Tuesday, June 16, 2009


You may recall that a couple of weeks ago I celebrated my 100th blog post with a giveaway, etc... Well...guess what I got as a gift to commemorate it?
I got my OWN "Mathematicus" pillow with a No.100 on it!!
For moi!

My sweet, sweet friend, Karen, surprised me with this beautiful pillow (she knows the khaki linen with black is my fave!) and now I have one of the number pillows of my own -- and one with so much meaning, too!

But isn't that what we gal-friends do? We're always looking for ways to give each other little "happy's" as I call them. Little "no reason, just 'cause" gifts.

We gal-pal types must have a special gene or chromosome or something that we come with that insures we'll always want to talk, and share, and communicate (so different from our male counterparts, huh?)

On this note, I thought you might enjoy a super cute little clip of what surely must be that "special gene" just forming... look at this!


Is she adorable or what?? I would love to be a BFF with her when she grows up! What a little "communicator!"

Another thing we ladies like to do is share our beauty "secrets" and since my post yesterday when I mentioned that I'm strictly a "sunless tanning gal" now, I've had a few inquiries about which products I like to get that "glow".

So.... I'll dish...

DuWop Revolotion - this product used to come in light, medium & dark, but they now just have two levels - medium & dark. In my opinion, their medium is more like a "light" but, that's just me... It's a good quickie lotion to give you some color that is even somewhat opaque which means it really leaves your skin looking evened out color-wise - almost like "makeup" for your legs! Plus, it smells good, kind of like lavender/tangerine. A nice switch from the usual yucky smells of sunless tanners. BUT! This is not a true "tanner" and so that means it won't stay for days like others -- one shower and it's gone. No need for gloves or anything like that when applying this -- of course you definitely want to wash your hands well afterward but this doesn't have "staining power", so it's great for touch-ups and enhancement of a tan. If you are already dark or olive-toned...the "medium" can actually be a bit too light.

Fake Bake X-Treme Bronze - really good! And this one doesn't leave that typical lingering yucky smell - which is nice. I mix it with regular body lotion to think it out a bit and give me a little more "play time" when spreading it -- otherwise you have to be sort of quick. I also think this helps ensure against streaking and it makes the product go further, saving you money! ALWAYS USE RUBBER GLOVES WHEN APPLYING THIS! THEY SAY YOU CAN WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER APPLICATION, BUT DON'T EVEN TRY THAT -- YOU WILL HAVE STAINED - NOT TANNED -- HANDS AND THAT ISN'T PRETTY!)

Fake Bake bronzing powder
- great stuff and can be used on your chest, etc... even on the tops of your feet in sandals if you're wearing pants and haven't had time to do the whole sunless tanning cream routine for a while.)

So there you have it -- from one girlfriend to all you others out there...
Happy talking - Happy "tanning"!

And, THANK YOU AGAIN, Karen!! I love my pillow!



  1. oh' lucky girl you are!! beautiful pillow and thanks again for the tanning tips!

  2. How nice of your friend to give you the pillow. Girlfriends are the best! That little girl is darling, and a talker after my own heart. My hubby saw this on TV and my daughter and I watched his expression... too, too much! I may have to try the fake bake (I've just been going au naturel... fake bake wise, sunscreen of course, but very fair skin). Will try the one with the okay smell though. Icky smells don't sit well. Thanks for all the details, Ruth. Have a great night.

  3. What a lucky girl indeed ~ The pillow is fabulous! The video clip is too.
    Have a great evening.
    ~ Rebecca

  4. What a creative post - LOVE the pillow! With all this mediocre weather those tanning products will come in use!!!

  5. Hey Ruth! You KNOW i love that pillow! Thanks for sharing that lil talker with us...she is adorable!! I'm not much of a tanner but may have to get into it if I make the move down south!! Have a great night! Take care, Laura

  6. Love the pillow!!!

    That video is too funny....thanks for the laugh.....I think I have the 3 year old version living at my house.....

  7. Daisy Cottage6/17/2009

    Ruth it was SO much fun running into you today!!!
    You looked beautiful!

    Love the pillow!


  8. What a pretty gift you got. Congrats on your 100th post! Happy BLOGmance Wednesday!

  9. Oh my goodness look at your pillow! Ahh so sweet and it's a number :) thank you for your sweet comment on my blog you made me smile :) I hope you were able to order your mugs!!

  10. congrats on your 100th post....love the pillow!


  11. What a sweet and thoughtful gift ~ no.100.

    That's a lot of jibber jabber! Thanks for the laugh, girlfriend.

  12. The pillow is a perfect gift! What a nice surprise.

  13. Hi Ruth...What a great pillow. And that little girl is adorable...oh my gosh, so funny. I will have to try the fake bake powder.

  14. Ahhh...how sweet of your friend to make the pillow for you. Ok...that baby girl is too cute...thanks for the laugh.

  15. Don't know how we got here, but we are happy we did! Stop by some time we'd love to have you over!
    Marcela & Clara

    Congrats on your 100!!!


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