Friday, February 18, 2011

Good Friday Morning To You... Can I Pass You Some Banana Bread?

I am still here at home before heading over to attend to 
"shop duties" for the day,
and I thought I'd invite you to my kitchen table for an impromptu slice of
fresh-from-the-oven banana chocolate chip bread
and some coffee or hot tea.

If you'd prefer, I can cook up some Irish oatmeal for you.

Either way, as I sit here on my lap top, catching up on emails,
blogs, and, of course, Facebook, I thought
"Why not open the back screen door and invite my
blog friends in for breakfast??"

I took this quickie picture with my cell-phone so pardon it's
lack of quality.  :)

Yes, I was literally just taking the banana bread out of the oven
and placing it on the metal tray to cool when I thought
I'd just shoot a quick pic to upload to Facebook
to say "Hi" to all my Facebook friends.

So if you're on Facebook with me, sorry for the 
duplication.  :)

And if you are NOT on Facebook..... WHY NOT????  ;)

Happy Friday to you ALL
and please, have as much of that 
banana bread as you want, and take some home
with you, won't you?

I don't need it sitting around here tempting me all weekend!  :)



  1. I would love a slice or two of that banana bread...Thanks for the invite... I must have butter.....

  2. OH yum...I would like some for sure!!! That looks so good. I have the ingredients for this in my cabinet. Hmmmm...maybe some baking will be done today! =)

  3. Thanks Ruth... that is the best kind... calorie free.... Im on a kick..11 pounds in ten days... going for the I will have all the virtual banana bread you can serve up...wish I could have that cup of joe in person...xo.

  4. I would love to pop in the back porch for a quick chat! And nothing says comfort food like warm banana bread with a pat of real butter.....yum!
    Happy Friday!!

  5. YUMMY! I always get the chocolate chip banana bread at Starbucks! I'll be over in five!

  6. I would LOVE some of the yummy nanner bread!! I got my package yesterday and I just blogged about it and other things I have purchased from bloggers!! Your the best! Rhonda

  7. sure, i am up for something sweet.but could i have a couple pieces? if it's sweet, i am in. Bestest,Denise

  8. I love banana bread, if you would like a little extra treat toast it. So good.

  9. Your so cute Ruth!
    I love fresh baked bread just out of the oven! So comforting!
    Just the thought of popping in the back door of a friends is precious and honestly, refreshing!
    You hardly ever hear any one say it anymore!
    Have a blessed weekend

  10. I agree with Mel -- this is the best kind of banana bread! Lovely tune, too!

  11. YUMMY! I love banana bread, and wish I had some right now.....warm and dripping with butter!
    Cathy aka GGJ

  12. Anonymous2/21/2011

    I would LOVE to come and visit you as soon as you can possibly find time. With our without food. I would be happy to take our visit as food. I love you so much. I miss you muchly.


  13. that looks so yummy ruth! I love baking in the winter months & love eating it even more-lol! :) chris


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