Tuesday, December 6, 2011

You Know That Feeling When You Get To Pass That LONG Line And Go Straight To The Front??? Consider This Your All-Access Pass To Jeanne d'Atc Living!

By now, I hope all of my customers know that all you pretty much have to do is
ask me for something and if it's at all within my power to do it, 
it's done.

Well, after years of fielding daily calls, emails and 
Facebook messages from many of you
asking if you can just buy a subscription
to Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine

(instead of ordering each issue one-by-one
throughout each year)

we are happy to (FINALLY)
announce that we are now offering
a subscription service for that gorgeous magazine.

And what better time of to begin your subscription!!
The 1st issue of 2012 will be here and shipping out
in January and we can get your 
started with that issue!

Of course we still offer the magazine on an
issue-by-issue basis so you can buy just the issues you want
as they come out.

For those who always buy each issue and know they will 
continue to do so,
a subscription is the way to go!!!

Here are just a few reasons why:

1.)  No more "waiting in line" so to speak...your name is 
always "on the list" and in line to get the next issue!
You skip having to always try to be on alert to 
when each issue is coming so you can be sure to 
order your copy -- now you can just make one
purchase (the subscription) and sit back and wait
for each issue to appear in your mail box.

2.)  With a subscription, you enjoy a bit of a savings by
buying a year at a time Your price per issue goes from
$26.00/each to $24.00/each.
Same free shipping as always.

3.)  You will be guaranteed that you will not be caught
without an issue in the event a particular one sells out 
quickly.  This has become the rule rather than the
exception lately!  And when we go to try and order more
from Denmark, we're finding that now even they are sold out!
Your purchase of a subscription will have secured each and
every issue of the year -- no worries.

What better time to put a subscription to
Jeanne d'Arc Living on your list to Santa??  ;)

Or, what about giving a year of beauty to your mom,
sister, daughter, best friend, etc..?

Place your order for them online and we'll do the rest --
all year long they will get issue after issue of some of the most
inspiring, breath-taking beauty they can inagine.

If you have any questions, just let me know!
But really, if you are a regular buyer,

Hope your December is off to a lovely (chilly?) start!
We're still unseasonably warm here in Florida
(well... "normal" for Florida, but not at all
Christmassy weather).  ;)

Here's the link again for ordering
your subscription:




  1. Is the magazine available to Canadian subscribers?

  2. Wowww how cool is that!! My favorite magazine ever!

  3. Hi, Ruth. So nice to meet you at Becky's this weekend. I'm following along on your blog now and looking forward to visiting your shop next. Hope to see you again soon.


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