Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wanna Spend At Least An Hour (and possibly a nice chunk of change) On A Website?

This will be short and sweet because these pictures tell it all...

If you haven't yet discovered "Factory20" --

Off you go!

to be transported!

Wow! Now THAT'S a reading light!

THIS baby could hold some MAJOR laundry day work!

Coffee table extraordinaire!

Soooo, guess there would be really NO excuse for being disorganized with these, huh?

Love the fact that it has the elegance of the
Queen Anne style legs, with the funkiness of metal!
Kinda like a Steampunk table!
I love this -- no idea what I'd use it for, except to maybe just stand there looking cool...

So now I've shared with you one of my new favorite places

And trust me ....

There is still PLENTY left to see!

Hope you'll enjoy perusing the cache of
vintage goodies


P.S.... Next post will likely be all about
my saga of painting my kitchen cabinets (finally!).
Can't do it now -- literally falling asleep as I type out this post...
please forgive any typo's!


  1. Gorgeous, Off to Drool, Thanks Ruth! Can't wait to hear and see the cabinets too. It's a lot of work, I remember like it was yesterday..xo, Jamie

  2. Wow - what great stuff! Off to check it out. I could really use that giant laundry basket...scary, but true!!

  3. Bonjour! Grear pictures, I'm off to take a peak for myself!

  4. Hi, love the pics! Very cool...

    Just wanted to let you know the link at the bottom of the post is missing the t in factory.

    Have a blessed week!


  5. I am putting this site on my "to do right after the open house" list...I love the look of industrial metals...I am hoping to use some of this look mixed in with my french/nordic Kitchen...(we are starting on the cabinets in a week or so...I'm beyond excited!)
    Speaking of kitchens...How's it coming?
    Well...must get back to work...Have a wonderful rest of the week! blessings to you dear friend...donna

  6. Love it! When I was in Texas I stumbled across this place that sells old office supply equipment and had lots of drawers like these, plus old drafting tables and I would have brought home some of it, if my truck wasn't already loaded down with stuff! I am really feeling this look right now!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Can't wait to see the cabs!


  7. I will definitely pop in for a visit. I think I said this before, but your blog is looking fabulous! I love the fireplace mantel with the banner. Gorgeous!

  8. Anonymous10/29/2009

    How much did you buy here and when is it coming?? :)


  9. Dear Anonymous/Corporate (aka 'the hubs)...

    Now dahling... you know me better than that... right??? ;)



    Ruth (the half of "corporate")

  10. Thank you and so fun. :)

  11. Love, love, love that Queen Anne metal table, I could really get into that. I'm really enjoying your blog, come on over for a visit sometime.

  12. Why...why...why would you show such a site???? Off to check it out. I don't know if I like you or hate you right now:-)

  13. Haha -- Jeanne, Jeanne... It's just a harmless little website... nothing to fear... Now, just click the link -- go ahead... it won't hurt. ;)

    BTW, I'm going with "like me" instead of "hate me"... K?



  14. Very cool pieces!!! I can't wait to see the cabinets! You know you are going to make me want to paint mine after i see yours... more nesting issues for me! LOL
    i love the comment that it's easier to ask forgiveness then permission!! I must remember that one!

  15. Dangerous place. At least now I know where my lottery winnings are headed.

  16. off to check it out...

  17. so neat! There is so many pieces like this that I see at the Rose Bowl Flea. So fun and industrial. I love the juxtaposition of the frilly beautiful things with an unexpected industrial/weathered piece. Seems to make the frilly less *sweet* but makes it more elegant!

    love it!!


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