Sunday, February 7, 2010

The New Orleans Saints Aren't The ONLY Winner Tonight!!!

I confess...

I did NOT watch the game.


I asked hubby who won just a minute ago,

does that count??  


I went up to Starbucks for a while to "caff up" 

so I could stay up and

pick the winner of the French bottle rack tonight!

OH!  I'm sorry... 

Did you want me to tell you who won??

So... I was sitting there having my Grande Triple Breve Latte 

taking a little time out and enjoying the whole scene at 


OH!!  I'm SOOO sorry! 

You don't want to hear about my trip 

to Starbucks, do you....

you want to know who won!!

Okay --- no more playing around....


I sooo love doing giveaways!!!  

I hope you enjoy your new "toy", Cathy!

To all of you who entered, 

oh how I WISH I could send each of you one of

the bottle racks --- truly I do.

Stay tuned, 

there will be other giveaways.

I've just passed my 200th blog post mark
(the fact that I can yak about just about anything -- not so surprising)

and I'm inching toward 300 followers 
(THAT totally amazes me)

so there's probably another giveaway not too

far out in the distance.  


Cathy, if you wanna shoot me an email at your convenience with your 

address info, I'll get that bottle rack right off to you.

And how APPROPRIATE that tonight since I'm giving away

a FRENCH-style bottle rack, the

New Orleans Saints won!

Coincidence???  I think not....


To the New Orleans Saints, 

all I can say is:

see what a great looking French-themed outfit 

er, I mean  uniform 

can do for ya?!

(Can you say "Dress for success?")

I knew we had a winner when I saw those fabulous

Fleur de Lys

on their outfits 


I meant 



  1. Congratulations to Cathy! Lucky Girl. ;-)

  2. Big Congratulations to Cathy!!

    Ruth you are soooo Generous!!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  3. Congrats Cathy! She deserves it her blog is wonderful! thanks for such a generous give away..~lulu

  4. Hey Ruth...i spaced and missed the first issue of 2010 jeanne. Do you know of any other way I can get it? I am going thru withdrawls....

  5. Congratulations Cathy.
    Have a nice week.

  6. Ruth you are truly sick!!! Yeah it was the OUTFITS that totally did it for the Saints!!!!! Forget the football!!!!!!!!!We went to a party and when we left they were sucking air, when we got home it was like HOLY COW!(we do live in the country) WE are so proud of them!!!!!WHO DAT!Maryanne xo

  7. Yeah for Cathy! We'll all be ringing her virtual doorbell to see how she uses it.

    We went to a Super Bowl party and I claimed the Saints as my team because 1) obviously, they love the Lord, and 2) they clearly decorate with those fleur de lis emblems on their helmets :) Guess we know how to pick 'em!

  8. Congrats to Cathy!

    and WOW, almost 300 followers, congrats to you!

  9. Congrats Cathy! And cute what'ya said about the "outfits".

  10. Congratulations to the winner!

  11. COngratulations to Cathy. And to you Ruth for nearly 300 followers.

  12. Ruth~
    Oh my goodness...I am in shock!

    We have been out of town for a couple of days and imagine my surprise when I popped over here for a visit and saw that I had won your gorgeous giveaway! WOOOHOOO!

    I haven't even checked my own blog comments yet...I saw that you had some new goodies and came over right away to see! I am beyond thrilled! I have wanted one of these forever...

    Did I say WOOOHOOO?!

    I am going to e-mail you right now!

    Thank you...thank you...thank you!

    You are tooooo sweet!

  13. Congratulations to Cathy. A beautiful gift for a beautiful lady.
    I especially like the britches of their outfits, I mean uniforms!

  14. Well, you KNOW I watched this game! It was awesome!!! We finally did it! Yay! Oh, and congrats to Cathy! Love all the new things in the shop, too!

    Have a great week my friend!



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