Friday, August 13, 2010

Faux The Love Of Zinc! {A tutorial for the zinc-crazed. Like me.}

Remember last month when I did a post about 
going "dream shopping" across the internet 
(mainly Restoration Hardware) for bedroom furniture?

Remember this beauty I had on my 
wish list?

I do love this piece, but it carries with it quite a hefty price tag
(umm... $1,895.00 to be exact) and while I am SURE it
is well worth every penny....


I don't think it will be being unloaded off a delivery truck at my house anytime soon.

So imagine my glee when

(ugh - that reminds me of the TV show, Glee...
do any of you watch that??  I just don't get it...
but I digress...)

I saw this tutorial on a blog that shows you how to 
VERY CLOSELY reproduce the zinc finish!!

Just LOOK at the "faux zinc" version:

The details are perfect!

Below is the "real deal" -- the one from Restoration Hardware:

And right below here is the "faux zinc" treatment...
What do YOU think???

I was initially directed to the tutorial via one of 
my favorite blogs, Brooklyn Limestone.

I clicked over to Freckled Laundry's blog and saw her step
by step directions -- not too, too daunting -- actually seems like something I
could pull off!

Want to try your hand at "Faux Zinc"?  View Jami's tutorial HERE

I fell in love with her blog and I think you will, too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

That's exzinctly what I plan to do!
{I couldn't resist...}


  1. Looks great. Can't wait to see you pull it off!!

  2. You are so sweet to share my tutorial, Ruth! I'm happy you like it (and my blog). Off to peek around yours...

    Thank you so much!

  3. Mornin' Ruth! I love both of these! Can't wait to see yours! I know it will be great!

  4. Looks fabulous! I am off to check it out.Thanks Kim

  5. Hi Ruth, wow, faux zinc? I think it almost looks better! I'm on my way to check out the tut. Are you going to try it? Love the inspiration!

  6. Hi Ruth!
    It never ceases to amaze me what a little talent and elbow grease will do. I think she did a great job.. They are both beautiful I wonder if you could tell from a distance......Maryanne xo

  7. I love this piece too!
    I am totally blown away by her amazing tutorial!
    we are doing zinc tops in our new kitchen...wouldn't this finish be cool in the entry?
    Well...I with you on this...I am seriously zinc-crazed these days as well and I think it would look great anywhere!
    I hope you are staying cool!

  8. Ruth I am following you after getting the nod from jami at Freckled Laundry to check out your blog! Its terrific,and I love the name of it.

  9. LOVE it!
    (I don't "get" Glee, either:)

  10. zinc lover here! am curious to find out if the faux zinc is indeed as un-daunting as it sounds... thank you for such a suczinct post!

  11. Oh Wowser! I can't wait to go check this out!!!! LOVE the zinc look!!!! I'm seeing this on a table top purrhaps....oh my whiskers are itching......gotta run on over to Freckled Laundry....

    Thanks for sharing!


    Romeo and "her"

  12. I think the faux zinc looks awesome!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the idea :)

  13. You did a great job and I would have never known it was the real looks terrific !!!

  14. Wow, Iam glad to find your blog!! I just recently purchased a Bottle Drying rack from you!! I Love the END result..I have my white cups hanging on it!! Its pictured in my blog!! New follower! Rhonda

  15. Wow! Thanks Ruth, for stopping by my little ole blog..and following even!! I feel special!! I have my eye on a thing or 2 more from your site! I love it!! Rhonda

  16. Oh my, that's fantastic!!! Will have to check out that how-to. Do share if you try it!!

  17. you did FAB!!!!!

    i have a small cabinet that i refinished in "zinc" a couple of years ago by trial & error. i was inspired by the horchow site, but $$$$$. zinc is just amazing!

    i'll check out the tutorial & see if i can improve on my cabinet!

  18. Looks Fab...What a great idea for ANY piece of MY house :) Thanks for sharing!

  19. Dear God, this is genius! You know I have to find something to 'zinc up' now.
    P.S. How was I not already following you?!?! Sometimes google reader confuses me. Sorry love. Now I am official.


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