Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"It's A Wrap" Giveaway...

If you're dreaming of a Provençal Christmas, this is YOUR giveaway.

I have been a Pierre Deux devotee for decades and that style and those
colors come alive at Christmastime beautifully.

The rich greens and
reds of the traditional French Country style are seemingly "made for"
this time of year!

So, in honor of one of my favorite design styles, I pulled together a beautiful
giftwrap collection just for this giveaway with
products from
Cavallini, Midori Ribbon, and

I've used these products for years with many, many compliments on our giftwrapping and it finally dawned on me that I should share the beauty with YOU!

You won't find better quality papers/ribbons than these --

the giftwrap is so heavy, you could actually sew it and make
paper stockings (OOH! that's a great idea!).

It is not like anything you've used -- trust me, this is NOT the
kind of paper you'll want to rip away and toss in the garbage.
I've used this beautiful paper on the backs of bookshelves -- like you
might use wallpaper.

Of course, it makes the most elegant giftwrap, as well...

There is also the most fabulous paper boxwood garland that is
wired and can be used for all manner of things -- wonderful on
gifts, but also fabulous for fashioning mini-wreaths or using as
fanciful holiday "twist tie" for gift baskets.

The ribbon is gorgeous ruby-red organza, green taffeta with
thin red borders on either side.

A tin of fabulous Italian paper Cavallini gift/packaging labels
which "just happen" to coordinate PERFECTLY with the paper
and ribbon I selected... Funny how that happens... :)

So, here is what the lucky winner will get:

10 heavy sheets of Midori Provence Paper in French red,
retail price is $4.60 per sheet - this is amazing paper...
(Provence paper is 100% recycled cotton fiber, measuring 21"x29")

2 bolts of Midori organza ribbon in Cranberry
(each bolt is 9 yards long and the ribbon is 2" wide)

10 yards of narrow, red-edged Provence green ribbon.
Perfect paired with the light, wispy organdy!

A bundle of boxwood wired garland/ribbon.
(This stuff is addicting! You'll find yourself putting it EVERYWHERE!)

1 tin of fun Cavallini labels/stickers -
you'll LOVE using these top-quality labels with their
distinct old-world look.

Want a chance to win this wrapping giveaway?

Just leave a comment on this post
and on Thursday afternoon I'll
pick one winner.

With any luck, I'll have the winner's address info in time to mail out the
collection in Friday's mail!

You can feel free to spread the word about the giveaway.

Doing so won't give you extra chances at winning
(sorry, I know that's
a usual perk, but being such a busy time right now, I'm lucky to keep track
of just the comments right here on this blog...)
but if you feel like
mentioning the giveaway on your blog,
that would be swell.

Good luck and whoever wins this package is going to have
some GORGEOUSLY wrapped gifts!!

And don't worry!

If you don't win this one,

I have an entirely different collection in the wings

ready to be given away!

TOTALLY different look and colors!

That giveaway will start Thursday night and the winner
will be drawn Saturday.

Isn't this fun???

I love doing this!

Good luck!



  1. Very fun, Ruth - beautiful colors!

  2. Ruth, I'm very excited about the giveaway! I love organza ribbon. BTW, I am absolutely savoring my issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine. I'm taking my time to enjoy each delicious page.

  3. Oh fun! Thank you so much for offering this giveaway. I'm happy and excited about it. :)

    Also, I came to your site right now to place my first order with you...off I go. <3

  4. What a great giveaway! I just discovered your blog and have been meaning to leave you a note. I am inspired every time I visit!

    Best wishes,

  5. Hi Ruth, what a lovely giveaway! How generous of you. The wrapping is delightful...I'd be thrilled to win!! Lynn

  6. Ruth ~
    You are so generous! So lovely ~
    And I just have to say the last issue of this year for Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine is to die for! ~ and the best part is, I already own all those beautiful rose bunt cake pans!!! Can we say white roses and tulips for the Christmas table?!
    peace/love, Rosemary

  7. Ruth
    So fun and SO generous! Just love all the RED.
    Nancy N.

  8. Anonymous12/02/2009

    You do the best giveaways Ruth! This is so fun :)

    Rachel Setliffe

  9. You are the best! Have you come up for air yet after sending out all the Danish parcels?!

  10. Hi Ruth, what a fabulous giveaway! Count me in!

    I am loving my issue of Jeanne d'Arc living. I always take my time and slowly make my way through it. It is such a treat.


  11. It all sounds so wonderful Ruth! Have a great day ~ Rebecca

  12. Love everything!

    You are, as usual, more than generous~

    Fantastic Giveaway!


  13. Hey sweetie,
    eeekkk so fabulous!!
    hope all is well

  14. Anonymous12/02/2009

    Hey, Ruth! I wanna win!! I wanna win!! Love you, also! Bye!


  15. What a fabulous giveaway parcel Ruth ~ I would love to enter my name in the draw ~Thank you ♥

  16. You are just TOO much fun! The set looks so amazing and I've seen those Christmas labels before and LOVE everything by that company, especially the French stamp collection! I'm enjoying my blog and coffee sign! Reminds me of who I really am LOL! Happy Wednesday! ~Des

  17. Ooo! I need this! Pick me!

  18. Anonymous12/02/2009

    does corporate know about you giving away so much loot??

    =dream hubs :)

  19. Awesome giveaway items, Ruth, as always. YOU are awesome. LindaSonia

  20. I love special wrapping!!! Great choices and the colors are so fabulous for this time of year!!!

  21. Bonjour Ruth! What a fabulous (and practical) giveaway. This is my first time participating in a giveaway - here goes...

  22. Anonymous12/02/2009

    OOOOH! Beautiful Giveaway! Count me in!

  23. Love it, love it! What a great give-away-will mention on my blog!

  24. hi, count me in and good luck to everyone and a big thank you to you, Ruth. Bestest, Denise

  25. Hi Ruth!
    I am a huge Midori Fan!
    I love everything they make!
    What a fun give-away...I can see alot of great ideas for using these cool products.
    Hope you are having an awesome week!

    love ya...donna

  26. Anonymous12/02/2009

    tres chic - merci

  27. This would be great to win! Thanks for the chance!

  28. Beautiful paper and goodies.... it would be fun to try to sew some items out of the paper....

    Lots of very pretty eye candy!!

  29. I love everything Red and everything French Provencal. I also love my new Jeanne d' Arc two tiered zinc tray. Thank you Ruth!!

  30. Ruth,
    You are always so generous and have the nicest giveaways! I have been remiss in reading my bloglist lately and missed your cute sassy ways!

  31. I just found your fabulous blog and I am in total awe! Will be following you on Facebook! This giftwrap and other treasures are just gorgeous!

  32. What a lovely and generous giveaway! All in the beautiful colors I decorate in for Christmas :) Rose

  33. Just discovered your blog not long ago. What a great giveaway! I love the colors, and that garland is sweet!


  34. Very Nice!!! I'd love to win!

  35. Hi Ruth, what a lovely and extravagant giveaway. I'm a big fan of Cavallini! The ribbon and paper are just gorgeous. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway!
    thank you!

  36. Nice to visit your site - as usual you have such great stuff, and wonderful eye candy....and you are KILLING ME!! I should be working, but I then start browsing all the other blogs you have listed and then start reading all your comments...it is like going down a rabbit hole.

    THIS is why I stay away from the internet....I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs...but the blog world is too addicting for me when there are so many good ones out there! :-)

    Thanks for sharing,

  37. I absolutely love to visit your website! What a lovely giveaway!


  38. Beth Rawling12/03/2009

    I absolutely love to visit your website. Your giveaway is lovely.


  39. Love those rich, festive colors!

  40. I LOVE the snow falling in your blog! I've been enjoying the FAB bottle rack I purchased from you awhile back - perfect for ornaments! Leslie

  41. Oh my goodness.........what a generous and lovely giveaway...please enter me too! I ADORE Midori....isn't it just the best?

    Warm blessings,

  42. What a wonderful giveaway. Such a fun things to celebrate the holidays!

  43. Hi Ruth!
    I am sneaking on my blog for relief from opening boxes.....Don't tell Robespierre!!! I just wanted to say to your readers this is a GREAT givaway!!!!!!!I am excluding myself because I am up to my "Bip Boop" in ribbon etc. But Midori is great stuff along wit the Provencal accroutrements.....:)

  44. Beautiful wrapping items. Sometimes I think the way a gift is packaged is as much of a gift as the item inside!!

  45. Hey Girl!
    So...if I leave two comments...am I entered twice?
    Just kidding!
    I called today...you were busy...'tis the season...Let me know when you get your wreath!
    Love ya dear friend...donna

  46. just love it all


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