Friday, September 11, 2009

Room Envy

Photo courtesy of Restoration Hardware

I know for sure I'm not the first to blog about the fresh new (and some would say risky) look that Restoration Hardware has embraced, but I had to put my two cents in...

In a word:


I adore every inch of this room and I have a feeling that most of the rest of their customers will, too.

What's not to love?

Bold without being "in your face".

Classy and elegant, yet fresh and even put-your-feet-up casual.

Well put together without taking itself too seriously.

Neutral without being boring.

I'll take one of everything, please.

Note to my hubby.... if you're reading this...


remember that thing about me needing a "reward" for my trip to the dentist" that I mentioned two posts ago??


Have a great weekend, lovlies!


Obviously, I survived my ordeal at the dentist and as a side benefit to the sedation, I was able to bank hours of sleep I otherwise would not have gotten. And really needed....
And I'm happy to report that my family restrained themselves from taking any embarrassing photos of me whilst I was still under the influence of the meds...
Apparently I was quite something to watch on the way home in the car, head rolling from side to side,
and apparently I asked the same question at least a dozen times.
But that one isn't exactly abnormal for me.
The question asking, that is...

I'm back! :)


  1. My new studio desk is coming from this collection...I love it!!!

  2. I think we all have a wonderful dentist story to tell, mine would have been a few years ago when my wisdom teeth were removed! Love your blog!

  3. LUCKY!!!!

    It isn't that one that looks like an opened steamer trunk is it?? :)

    PICTURES PLEASE, when it arrives!



  4. Erin! We wanna hear your dentist story!! :)


  5. I'm so sorry about your dentist fun.
    love R.H.

  6. I want that living room!

    So glad the apt. went well. I have some pretty funny stories about my hubby after he got his wisdom teeth out!

    Glad your back! :)

  7. Gorgeous room! I didn't know they were heading in a new direction like this and I like it very much.

  8. hello, may favorite dentist story is this. this was a few years back. my dentist finished his work and wanted to know if i would care to barter? :) wait one sec. he knew we farmed and asked if i would care to pay my bill in a few straw bales for his dog house and some dried corn for his wild life. sounded good to me:) bestest, Denise

  9. Beautiful your blog..Just blog hopping and enjoyed yours tonight...
    Stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There will be a drawing on October 1st for a GREAT prize...all you have to do is leave a comment..

  10. ooooh everything is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing I must have been under a rock. Didn't even know about their new direction. I too now have "Room Envy".

  11. Hello, I just had to leave you a note because I've so enjoyed reading your posts today. You have the most gorgeously beautiful site - best wishes & thank you ..

  12. this room...those giant spotlights are super fun.

  13. Never go to the dentist without heavy duty drugs in me,I like to call it a day at the spa for the beauty advisor!!!! I love that room too,funny alot of Johns customers ask him to copy thing from R>H....hope you are well,Chrissy

  14. This is it! The way all great rooms should feel, relaxed and elegant. I too will take one of everything! Love,love,love it!

  15. It's me again because I've been thinking about it for a bit...I DO LOVE this look but I've loved it for a long time. It's not a "trend" for me. One thing about this kind of wonderful is that once it goes mainstream...It loses its edge a bit. Rembember when Rachel Ashwell did the Target gig?


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