Friday, November 27, 2009

Let The Countdown Begin...

{One of our trees from last Christmas.}

Though it seems hard to believe,
the "count down to Christmas" is on!

I love it!

Thanksgiving was lovely and to peer inside my fridge,
you'd think we didn't eat a thing yesterday since there is SO much stuffed
on every shelf in there! But who doesn't love tons of leftover
pies, cakes, and goodies? :)

If you're out and about hitting the Black Friday sales,
be careful -- and be nice!! :)

May you not get your toes run over by a zealous shopper's cart.

May you not get trampled in a stampede for a sale item.

May you take every opportunity to stop as often as possible
for a hot latte and catch your breath.

Then again... do Black Friday shoppers need to
add caffine to the mix?

Just kidding... :)

Hope you get the deals you're looking for and may you
check everything off your shopping list today!!

Have a wonderful weekend and be looking for
our next giveaway!
You'll need it for all those presents you bought today!



  1. Oh girl, you couldn't pay me enough to venture out and hit the Black Friday sales. Uh uh, not this girl. Life has gotten so much less complicated since I began shopping vintage. We're a nicer lot. ;-)

  2. Hi Ruth~ hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Our fridge is so full too, lots of leftovers for quite awhile. lol.

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Absolutely adore the clock face ornament!SWOON!! Hope you have a fabulous day.

  4. Love that tree, Ruth (and your music today)! Anne hit the nail on the head :) We are going out to cut down our tree today though!

    Got my goodies and only took a little, teeny peek at the necklace and birds as those are my Christmas gifts :)

  5. Thankfully the pumpkin pie is gone or I'd be scarfing more of that, but everything else is stuffed to the brim in my fridge too.

    Not venturing out for a week. Hate shopping crowds, hate the commercialism. Painting my paneled family room instead in preparation for getting the tree on Sunday. :o)

    Got my poster! Thanks so much!

  6. No Black Friday shopping for me. I wouldn't go near those crowds! I agree with Anne - shopping vintage s so much nicer - and saner!


  7. Ruth,

    Isn't it great to have all that wonderful food sitting in your fridge? No cooking at least for several days!!

    I haven't ventured out on Black Friday in soooooo long that I would probably would be the one trampled with that zealous cart!!

    Have a great weekend.


  8. Bonjour Ruth! This post made me smile. Your new swoon-worthy banner is great! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


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