Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Sneak Peek At Some New Things Coming To The Store...

Late this week, we'll be getting in the first round of some great new things ordered for
the store and I thought I'd share a few of them with you:

Jute bags of one of my favorite cooking/seasoning blends -- Herbes de Provence.

If you're anything like me, you'd buy these for the bag alone!   

Another personal fave of mine for decades has been French paper
"cheese leaves" --

but I use them regularly for WAY more than just for
when I'm serving an assortment of cheeses.

I've used them under sandwiches, pastries, deviled eggs,
biscuits/rolls, etc.

They come in a generous amount per package and include an
assortment of leaf varieties.

These particular leaves will be great going into Spring!

Giant square blocks of natural French soap 
packed full of fresh lavender fragrance.
You'll love them in the kitchen or the bath...

Wonderful ceramic match strikes from France!
We carried these before (in a slightly different pattern) 
and we just could not keep them in stock.
SO happy to offer them again!

I'm a sucker for great paper napkins because I keep them
out in my kitchen next to the coffee maker 
at all times.

I use them every day and I like to have ones
that aren't just plain...

These fit the bill nicely!


And these perfect little French enamel signs -- for the
artiste' in all of us!

Perfect for your creative space.
Hope you are all having a great week so far !




  1. Hello Ruth,
    It's been a while and I apologize! I have been meaning to come say hello, life gets so crazy and it seems to come in waves :(
    I just love some of the new items you are showcasing. The French enamel signs are my fave and I could kick myself that I didn't enter for that amazing giveaway. That French bottle rack is awesome!
    LUCKY CATHY at MILLE FLEUR! Trust me I'm jealous in a good way. I think that's great she won and that was VERY generous of you. That's great you are approaching your 300th follower and 200th post! I can't wait till I get to 100 and that's going to be a while from now :( I know, patience is a virtue. It takes a lot of time to invest in this whole blogging thing, but it is so wonderful to meet so many great sweet people like yourself You were one of my VERY FIRST followers. I'm so grateful for that. I was just telling Mimi at Bonjour Romance the same thing because you, Mimi and Rochelle over at French Charmed were my first 3 followers. I was so happy for you guys! You will always hold a special place in my heart. Thanks for that. Oh gosh, I'm getting all mushy. I guess it's that Valentines day is coming and I guess there's love in the air. Tell me to stop, I know.
    Anyway, I just wanted to come over and say hi since it's been a while. I will have to go visit your shop and see more of your new goodies. I hope it doesn't get me into too much trouble :)
    I hope you are having a great day. I'll be back to see you again, this time a little sooner than last time. Will you forgive me?? :)

  2. Hi Ruth,

    Love your goodies. The bags of Herbes de Provence are one of my all time favorite things. That smell.... can just transport you back to France.

    Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate it so much.

    Big hugs,

  3. What awesome items!!! They both look divine.

    And the bags are an added bonus.

  4. I LOVE that ceramic match strike! It's snowing galore out otherwise I would be typing this on a new Mac!

  5. That herb mix is my all time fave! I use it all the time...and come to think of it, I'm almost out!
    Good timing!

  6. Oh beautiful additions for sure! I would still love that "friendship" necklace if you carry it again...

    I never stopped by to tell you because I've been behind on blogging BUT you sincere and warm comment you left on my blog meant the WORLD TO ME!!! It was the comment on past pain with some headshots of me....it's been awhile so you may not remember but I just wanted to let you know I read your words over again on different days and it truly blessed me. Thank you so much!

    ALSO, fun stuff! I'm doing a tunkables giveaway on my blog right now and would love for you to enter if you haven't already.


  7. oh my, I do love foodie gifts, and YES, I adore printed paper napkins. I know, I know, we must be "green," but I love picking up cute packages of printed napkins and throwing them into gift boxes and care packages with tasty things or bottles of wine.

  8. Love the new goodies Ruth....I love herbes de provence....great on chicken!!!

    hope you are staying warm!!!


  9. I have to leave a comment... an unsolicited advertisement. I was in Marseille two years ago, and bought some of that exact soap Ruth is spotlighting.
    Ladies... let me just say... it's HEAVEN. That soap is my indulgence when I take a bubble bath, about once a week. You know... candles... low lighting... a beautiful glass of whatever suits your fancy... I get a book, lay back, and awwwwww... it's just too much!

    But I digress... the soap... it's like absolute velvet on your skin, and the smell... well, it's lavender afterall!!!!


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