Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Typepad Hates Me (sure feels that way anyhow...)

I might as well just join my cat out on our porch and sit a spell

while I wait for any and all Typepad-based blogs to load....



Yep... Still waiting....


I had this problem a few months ago and it seemed to resolve itself.

Until now.

So, for all my sweet blog friends who utilize Typepad,

I am not dissin' you,

I just can't open your blogs...

(Insert major POUTY face here).

Just wanted to let you know that I WILL be around to read your blogs as soon as my computer decides it and Typepad are back on "speaking" terms.

Well, that will make for a nice (LONG) afternoon or morning of blog-reading with coffee when that happens.

Looking forward to it.

Until then,

I'll be out playing with the catnip (and my cat) on the porch
while I wait for/hope for the blogs to load up.




  1. Oh no... i so dislike computer problems! hope it's resolved soon for your reading and viewing pleasure!!! :)

  2. Oh, no fun at all...I HATE when stuff won't load. I would love to visit a few bloggers, but their pics won't load...evidently their pics are hosted at a place that our 'puter blocks. Makes me so mad/sad!

  3. We are having problems here as well!
    Just had to do some kind of cleanup!
    I almost didn't get to visit this evening or even get in my Wednesday post in white!
    I hope that your frustration ends soon and well!
    Have a great week...hugs, donna

  4. uh oh!! my PC is not functioning so I always post when I'm at work LOL I know, devil me :)

  5. Same problem here, just what the heck is it with typepad, anyway???
    GOTTA get your package out to you! Today! It might not be pimped out as much as I'd like, but at least you'll have it in your pretty little hands!

  6. Hi Ruth!
    I am having the same problem....only with Typepad blogs though! I usually give up and don't leave a comment...I'm glad you mentioned it because now I know that it isn't my laptop or system here ...it's a Typepad problem! I hope they fix it soon! Laura :)

  7. That picture is perfection! And you know Typepad will correct itself on the morning your Danish crate arrives and you have work to get done! :)

  8. i have computer problems...
    makes me want to throw in the towel!

  9. Ruth,

    I thought Blogger only had those problems. Hope soon you will be able to sit, drink coffee and catch-up on your blog reading from your typepad bloggers.

    Have a great day.


  10. i really like your new header - and computers are getting slower and slower......why?......because of all our images we have stored -

    get them on CD's and your computer will run much smoother....guaranteed

  11. So... how much do I love those books on the chair?? Enough that I'm considering sneaking out to your house and stealing them in the dead of night!! Only I don't think i could ever find your road again!


  12. Teri!
    Girl you CRAZY!!!!!!!! :)

    Hey, I thought you were our 'thoroughly modern Milly' and didn't care for the vintage look...

    Hmmmm.... do we have a convert???? :)

    I'd almost say, if you can find out street (in the dark) you earned the books! :)



  13. Ugh!!! I am glad I am not the only one! What is up??? I also can't see people's little pictures when they comment AND my music player is all crazy...it keeps stopping and starting on mine and everyone else's blogs! Help!!!! I am so frustrated!

    Sorry about the rant! :)


  14. Such a bummer!!! I get so mad when stuff like this happens!!! I haven't had this happen to me..

    Hope you are having fun relaxing!!!

    Take care,

  15. I just stumbled upon your site because I have typepad... and well, it sucks! I'm switching over to a new blog shortly... I'll sacrifice the money that I have on my current contract because it's that bad... I honestly don't know what they do over there, but it looks like it's not a whole lot!!!


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