Friday, November 27, 2009

Letting You Eavesdrop On A Facebook Conversation Between Dream-Hubs & Me...

Taken by Dream-Hub's cell-phone, just minutes after
my package arrived -read on...

Our mail just arrived and wouldn't you know, Dream-Hubs was outside just as it was being dropped off. So he saw the box in my hands.

(Ladies... you KNOW you also try and hide packages that come... admit it.)

So I had no choice but to reveal the contents to him -- and so surprised he was, that he immediately took a picture with his phone of my new purchase and went straight to Facebook to
tell on me...

Here's how that went:

Doug Harsham Ice skates in Florida...

Doug Harsham
Doug Harsham
just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by anything an old mine cart in the kitchen, etc...guess what shows up in the mail for my wife... she actually had to hang the garland before she'd let me take the picture! These things look like they're 100 years old...

Ruth Harsham
Ruth Harsham
Gotta love life with me, huh? You do, right? :)

Ruth Harsham
Ruth Harsham
Besides, these may be the closest I ever get to actually having a use for ice skates. :(

Doug Harsham
Doug Harsham
wouldn't change a thing!

So ....

Yes -- I bought vintage leather ice skates to decorate my porch with... BUSTED.

Hey, can you blame a native Floridian for at least
d-r-e-a-m-i-n-g of cooler places???

Here's hoping your dreams come true...

And your "secret" packages go undiscovered. Well, maybe not... it's kinda fun when you actually get to SEE
the surprised/confused look on their face! ;)


  1. Oh, Ruth, this reminds me of so many packages arriving here that I tried to hide from my husband! Too funny! Of course a Florida girl has to have ice skates!


  2. Oh my stars I laughed and identified with this post :) my mr wonderful just hands me the packages and waits to see if I will share what craziness they of the last packages that I got was tiny..he just looked at it and handed it to me...when I saw it was from Ebay I got so excited, I told him...of all the treasures I have gotten in the mail...this one means the most(my eyes started to water)...well it made him sit down (I think I scared the poor man:) I opened the box and handed it to him to finish...he did and pulled out a lil organza bag with 2 tiny old wax seals...and said these are I said...look at the bottom..see what it stamps...It was his complete initials CJH on both in different beautiful script fonts...he smiled and hugged me...since then I don't hide the packages anymore (at least I TRY not to :) Rose

  3. Where in Florida? I'm in Orlando.
    Now I'm on the hunt for vintage ice skates because of you.

  4. Love your skates...and your husband certainly does appear to be a dream hubs!
    :) Laura

  5. i love this post! i laughed out loud.

  6. Oh honey, I wish I'd known! I have vintage ice skates for sale in my booth. I woulda cut ya a sweet deal. ;-)

  7. absolutely adorable...sounds like life around here....happy holidays....jules

  8. LOL! We've all been there. "This old thing...oh, no, I've had it for years." Love the vintage ice skates.
    Give your hubby a hug for understanding :-)

  9. The skates are perfect! I'm glad I'm not the only one who tries to get the packages in and opened before the hubs sees them all. :)

  10. Hi Ruth! I love the new do and the Snow!
    This is such a precious post...I would love to be able to send you some cold weather...and when the snow arrives send it too!
    Let me see what I can do!

    Talk with you soon...donna

  11. Very cute!Ive given up on hiding anything!

  12. Hi Ruth!
    Love the snow!!!! I try to "hide " things but usually they are 6 ft long...... OOPS! This was very clever with great pictures...Hope you have a very busy xmas!!!!

  13. Aww... this is sweet. And vintage ice skates hanging on any door is festive, even if you're in the middle of the Bahamas. We can all dream of a White Christmas!

  14. LOL! Great post Ruth~I'm always intercepting packages & hiding things from my wonderful hubby. I'm so glad your hubby "wouldn't change a thing!" Mine looks at old vintage things & says "You actually paid real money for this?" Your photo is scrumptious with the skates hanging! xo chris

  15. Adorable Ruth! Love the facebook, and the post.

    I will definitely be looking at old posts of your house at Christmas to get inspired. We have a huge fake tree in our family room, but Scott got me the cutest little real table top tree for the living room... i'm thinking French decorations! Duh!

    Love ya,

  16. Adorable Ruth! Love the facebook, and the post.

    I will definitely be looking at old posts of your house at Christmas to
    get inspired. We have a huge fake tree in our family room, but Scott
    got me the cutest little real table top tree for the living room... i'm
    thinking French decorations! Duh!

    Love ya,

  17. Perfect post for a Monday morning,you make me laugh Ruth,your so cute!! oxoxox

  18. You always make me smile...guilty too. Decorated the porch for Christmas yesterday and the hubby stated "I don't remember those" ~ referring to some large ornaments I had hanging from the ceiling ~ told him I've had them for a couple of years...with the look of I've heard that before on his face....I had to break out the pictures to prove it. ;-)
    Love the skates! Take care ~ Rebecca

  19. This was the cutest post EVER! What a sweet hubby you have! Lovin' the skates and the snow!


  20. Thank you, thank you so much!
    My beautifully wrapped Jeanne d'Arc Magazine came today-and I love it!
    -Sylvi, in WA
    PS "Sort of have the weather, but not the skates..."

  21. Hi Ruth,
    I love your ice skates! I especially love how your husband handled your new purchase! It's great you can enjoy them now, without feeling guilty for the purchase. Display them proudly, they're perfect!
    Have a wonderful day!


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