bangs" (b/c I just read bangs make your face look heavier), AND I just decided TODAY to (once again--BIG SIGH!) let my hair grow. So your post is right on, and, of course I've played on that site before!

  2. oh heck, maybe i do need a new hairdo,but right now i desperately need just a good style haircut. Bestest,Denise

  3. I laughed too ~ just like Cathy I saw Kate's new style. As for hairstyles I am stuck with my own style...I cut my own because I am never happy with any stylist...but my biggest fear is going short. Been there ~ done that and don't like it!
    Will have to check the site out.

  4. ...hey, what I want to know is ~ is there a site to make over our face and makeup too?! HA!
    Taylor Swift is just gorgeous!!!!
    ...and I agree, it's forever a challenge to find that just right hair stylist(too many bad cuts;(
    but Thanks for the laugh!!

  5. Oh the trials and challenges of "good hair." I go back and forth with hairstyles -- I hate having just one look, so I try to figure out multiple ways to wear it, depending on the occasion. I'm also incredibly impatient; every time I think I'll grow it long, I end up cutting it short, just for a different look, when I don't want to wait for it to get to the desired length. I'm such a nut!

  6. Nope , uhuh, nada, I wouldn't DARE put this mug in that hair!!!You, however, look fabulous!!!!!I'd do it with Catherine Deuneuve though.........How fun!

  7. I just played on the website for 30 minutes, and I came to the conclusion that the hair color God gave me looks best... and it's way darker than the hair color I've chosen :)

  8. Hi Ruth,

    That was too funny. My hair is now back to the original color but with lots of grey running through it.

  9. Oh that sounds like a hoot!!! Hope your keeping well,its soooooooo cold here today!! Talk soon,Chrissy

  10. Thanks again for a beautifully wrapped JD Living magazine!
    This must be the best they have ever created yet!

  11. That's so cool! I always jump in and cut first! I should really try this next time! :)

  12. I love your post. I think we all suffer from the whole hair thing. I don't know what I will do if pulling your hair up with a large clip goes out of style. I just go for easy. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, always nice to meet new blog friends.

    xz, Michelle

  13. how have you been! just popping in to say hellooooo!


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