Sunday, October 25, 2009

Someone Pinch Me, I Must Be Dreaming...(and, the business of "stuff".)

I am here to tell you that

I am just blown away (AGAIN)

by the way we women across this

country care for

and treat each other...

How one seemingly small act of kindness

moves another and

generates yet another incredibly

thoughtful act of

random kindness.

{THE sweetest note!}

I got the most amazing, beautifully wrapped package in the mail from one of my customers

this weekend --


When this gorgeous box arrived, I was trying to remember if I'd ordered something and just forgot about it

(ever do THAT?)

but I just couldn't think of anything I was expecting to arrive...

I got the package late Saturday afternoon just as I was flying out the door to help out at a
church function and had to resist opening it since I was already running late ( so what's new?).

I was away until after midnight that night, so I was not able to open it until early Sunday

(I know, I can't believe I was able to let it sit unopened that long either!)

LOOK at this!!

Where do I start?

GIANT coffee filter flowers

A pearl and wire letter "R",

A jar of homemade berry jam sooo beautifully presented along with
a lovely silver spreader knife,

A beautifully made "Candle Corset" made from
chicken wire (don't you love chicken wire?) and beautiful white lace
tied up with white seam binding ribbon
(check them out in Rosemary's Etsy shop!!),

A beautifully scented pillar candle (gardenia!)

and a glass hurricane to set it in
(which would all then be topped by the "candle corset"!).

Sorry for the blurry pic - but I wanted you to see down
inside the hurricane which is inside the chicken wire "corset"....

It didn't take long for me to see what the box was all about...

My sweet customer, Rosemary,

was so happy about a small thing I did for her a while back and she

simply decided to shower me with the most amazing

box of beauty!!

I ADORE what I do in the way of my store, my blog, etc.

so for me it really isn't like "work" and honestly

there are days I almost catch myself quietly giggling

at the fact that I get to basically play all day with

beautiful things and share them with others.

I love people

and making even the simplest thing a touch more beautiful for them

-- even if it is just by tissue-wrapping your

Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine before it goes into the envelope.

It's "all in a day's work" for me and I wouldn't think of doing

things any other way.

I try not to keep too tight a grip

on the the whole business thing

and rather

try to hold it loosely,

and enjoy it.

Take it seriously enough to pay the bills,

but not

so seriously that I forget why I do it...

I have a motto, that many have heard me repeat over the years:

"Eh, it's just stuff...."

Obviously, it's great stuff.

Beautiful stuff!

Okay, pretty downright fabulous stuff.

But it's still



It should NEVER come ahead

of people.

Like my customers.

Like you.

So if I decide to tuck a little extra "something" into your box,

it's because I just thought maybe you'd enjoy it.

If I don't have something in stock,

I'll scour the web to find someone who does and I'll

put you in touch with them.

I know how frustrated I can get when I'm looking for something in particular

and can't find it.

Why wouldn't I help one of my own customers find what

she's looking for

-- even if my store doesn't have it at the moment?




So, Rosemary, if you read my blog,


It's been a tough, busy, wearying week

and your box

(along with a couple of other God-sent things...Cathy, you KNOW I'm talking to YOU!)

have really bolstered me and put fresh air beneath my wings.

I'm ready for a new week of filling

orders with more





You are LOVED!!




  1. Beautiful post, Ruth and what a lovely gift you received!! Having been a recipient of one your generous gifts in an order - I know first hand how it can absolutely make your whole day to get a beautifully, unexpected bit of grace!! It is a happy thing to have a little shop that brings joy to people!!

  2. Wow, you are blessed! It would be so fun to receive this package...everything is beautiful!

  3. Random acts of KINDNESS are the very best... I hope you have a great week. Smile God loves you!


  4. As one of your customers and friends on the receiving end, you deserve this sweet surprise from Rosemary. How thoughtful and kind of her! Enjoy your lovely gifts....the coffee filter flowers are fabulous as is the chicken wire candle..
    Happy Autumn dear Ruth!

  5. How wonderful ~ such lovely gifts for a beautiful lady! Enjoy and know that you have made all of our lives more beautiful with more than stuff.
    Love the new blog banner too ~ Rebecca

  6. What a wonderful way to end my weekend...what a wonderful story.

    I love hearing of the generosity of did something kind and generous and it was repaid in kind...lovely!!!

    Thanks for sharing this...God is good!!!

    Have a wonderful evening!!!

  7. Anonymous10/26/2009

    It's nice to see nice things happen to kind people. I have ordered from you and you have been lovely without even knowing me....including keeping me informed about that elusive grain sack rug :) Lovely gift for a lovely lady.

  8. Karma Sweet Ruth, You Get what you Give, You are truly Deserving! xo Jamie

  9. What a sweet surprise and you obviously deserve it!!!

  10. Beautiful post Ruth and so well deserved. You are so kind that you attract other kind people like Rosemary. What a gorgeous and generous gift. Isn't it amazing that the smallest acts of kindness can just make us feel fabulous! Pay it forward always works. Lovely!


  11. Beautiful gift -- and what a gift it was for you to share it with all of us! You are a great inspiration and reminder to people lucky enough to have discovered your wonderful shop, to always make room for things or activities one loves. For that, there is no counting or keeping track of life's worries, only a sweet awareness of the blessings one is fortunate to have.

  12. Bonjour! What a great post! It's so nice to hear about all the good things people do for a change! I just found you blog through the Make Room for Living blog and I'm so glad I stopped by!

  13. The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. ~Charles Kuralt, On the Road With Charles Kuralt

    And you got a "face-lift", too! Your beautiful blog looks even "beautifuller"!

  14. Wonderful, Ruth! You deserve it - you bring such joy to your business and we all benefit from your warmth and caring. I love the new look of the blog!

  15. What a sweet surprise...and it really shows your heart that you would help other people find products that you don't have or are out of. I love that and so much more about you.

  16. gorgeous gifts...
    so sweet!

  17. How sweet of her!
    To take the time & show gratitude is a happy task, but I'm to slow at that!
    I also used to have my own store & now doing seasonal sales. My standard line is the same as yours "Just stuff"....
    Thanks for sharing your gift with us & specially your customer's big heart!
    - Sylvi

  18. Ruth,

    Love the new header! What a sweet surprise for you! You so deserve it! You are the best at making your customers feel special and that their packages are just absolutely beautiful!

    Have a wonderful day!


  19. I love amazing people. great acts of kindness make me soooo happy!
    i am thrilled you received a great act!

  20. wow what a lovely story, there are some good people in the world


  21. What a beautiful gesture from's those unexpected things that mean so much.

  22. Oh my goodness! YOu got a new look and it is gorgeous!
    Sweet Ruth...I am so glad that others also realize how precious you are...It may be just stuff...but you always make it such a special treat...
    So...I'm glad that you were the one to recieve a special treat this time!
    Have a beautiful week...donna

  23. what a sweet sweet gesture. And such lovely things. Sometimes we are blessed when the people we do business with soon become friends.

  24. such a sweet customer!! this is very very thoughtful gift!! she took the time to make em and send em.. I think she deserves something too dont u think? ;)

    I love recieving packages too in case you decide you want to send ur stuff for free to anyone LOL j/k :)

    have a great day!

  25. So cool. Can't you just picture those candles mixed up in a winter white Christmas scene, or on a beautifully set Valentine's dinner table for you and hubby?

    You are blessed Ruth, because you are such a blessing to others.

    Missed you Sunday!

  26. What a beautiful post and gift,you are indeed a blessed soul!! Enjoy it all,loved your story!All the best,Chrissy

  27. What a truly lovely post Ruth! And how sweet Rosemary is to send you that incredible box of goodies! I'm glad for you that you had something wonderful to start your week out with and make you feel appreciated!!!

    :) T

  28. Oh...I love the GIANT coffee filter flowers ...these are greats...I'm trying to do it in tulle but it's not so easy as I thought!
    I have to thank Vicki from French Essence if I found you!
    Your blog and your shop are great!

  29. Oh my gosh, I simply MUST have a candle corset!!!
    You deserve every good thing that comes your way. Speaking of which, I'll be sending you a little sumpin' sumpin' soon.....

  30. i just had to check you out after that lovely post by Cathy {dontcha just love her?!}... and i am not disappointed! love your blog design, and your words, and your beautiful new coffee filter flowers! :)
    happy day to you!

  31. So pretty!
    Such a blessing:)


  32. Anonymous10/28/2009

    Thank you for the comment. You are a bright lady....once I get my follower level up my Etsy store will open :)

  33. how fabulous! Your blog is fantastic!!! I am sooooo glad I found it. Off I go to read more posts! :)

    Susan @


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