Thursday, February 24, 2011

Now this is cool.... Turn Your Blog Into A Book!

I don't pretend to think that my blog is worthy of 
being book-bound, but...
some of you have blogs that are just
TAILOR-MADE for this!!

My friend Cheryl mentioned this site one day
on Facebook and I was enthralled!

The site is called BLURB and she says her daughter,
a young mother of several children, blogs regularly all year long
about family life, schooling, etc... and then prints it all out in
book-form at the close of each year.


When you think about it, so many of your blogs are filled with
the everyday -- the precious, sweet minutia of life that
10, 15, 20+ years from now you'll wish you could 
replay, revisit.

Think of how wonderfully everyday life is chronicled here on our blogs ---
what if with the start of every new year, you could just
book-bind your entire year's blogging?

It's the best of scrapbooking and blogging rolled into one!

You end up with a beautifully bound version of your blog 
and you have it for keeps.

What fun!

If you're newly married, just starting a family,
or already well into all that, you just may 
like the idea of preserving your yearly musings 
for "posterity".  

How fun would it be for your kids to thumb through your blog posts about
all their antics, when they're in their 20's and 30's... I think that would be fabulous!!!  :)

Just wanted to share.   :)



  1. I love this idea!!!
    I've actually thought of doing it because my Mom is such a big part of my blog and it would be such a wonderful way to preserve all the fun and memories we've had together since I began blogging.
    Thanks so much for the link!

  2. wow! now why didn't we think of that? thanks for the heads-up -- it's a GREAT idea! xoxo

  3. keep us posted if you create one?
    i've thought of that myself, think i even have the site bookmarked.
    brilliant idea indeed!

    have a beautiful sunshiny weekend xo

  4. I have had a Blurb book made of each year of blogging. It really is a lovely way to preserve all the posts. I'm starting to edit year 3! I did a post all about it a while back.


  5. that is too cool. just like having a daily diary and what fun it will be to go back and reread all those days. good idea.Bestest,Denise

  6. Better yet why doesn't someone start a business and do it?????I don't have time...... Maryanne xo

  7. A great idea!!! xoxo Beth

  8. Dearest Ruth,

    That was a great tip! Love your blog and I'm your newest follower.
    Have a great Sunday!



  9. wow...that would be amazing! What a great thing to hand down to your children! It's not about our blogs being 'worthy''s about them being real pieces of 'us' ..the good the bad and the funny of each day that life brings us...and what WE do with it! Love that idea!


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