Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas To My Sweet Blog Friends :)

It's a lovely, peaceful evening here in my house:
the movie "The Ultimate Gift" on tv after returning
from a nice long ride to look at Christmas lights
all topping off a generally perfect Christmas day.

It's hard to believe that once again, this special time of year is now
pretty much passed and we're perched on the edge of 2012!

This month as been SO busy -- not only with the store and
orders for magazines and shop items, but in the personal realm,
my sweet daughter, Olivia, graduated last weekend (12-17)
from college.

I seem to remember that not that long ago I posted about her 
FIRST day at college.  So I ask you, WHERE has the time gone??

Well, in all fairness she did move at a pretty accelerated rate and
graduated early, but still...  :)

This is the girl who spent 6 weeks this past summer on her own
in Israel working with an organization that reaches out to Palestinians.
She traveled several times into the West Bank/Gaza Strip delivering 
food relief aid packages to needy Palestinian families.

This is the same girl who only AFTER she was safely back at home
let me in on the fact that the church-owned guest house she stayed in
had just been re-opened after extensive repairs due to arson at the hands
of some extremists in the area.
She knew about this before she left, but chose not to share this
nugget of info with me -- it didn't change her mind and she figured
no point worrying me... Oh my...

She absolutely fell in love with Israel -- I think she left a part of
her heart there...
(Olivia, in the library of the guest house)

I believe, if given the chance, she might well have 
stayed there and asked for her things to be shipped to her.
Israel was a perfect fit for her -- the foods,
the surroundings, the "feel".
(Sitting at the Sea of Galilee)

So now, she has her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts 
(concentrated in painting) and for the next 1/2 year she'll
take a breather until she heads off to pursue a Masters Degree in
Intercultural Studies.

I'll be trying to soak in and savor every single minute with her until 
she leaves next year... *SIGH*

If you've followed my blog for a while, you have to know that she and I are
linked -- tightly linked.  I'm so happy for her -- so proud of her... but when she
takes off next year... a HUGE piece of me goes with her.  Ouch.  
But it's a "good" ouch.  If that's possible.  :)

Well, I digress...  This is a post to say 
Merry Christmas to you all and to thank you,
from the bottom of my heart,
for sticking with me this past crazy-busy year!! 

We've grown quite a bit this year, and I'm thinking up 
some fun new changes for the new year for the store.

All in all, life is wonderful and I am blessed.

How about you?  :)

All is calm, all is bright...
Merry Christmas to all
and to all
a good night.




  1. Hi Ruth,
    I know you must be so proud of your daughter. It is so funny how similar we are to have our art major girls to be so proud of! I;m sure good things are heading her way. My wishes to you to enjoy all the time you can together in 2012. Merry Christmas to you, sweetie!!


  2. Merry Christmas, Ruth.
    What an adventurous life your daughter is living. Congratulations to her for her huge accomplishments. You must be so proud. Thank you for all the wonderful things you've shared this year. I'm looking forward to seeing your changes for 2012. My, 2011 sure flew by!
    Blessings to you and your entire family. From our home to yours,

  3. Merry Christmas Ruth,
    Your daughter is incredible, she has already accomplished what others must dream of.

    I love reading stories like this, there are some wonderful young adults out there!

    xo Rhonda

  4. My only daughter just left yesterday morning for Egypt...A part of me has just died. I remain a jumbled mess..Rhonda

  5. JUST found your blog and am in LOVE with it!

  6. Hello Ruth! I guess I should say Happy New Year! I just returned home and I'm trying to catch up with everthing. I missed my FB and Blog so much! Is that silly? Anyway, hope you enjoyed your holiday....

  7. Hi - just found your blog and store. Very beautiful - both. Just relish the time that you are with your daughter. My youngest daughter has been in California (on the other side of the country from me) for over 5 years. She is now pregnant with her first (a girl) - due in April - and she is moving back here because she misses her family very much. I am overjoyed. She bought a house about 10 miles away - and she will be here by the summer.

    Part of my heart was gone for the time she was in CA. She and I are linked - like you and your daughter. It must have been so tough for you while she was in Israel. Your daughter seems like a wonderful and very deep and committed young woman. You must be very proud. Enjoy the time you have. I think that in the long run - she will be with you when she is finished with her graduate studies. When you are linked - you're linked. Savor the time she is here with you.


  8. Wow! How neat it would be to walk where Jesus walked:)

  9. Ruth, this post gave me goose bumps...good ones! I have 4 kids and share your amazement that time has a way of slipping through a mom's fingers. This is my first time visiting your blog, but I visit your website often and order all my JDA magazines from you! A bit of good news...I heard from Fifi today that our home will be featured in an upcoming issue of JDA soon! Whoo Hoo! I definitely need to get that issue! LOL. Take care, Ruth!

  10. Momma pride... is there anything better?????? NO there isn't! Oh how I loved this!
    Have a pretty day!

  11. cute blog! why did you stop? come check out our giveaway! XO

  12. What an adventurous life your daughter is living. Congratulations to her for her huge accomplishments.


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