Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"What IS That Thing??" Or, What Else You Can Do With A French Bottle Drying Rack... :)

It seems our metal reproduction French bottle drying racks are getting a lot of attention
at the moment.  

And I'm good with that!   :)

Recently here on the blog,
 I shared how at least two customers who purchased our bottle drying racks turned
 them into chandeliers -- one for her home, the other for her restaurant.

Also, we were blessed to have been contacted by Conde Nast (UK division) to have these
racks featured in their publication, The World Of Interiors.

And now all of the sudden we're getting orders from the UK for the racks.   ;)

But for all who know what a "bottle drying rack" is, there are many, I'm finding
who have never heard of them or seen them.

And in all fairness, if you think about it, they can look a bit
intimidating if not other-worldly.  

Some have even likened them to what looks like a torture device.  

We who love them, though, need no explanation and to us, they are 
s-h-e-e-r  b-e-a-u-t-y. 

One recent purchase of one of the last of the Jeanne d'Arc Living bottle racks was my
sweet friend and customer, Debra.

She did what I adore -- she sent me pictures of how she's using her new 
drying rack and just look at what she's done with it...

Now if THIS doesn't look like it came from the pages of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine,
I don't know what does.

I adore the cheerful, feminine look she's created here and what I really love
is her use of the bottle rack is strictly for display purposes -- a base or foundation to hold her treasures
in a VERY unique way, but a base that is completely unique in itself.

The display "spills out" onto the table just enough -- not too much -- perfect balance.

The starfish, potted plants and Spring/Summer linens can all be later swapped out
with items that lend themselves for Fall/Winter... and I cannot even begin to imagine
what Debra will do with it then.

{HINT HINT, Debra... feel free to send pics then, too!}

Just this evening, when I got back home for the day, I quickly got out my camera
so I could shoot a few quick shots of how I am personally using my bottle drying rack
at the moment.  

"At the moment" being the operative, since no doubt it will be relocated and
changed up again before long.  I can't keep things the same for very long, you know.   :)

Here is how the rack stands for now, in my dining room.

{And for the record, I took these pics all soooo quickly without worrying if
things were "just so" anywhere in the house, so be kind if you find
dust or something out of place.
It's there in the background to the left of the window.  Remember I had it in my
kitchen when I first brought it home?  Yep.  I've moved it.  It looks AWESOME 
in the living room, changing the room from looking all formal and stiff 
and giving it more of a funky Antrhopologie-style vibe.}  


It was placed there rather on the spur of the moment, as I brought one home
one day recently when I realized that if I wanted to be sure to have one of the
Jeanne d'Arc Living racks to keep for myself, I had to snap it up and out of the
shop before they were all gone.  
And I'm glad I did, as they are sold out now!

Not knowing WHERE I was going to put it (it is just so huge and bulky)
I quickly shoved a few things aside on the dining table and walked about 
the house gathering all the vintage books I could find to place on
the pegs.   

Quite honestly -- this may be my favorite way to use the rack.

I adore it with books all over it!  

{WOW!  LOOK at the chipped paint on those floors!
Ha ha!!  LOVE IT!!  I really do.
And NO, my dining room walls are NOT THAT yellow!
For some reason, they always photograph far brighter than they
actually.  In real life, they have a very warm umber glaze all over them
and are actually quite a warm mustard vs. the BIG BIRD YELLOW
you see here!!}


But I have used other of my racks for mugs and glasses at parties 
(always a crowd-pleaser) 

and for bolts and bolts of ribbon in the shop for
packing and wrapping.

And another new idea I've thought of is putting the rack in a prominent spot
like the entry hall and deck it out with mementos (hung from lovely ribbon if
the item needs a bit of help to "hang on" to the prong).

Although I don't show it properly here, I can just see
vintage watch/clock faces, bundles of lavender, 
old pictures, nestle starfish among the prongs or laid on
the table nearby as Debra did... the sky is the limit.
And WHAT A STATEMENT it would make as guests first walk in.

It would be a "tree" blooming with all that says "you".

 {Photo note:  the last three pictures above show the rack we
currently have for sale on the site.  You assemble it ships flat and you
simply assemble it when it arrives.  The rack shown in the first seven
pictures is the now sold-out Jeanne d'Arc Living rack which will not be re-stocked}.

Well, that's about it.  I wanted to be sure and share Debra's pictures with
you and some of the ways I've been using one around my house.

How fun it is to experiment and play with the things we already
have -- turning them into something "new" all over again! 

From one drying-rack-lover to another,



  1. I doubt I would have any trouble finding use for this staple!

  2. I love the way both you and Debra have used your racks. It really is a fun and interesting piece to display any number of things!

  3. You know how uch I love these things!
    They are so versatile! I now have two of them (one I bought from you!) And I am always finding new ways to use them.
    I have one that I made into a chandy! It is so much fun to see peoples reaction when they figure out what it was made from.
    I must admit though...the one you carry with the thinner pegs is my absolute fav! It holds so many things that the heavier gauge ones.

    At the store...I have done a display with's really fun next to the sink too after I have rinsed out the coffee mugs and pot.
    Have a wonderful evening,
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. Adore drying racks and it's nice to see how Debra used hers!
    Thank you Ruth for your thoughtful words. You are right!!


  5. great, great ideas!!!

  6. What creative ideas. Hubby has one of those drying bottle drying racks with his wine making equipment... hmmm will have to see if he notices it missing..HHL

  7. Anonymous7/22/2010

    Gotta Love them ~ they're just too Cool!!!

  8. Debra is very talented and has great taste and style!!!!!
    Warm hugs from Poland to all!

  9. Great ideas!!! I may pilfer this and do in my window...... I think you should write a book and title it One Million ways to use wine racks and old wine bottles.....It would be a best seller!!!!Maryanne xo

  10. Gorgeous! I love those old drying racks. It is always on my "wish" list! I love how people change them up for the change in the season, especially for Christmas with tinsel and vintage glass ornaments!! Thanks for sharing!!

  11. Thank you are too kind to post my display. I love what you did with the vintage books, very clever! These racks would look great with some of your Emma Bridgewater pottery, wouldn't they?? The bottle racks you still have available actually have more tiers and display space.....more fun to decorate!!

    xo, Deborah

  12. Ruth, thank you so much for you nice comment! I means a lot.

    I love your photos! They looks really vintage and I have a thing for vintage things just as my Grandma ;]

    I will continue to read up on your blog posts...
    Thanks again,
    Jasmin from LiveLoveLaugh

  13. Feeling totally inspired by your blog. New fan and follower. Have a great weekend.

  14. whoever invented the rack never thought that the style and function will come back and repurposed. have a great weekend! verbena cottage

  15. Great idea with the ribbon! I have a box FULL of ribbon just begging for a drying rack.
    P.S. La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong is one of my all time favorites. Have you heard the original by Edith Piaf? So gorgeous.

  16. Oh yes!! LOVE the use of these as both you and Debra have shown!!!! Love displays that show our purrsonalities ;)

    "Her" and Romeo

  17. Love the racks I will be looking for one. They remind me of bottle trees.


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