Saturday, June 20, 2009

Idea for a new section on The Beautiful

TONS of little vintage price tags... NUMBERS! You knew I had a bunch!

So I've been thinking for some time now...

What if I added a new section to my store where I listed the things that really have no other category.

And things that maybe even I bought years ago while antiquing that I'm ready to part with...
A few Eiffel tower mini-French bowls (maybe 4), a gorgeous wall cone made from vintage barn tin (just 1)

There are things like these -- we used to carry them and then sold out -- at least we THOUGHT we did...until years later we "unearth" one hidden behind newer inventory stashes... (HOW does this happen, by the way...?)
A beautiful key holder in the vintage French agriculture award style...
I might have about 2 of these beauties.

Things that are gorgeous! But need a "home" to be gorgeous IN...

Great canvas pictures! I have just 1 of each of them; the two small-ish, thick squares were just made to go together!

So what do you think??

Would it be a good idea? And who knows how long I'd keep the area on the site. As long as I have "onesies" to sell, I guess!

It's hard to try and sell just ONE of something online (unless you're ebay) because I could get multiple orders for something that I have just ONE of, all while I'm away filling my cup of coffee...

I guess I'd just have to let the other buyers know immediately and go from there. And maybe that wouldn't even happen...

Anyway, there are ALOT more ONE-ONLY goodies where these things came from and I am kind of thinking I'll give it a shot.

Who knows what I'll turn up when I really start seriously looking behind and under things! I'm always so amazed at what I find on my store shelves when I go to organize to make room for more things coming in...

With the new Jeanne d'Arc Living shipment almost here, I am going to be doing JUST THAT! Making room!

So now I just need a clever little name to call my new area of the store!



  1. I think that sounds like a wonderful what to call it...I'll have to think about it and get back to you :o)

  2. I think it is a fantastic idea! I know I would love it. How about Potpourri? A little of this, a little of that!

  3. 'Le Brocante Beaute', of course! ;0)

    Great idea, Ruth.....

  4. I'm not good at that, but I sure would like to get some of those matter in what category you decide to list them!

  5. Ruth, I think it's a great idea. That's what I do on my website. It's all one-of-a-kind, which makes each piece very special.

    If it's vintage items, I would call it "vintage" or "one-of-a-kind." I'm sure there are better names...I'll try to think of more. Great idea though!

  6. is "Miscellany" too boring? I always like the way it looks versus miscellaneous.

  7. Anonymous6/21/2009

    How about

    "Last One"

    Then everyone will think they are getting the last big super score....

  8. Sounds like heaven to me, go for it!!You will come up with a name in no time, hope this finds you well my friend,Chrissy

  9. What about "Brocante" never know what beauty you will unearth at a French Brocante.
    Ness xx

  10. Looking forward to seeing what hidden treasures you will find! How about calling the section bric-a-brac? It seems to fit.

    Oh, and by the way, I love my magazine!!!

    Have a great day!

  11. Anonymous6/22/2009

    How about: going, going, gone!

  12. Hi Ruth!
    How about "last chance"....maybe in French?? I think it is a great idea! Love those numbers! Are they listed?
    Have a great night!


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