Sunday, July 25, 2010

Come Dream-Shopping With Me!

Ohhhh these sooo unfairly tug at my heart.
My heart
that loves anything and everything with
graphics and text... 
Sooo not fair....

They are new "Love Letter" bed sheets from
(Between $240 & $270/set 
depending on size.)

And while we're on the subject of bed sheets, I am going to be in the market for 
a new bed/mattress before long (long overdue!) and I was browsing the

Restoration Hardware site (again) 
and found a few things that 

Leather sleigh bed... on sale, no less. 

Or, this vintage-look metal bed... yes, I could live with this...

But I also love the simple, elegant lines of this wing-back style upholstered headboard.
Hmmm... I think I'll choose a tan or charcoal linen...
Oh... sorry, still dreaming and wishing.

And nearby in the bedroom, wouldn't this be the PERFECT spot for putting on 
makeup and doing my hair??  Yes... I do believe it would...

Nightstands are a necessity, of course, so how about these?

And what cozy retreat would be complete without this tobacco leather chest of drawers --
trunk style?  Oh my... I'm in trouble... There is no going back now.
And in the joining bath, it only makes sense to add this beauty -- 
it relates so well with the other pieces in the bedroom, right?

I have longed for one of these French baker/patisserie tables forever...
from whenever the first time I ever laid eyes on it.
I wish I could remember where I saw this picture --
I would love to give credit where credit is due...

There has been a lot of talk of boots in my house for the last couple of months...

My husband, not one I would have EVER pegged for wanting cowboy boots,
is now proud owner of a pair of rather fancy ones:

All after simply going in
to our local shoe repair shop (which also happens to specialize in boots) to pick up
some of my shoes that were in for repair.   But I digress... 

And I could be a boot girl if I lived somewhere that would actually make
these practical.  But Florida -- not so much.

But my heart does go pitter patter when I see these!  

I imagine myself heading out for the day on snowy streets, bundled up in 
some fabulous coat and a pair of jeans -- and these boots.

And a little "shorty" version that is so cute!

I saw these on a wonderful Swedish blog, Biskopsgarden.

Well, it's now 12:30 am on Sunday morning and in less than 6 hours
my daughter, Olivia, will be at the airport meeting up with her group
to head off once again to China for 2 weeks.

She has opted to stay up all night and skip any sleep in an effort to
try and be REALLY tired so she'll do a lot of sleeping on the flight there.
So, I'm going to attempt the same.  
Only thing is, I don't have a flight tomorrow morning on which
I can catch up on my sleep!    

Some of you may recall that she went last year and I did
THIS blog post upon her return.

I'll be missing her terribly during her absence but I am so
stinkin' proud of her I can hardly stand it... and I know
she'll be fine and safe while she's there.

I love you, Miss Olivia!
How I ever got blessed enough to have you, I'll never know...

Thanks for going on my "dream shopping trip" with me!

Fun, without all the expense!   



  1. I love dream shopping :D I know for a fact I would sleep better in that metal bed....dreamy! I also dream that one day Restoration Hardware will actually be AFFORDABLE!

    And those boots!!
    Thanks for letting me go shopping with ya :)

  2. Ooh Ruth,
    All these goodies are wonderful. I like the third bed, the metal one, I may have lost count on the bed because once I saw that bath medicine chest, that wonderful table with cloches atop and those boots, I kind of lost it. Oh yes, the sheets are beautiful but a little out of my price range since I want so many of your other things here tonight too!

    Best wishes for Olivia's very long flight to China. But you be careful on your way back home, you're up late! Can't say enough about mother/daughter relationships here, they are the best!

  3. Forgot to add, Restoration Hardware delivers to our neighbor's house on a regular basis, doesn't seem fair for me to have to watch that huge truck deliver such nice pieces now does it?

  4. I will not be able to stop dreaming of those bedsheets with text ...what took anyone so long to design those!!

  5. Hi Ruth:
    I love the leather sleigh bed, the steamer trunk dresser and the tall metal cabinet. Those sheets are pretty cool, too! Thanks for sharing them.

    Safe travels to your Olivia. What a life experience for her!

    Happy Sunday, spent relaxing, I hope!

  6. Oh Ruth, Everything you picked is simply divine. Can it all be wrapped up and sent to my home???
    You have amazing taste girl! I want to go shopping with you all the time! When your next trip :)
    Hope you're having a great weekend

  7. Love the sheets and sleigh bed. Thankfully it was a Dream shopping trip only. I don't think my credit cards could stand the hit right now!

    Safe and fun journey to Olivia.

  8. I regularly go dream shopping and collect images of all the things I'd like ,only the file is getting so fat.It also helps me appreciate the lovely things I have already. I loved the soft blue bedding in one of your shots and also the french table. Would't it be lovely if they came our way!

  9. Dream shopping is a good thing. I do quite a bit of it myself!
    I think all the things in your dreams have been in mine.

    Sweet post. I can understand why you are so proud of your daughter.


  10. What a great post Ruth! Love each and everything. I'll dream right along with you. Hope you are having a happy summer. Lidy

  11. I just imagine those sheets would bring any lucky lady sweet dreams!Love them......I must say that living in Texas, the cowboy boots are one of my favorites as I LOVE my shabby, worn vintage lookin boots!! It is just to darn HOT to wear them right now though! Happy Day.....CATHY AKA girls gone junkin

  12. That was really fun Ruth! I could go dream shopping with you anytime!

  13. Well, a Girl can always dream right!

    Two of my most favorite stores to die for huh! I would go with the iron bed and trunk style chest Woo-hoo!

    Fabulous pair of boots for your Mr. I am a boot Girl since my first pair at 3 years old I can't get enough of them.

    Love all the boots you have chosen as well.~Cheers Kim

  14. Oh my found some great finds and those I love ~ both of them:)

    safe travels for your daughter Olivia...xoxo and hope you get caught up on some sleep yourself:)

  15. Those boots and those sheets, oh my!!!! In love :)

  16. What gorgeous took me a second to work out that those love letters were sheets! Anthropologie has just opened in London, happily for me....we don't have Restoration Hardware but it's always on my list to visit when we come to the US - the leather sleigh bed is beautiful!

    I really liked your comment on my blog today....I know just what you mean, I think actually I might almost have been afraid to read it...maybe that's why it took me a while to get into it. It was really worth it though and I really love books that make you feel as though they have changed you a little....give it a try :)

    Have a lovely day, your comment made my day :)

  17. PS My daughter is Olivia too, just a 9 year old one :)

    What a wonderful experience to visit China, you must be very proud of her....I hope my children travel the world from coast to coast one day (just wish they would take me with them!!)


  18. Oh my, my....haven't you found some beauties. Love those sheets and that trunk chest and the it all. Are we dream shopping with dream money? Love it.


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