Monday, September 14, 2009

Random Ramblings -- Mascara, Bump-It, and a sweet song...


Here on the east coast, Monday is winding down to a close and I SHOULD be doing any number of things other than blogging about "nothing" (like bookkeeping, orders, ad design, etc...)
but somehow I need a quick diversion...
Will you indulge me?

First --

I'm doing my weekly ritual of clipping coupons from Sunday's paper (was it me, or did everyone in the country get a TON of coupons in Sunday's paper this week??) and I see this coupon for this new mascara from Maybelline called Pulse Perfection --

mascara whose brush



Okay, here's the thing, girls...

do we really want something motorized and moving

THAT close to our eyeball???

I mean, I accidentally jab myself in the eye enough as it is with the normal brushes,

I SURE don't need a mascara wand
that has a mind of it's own!

ÔSCILLATION - Vibrating Infinite Powermascara From Lancome

Photo courtesy of

Have any of you tried the new "vibrating" mascaras (several brands have them now)?

I'm dying to know if there is anything to them -- or if I'd just end up looking like a Piratess wearing an eye patch for the rest of my life after putting my eye out with it.

Ditto for the heated eyeleash curlers -- anyone swear by them?

Photo courtesy of

Now, we all know what heat appliances can do to our hair....I really don't want to deal with split-ends on my lashes as well??


Moving right along, down my apparent beauty-tangent...

The new infomercial thingy, the "Bump-It"...
Apparently, you nestle it in under a top layer of hair at the crown of your head, then make sure it is covered with hair, and properly sprayed down in place....

Whoa. I mean, some of those styles they create with it make it look like they'll have to duck to get out the door!



Is it me?

Or is the photo above something someone would actually walk out of the house with?

No offense to the poor model, but really...

As a model, if I'd gotten to my assignment that day and seen this, I might have bolted....


All Bump-It photos courtesy of

Do any of you use it?
I'm dying to hear about it!

I'm just thinking that if a strong wind came by, your secret is out...

I'm just sayin'...

Well, it's all good, and I'm always up for trying just about anything.

Goodness knows, I'm a complete beauty products junkie. They're practically on a first-name basis with me at Sephora (when I can get there in person -- usually I order online).

But some of this stuff they come out with...

I dunno....

Like the feather-enhanced false eyelashes...

Large, fluffy hot pink!

Sweeping drama for the outer eye...

Photos courtesy of

Does anyone really wear those?

Well, maybe I've been away from the "big city" too long.

Or I'm --- ugh --- getting old....

Okay, enough of that kind of talk!

Last, I wanted to share a sweet, fun song by someone I've only just recently become aware of -- Owl City. Such fun songs and I love this one, called:

You'll have to actually click the name of the song above (which will take you over to YouTube) to see it -- (embedding of the video directly was "prohibited" by the music label).

Thanks for listening!

Happy new-week (is that a real term?) to you all!

Let me know if you've tried any of those mascaras or the Bump It -- I'm dying to hear!



  1. Love your blog...just browsing and found it. I couldn't see the pictures of the mascara but I still loved the post.

  2. This post was so funny! I am a beauty product junkie, too! I couldn't see the pics either, so I will have to go and look them up.

    That song ROCKS! I loved it! I am going to add it to my Iphone. It reminded me of Postal Service. Do you like their music?

    BTW, have I told you that I love your new blog header? Well, I do!

    Have a good night!

  3. Cyndi & Adrienne! SO sorry about the temporary picture glitch! It's fixed now...

    Thanks so much for your comments!


  4. Anonymous9/14/2009

    You're so funny! You said the things I was thinking... I DID try the bump-its and returned it. It looked like a rat crawled under the top of my hair and was hiding out! I don't think it was the look I thought I would get from it. I thought it would add a little lift becuase the commercial says it includes a small and large, but the small was still huge. Maybe if someone has a really large head it would work...
    Love you Blog!

  5. Got the pictures.That mascara is too much trouble. I like to keep it simple. But I do love a good mascara. I also listened to the song and enjoyed it.

  6. Yikes! The pictures take it to a whole nother level! Ha Ha! Don't know if I could handle the vibrating mascara or a heated eye lash curler. I just have memories of how many times I burned myself with my curling iron getting my crazy bangs done! And the bump it just looks scary!

  7. So funny! I haven't tried any of these products!!! LOL

  8. Ruth...This post really cracked me up. I have to agree with your trepidations about the new vibrating mascara wand. Only a man could come up with that one! (I'm having visions of a 'Madmen' episode.)

  9. Hi there Ruth!
    Well!!! There will be NONE of these eyelash accouterments thingies for me! Think I can do without all of the above but you KNOW how I adore makeup and beauty secrets!!!!
    Will go listen to the song now!


  10. i had more fun reading what each of you had to say about this blog about the hair products. i almost thought i could hear all the giggling and whispers. i'd have to say the one with the dark hair made me think of that old song, walk like an egyptian, or was that do called the beehive? it was good for smiles:) bestest,Denise

  11. Hi Ruth, I am not sure of the correct name of my rack either but I believe it's an old shoe rack. I, too have seen them in magazines, so when I saw it my heart stopped and I knew it was a piece i had to have! LOL
    i came home and googled it and images of similiar ones come up... it was hard though in the search I kept changing words.. like vintage, old wood, rack etc..
    hope it helps and let me know if you need more info!

  12. Joy @ The Vintage Rabbit9/16/2009

    Hi Ruth.... I rec'd my starbucks gift card!! Thank you so much for a fun gift!!!

    Anyway....i bought the bump its...played around with it...but am to chicken to go out in public with it!! I have thick hair and can actually get the bump by I don't know why I bought it..."Impulse item at the check out at Walmart!!":)

    Have a great week!!!

    smiles, Joy

  13. Ruth, you got to me before I could let you know about my thank you post! Thanks again! And I am thinking in regards to this beauty post that if the bump was half the size, I might use it...I do have really flat hair!

  14. The Mascara? Should all women be a little insulted that marketing thinks we would buy anything that vibrates? lol.

  15. LOL... {thanks for the chuckle}I've seen all those products in magazines and/or on tv, and like you have wondered if anybody really buys these things! I'm a hair product "junkie"; always trying to find a product that will give me more "volume". Love the music!

  16. Okay so here it is...I grew up in Texas and for years all the girls in high school would heat their eyelash curlers with a curling iron to get this very effect that now can be achieved with this type of product. I have not tried this new device but I have done it "old school" the heat REALLY makes a difference in how far your lashes curl. they also stay that way without alot of mascara. Hope this

  17. I just bought one of those bump-it things! I don't like the really tall one but the short one is GREAT with a ponytail...I don't like hairspray so much and this gives me the height I want without the goo!

  18. Well, Donna.... You have me ALMOST wanting to go out tomorrow to Walgreens and buy a blasted Bump-It just so I can say I tried.... UGH... Why must you tempt me??? :)

    And... (she says sheepishly) I just MIGHT try your "old school" eyelash curler idea -- I usually have my curling out anyway... might as well get more out of it! :)

    Thanks Donna! I just LOVE talkin' beauty secrets!


  19. I bought the bumpit b/c I love beehive hairstyles. Not so much the photos you posted but there are really fabulous stylish ones. I say that b/c Ive seen photos. I still can't figure out how to get it to work on my head without looking insane. So you might be right about those things :)

  20. I love good mascara, but not quite in love with the idea that all that mechanical business has to be thrown away once the makeup is used up! Bump-Its; went to a party with a friend who used them, and said it was great if you have straight hair. She had her lovely curls blown out for the night and it worked great, but for normally curly hair, she said it doesn't work well.


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