Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hello Fall.... Hello Fall GIVEAWAY....

I have just walked through the door after having my first PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE of the season at Starbucks.

It is a ritual that I look forward to each year -- You can see HERE and HERE how passionate I am about the start of the cooler-weather-season!

"My" season is beginning and though it feels absolutely NOTHING like Fall here right now, I do not care.... I sat in Starbucks (always chilly in there anyway) and sipped one of the best

Pumpkin Spice Lattes ever.

I had them make it breve' (with half-n-half) and it was PURE HEAVEN!

To help YOU along the way to Pumpkin Spice heaven, and because that latte has put me in such a great mood,


at my hubby's suggestion....

I am going to give away


$5.00 Starbucks gift cards!

FOUR of you will have your own start to Fall ... ON ME!

You can go buy yourself your own Pumpkin Spice Latte to kick off the season,


whatever drink you makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside.

I love Fall....

(and you guys)!

So, leave me a comment on this post,

and on Friday morning I will draw FOUR NAMES as winners!

Can you think of a better way to start your weekend???

Did I mention I love Fall?

And you....




  1. Ooooh Girl, Sign me Up!!! I did the drive through today and noticed the sign. I had already ordered but next time. Signs of Fall are popping up all over!! How Fun Ruth, Thank you for offering this Fun Give Away.. Jamie

  2. How sweet of you to think of us!

    I am sure I will try a few of the new things when I get to the original Starbucks Thursday morning! He He! I will be thinking of you the whole time.

    BTW, have you been there?

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  3. I can't pass up on this opportunity. I guess this is a sign that summer is really on the way out, but if pumpkin spice latte is the trade-off, then I'm ready for fall. Thanks for the chance.


  4. Hi Ruth!
    Happy Autumn to all! I just love sweater weather! If you draw my name you can have a pumpkin latte on me or pass it along since I already won a previous and wonderful give away of yours! I just wanted to say hey and thanks for being such a kind and generous soul!
    Take care, Laura

  5. Anonymous9/01/2009

    hello ruth, i wondered what you were up to. i could see you were on line thru skype and now i know. sure put my name in the drawing, just cuz you wrote you love me and fall.:) oh, was that the other way around? hello fall,even tho up in wi.,i am not sure we even had summer. bestest, Denise

  6. Oh yes! Life is good!!!

  7. Yum! Thanks for having this sweet give away, Ruth!

  8. Count me in, it's been a HOT Texas Summer! Oh, and I still want to connect with you on Skype, just been crazy busy lately. Soon, I hope!
    Hugs, Anne

  9. Count me in..what a nice giveaway!! Thank you

    Have a great week!!,
    smiles, Joy~

  10. Oooh, that sounds like a great way to start off Fall! Thank you for the fun giveaway.

  11. Yum!! I do love my pumpkin spice latte!! I love pumpkin anything. Fall is my favorite season also! What a fun giveaway!!

  12. Oh how I love me some Starbucks... I know I could use the bucks 4 sure so sign me up ;)


  13. Oh me! lol. I love the smell of Fall. I walked out of the store (where I work) the other night and it smelled so crisp and chilly. Fall is on it's way.

  14. no faIr....
    i was going to do a giveaway...but i will enter yours.
    i want all 4 of them because remember i have 3 kids and we are in need.
    desperate need.

  15. I have not had the Pumpkin Spice, but I think that I would love it. (I am a Mocha Latte girl)
    Thanks so much!

  16. I too am ready for fall. I love having fall decorations all over the house. I hope I get them out before Thanksgiving!!!LOL I am such a peppermint java chip frap girl. Should I try the pumpkin? We shall see!

  17. This sounds fabulous! I do hope I am so lucky!

  18. You're too sweet how you always think about us...and we love ya too! A nice warm cup o'coffee sounds good right now...it's 60 degrees here...fall has arrived...at least here it has.

  19. Count me in!!!!!

    There's a Starbucks on the way to my daughter's new school.

    Love it!

  20. I am sooooooo in. Thank you!! Leslie

  21. Such a sweet giveaway! Might have to do something similar when my fave Eggnog Latte comes around :) Sign me up!

  22. Thanks, Ruth. Pumpkin Spice is my favorite, too!

  23. OFall is here and pumpkin spice lattes are what makes fall FALL! yes please enter me in your giveaway! I would love to win this! This would be a real treat with the economy as bad as it is this is one delight I don't get hardly anymore so I am so excited you did this! THANKS!

  24. I love hot chai lattes in the fall! Thank you!

    lynne at fairpoint dot net

  25. so sweet,

    thank you

    barbara jean

  26. You are too cute!! Any kind of latte makes me HAPPY and by reading your post it was oozing with caffine goodness and the spirit of fall.

  27. Ohhh ya Starbucks!! I've never tried their Pumpkin Spice Latte yet!!

  28. Hey girlie-girl, I left you a little surprise on my blog. Go take a peek....

    ~ Anne

  29. I have said it before and I will say it again, that husband of yours is great! As are you Ruth! What a sweet (and fattening? really, half and half? yummm!) gesture! We were at Starbucks on Sunday and had the Pumpkin Spice Latte!

  30. mm...starbucks. I'm in love with that place. i don't get to go often but i went recently with my sister and it was heaven, as you say.

    thanks to you and your husband. I have a lot of giveaways now and more to come (NOT just books by the way) so stop by


    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  31. I love you and coffee Ruth! And here's a salute to Autumn, almost~~~~~~ Oh happy day!
    Chin Chin!!
    Enjoy your Pumkin Spice Latte's!


  32. i just pre-ordered the new english (yay!) jeanne d'arc magazine (so exciting!!!) i have been enjoying many lovely scandinavian blogs for awhile now. i love the peaceful settings. they speak comfort to my heart. as does a delightful warm beverage from starbucks! have a fabulous day - mari

  33. I LOVE fall too! I love the pumpkins, the gourds, the smell of camp fires burning,apple cider, trick or treat, soup on the stove, warm casseroles in the oven....I LOVE fall!

  34. Oooh sign me up!! Being unemployed for what seems like 4-ever (11 mos) I quit counting, I have been so desperately craving Starbucks (by the way did I forget to mention withdrawls 11mos. ago were herendous-tee he!) yes sirre, it's been almost a yr.& no starbucks so winning would be a joy!! Thanks for such a fun give away..

  35. Ruth... you just make me laugh,just had a horrible shift at work and then I read this,your too funny!!! I love fall too,everything about it!! your the best,no starbucks here but we have second cup which is just amazing!! Talk soon,xoxoxoxo

  36. Love this giveaway Ruth...I am hoping to win...! Love the moon tonight...it is beautiful.

  37. Oh, I love Fall and I love Starbucks! I would love to be included in your drawing.Thanks to your husband for such a sweet idea.You are going to make 4 ladies very happy!

  38. Anonymous9/03/2009

    What a sweet blog you have... Please enter me! I <3 pumpkin lattes there!
    psalm25v4 at q dot com

  39. I LOVE your shop, but you already know that. The goodies I ordered are gorgeous. Are you on Twitter? Maybe I missed the link. Either way, I'm Tweeting a link to your shop and I hope more little birdies peek into the online shop like I did!

  40. Now way Me? I won? I'm SO excited.
    I feel I must make an acceptance speech!

    TO you Ruth and all coffee lovers of the world!!!

    I most humbly accept this most perfect gift from the bottom of my heart. A gift rich in aroma, one that is delicious and joyfully uplifting in every way.

    Thank you and I will carry the Starbucks LOVE torch of coffee love representing all those coffee lovers in the land and enjoy every single sip of mine.

    What a win! I'm so lucky.
    And I'm NOT kidding.

    Your sister in Coffeevielle,


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