Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Few New Pretties For The Shop, An Amazing Giveaway, And A Blog Award...

The vintage-style reproduction FRENCH GRAVE HEART WALL HOOKS,
as show above, is something I'm so excited to have now in the shop.
The real deal is almost impossible to come by here in the states,a
and I suspect would cost a pretty penny.
Imagine my glee when I discovered these faithful reproductions that 
serve as useful wall hooks!

We've finally restocked this GIANT SACRED HEART
after being out of stock for many, many months:


Hand-sculpted and painted ROSE NECKLACES.

No two are alike -- just as in nature.

The rose necklaces were made up in three special colors for us --
Pewter (French Grey), Aubergine (a lovely plum-y, eggplant color),
and Blush (a parchment color with blush-pink tints).

I hope you'll stop by the NEW ITEMS page and see all that's new in-store!

that I know you'll want to know about!!

Carol, from Raised In Cotton, is having what just may be 
one of the BEST giveaways I've ever seen in blog-land.

Let's just say...
If you are a Jeanne d'Arc Living devotee, um...
Go HERE to see and enter!!!!

Another sweet blogging "sister" gave me a blog award and I am just
tickled pink.

Adrienne, from A WHOLE LOTTA LOVE blog
passed along the Sunshine Blog Award to several bloggers including moi.

Thank you so much, Adrienne!!!

I kind of feel unworthy getting any blog award anymore since I find that
WAY TOO MUCH time goes between blog posts. 
I hereby pledge to do better!!

In the last few weeks, my daughter has gone to and returned from 
another trip to China.  Many amazing things happened (all good)
and she even got to meet up with some of the same students she saw last year.

I had a birthday (I'll do a separate blog post on the super fun
steampunk jewelry I got!!).

And one of my sisters was diagnosed with and had surgery for uterine cancer.
She is now in the healing stage (both physically and emotionally) so if 
you think of her, please remember Libby in your prayers.  

There are six of us girls (and two boys) in our family and we love each
other dearly --- a blessing we do not take for granted.  It hurts us all
when one is hurting.     I know you know what I mean.

Well, sweet friends, its about time for me to think about cooking supper.


I need to actually do more than THINK about it, right?  ;)

Have a great evening and I thank each of you for every little 
stop you make here.

I intend to try and hunker down (boy I really dislike that phrase) 
and find time to go through all YOUR blogs.  Things have been 
so crazy here and I have gotten REALLY far behind on that!
And it's something I really love to do, too!

Good evening to you all and
if you have any supper ideas, I'm all ears!  



  1. You have added some lovely things to your shop. I'll be checking it out.

    Thanks for the info on the giveaway too.

    I'll be sending up prayers for your sister.


  2. Ruth, I love the rose necklaces, just fabulous! Sending prayers and blessings to your sister Libby and all of your family. ~Brooke

  3. Firstly, happy belated birthday!

    Secondly, prayers for your sisters continued healing.

    Thirdly, that really IS a wonderful giveaway, isn't it? Carol is just the best.

    Your shop is looking so fab! All the stuff I need for the new cottage. :-)

    Big hugs,

  4. Ruth, What pretties in your shop, I will check them out! I am sorry about your sister and I will remember Libby in my prayers! It is a blessing you are all close, my brothers and sisters are not this way and it's just awful, so I'm pretty much a stickler with my adult children that you must always love your siblings! I'm a pushy kind of Momma! Ha! Suzie

  5. hi ruth, you have had alot going on! i saw carols giveaway. it is fabulous! i'm glad your daughter went and returned safely. i'll be praying for your sister and family. i'm going to check out your shop now. oh, and happy birthday to you!

  6. Ruth,
    Your new additions to the shop are beautiful!!!!

  7. Bonjour Ruth,
    You have added some lovely thing sot your shop. Will definitely kkep Libby in my prayers.
    Bon week-end,

  8. Anonymous8/13/2010

    You're a special doll Ms Ruth~Thank You so much for the wonderful mention:))) Also, I sent a lady your way looking for more Jeanne d Arc Living Mag's:))

    Blessings My Friend:)

    Raised In Cotton

  9. you've been on my mind so much as of late ....

    I miss our chats ... life gets so in the way!


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