Monday, April 20, 2009


Gorgeous assortment of FREE burlap coffeebean sacks from an antiques dealer in Savannah...

I just couldn't wait to share my excitement about some "coming attractions" to the store.

If you've seen the latest issue of Country Living magazine, no doubt you saw their feature on the continued popularity of all things burlap -- mainly the vintage feedsack look.
Photo credit: Country Living magazine

Well... did you see the FABULOUS rug?? Huh? Did you? Did you?

Want one???

I know where you can get them!!

Yep! Moi!

You may recall my affinity for burlap sacks from my post about our trip to Savannah, when an antiques dealer GAVE US a bunch burlap coffeebean sacks (in the top photo above) FREE!!
They're used as PACKING MATERIAL in all his shipping crates that come back from his travels abroad.
He throws them out, otherwise... unbelievable.

Who else would be right there ready to offer you MORE burlap? MOI! MOI! :)

They're not in yet -- but, like any other fantabulous thing, they'll be worth the wait!

They're expected to be in sometime in May -- maybe later in May. Trust me, you'll be the FIRST TO KNOW when they arrive!!

So, can you tell I'm excited? Can you? Can you?

Okay -- back to work for me... and I promise to stay 10 full paces away from the coffee maker the rest of the day.

Yeah... sure. ;)


P.S. There are too many other new things coming to the store to mention, but photography awaits...I'm dying to share it all with you! I'm so excited to be bringing you a fresh new look that compliments my first love - French/Vintage Funk, but appeals to those of a more "purist" palette with an appreciation for cooler tones and an "airy" Swedish vibe.



  1. LOVE the idea with the rug. So posh! Great post and you used the word "MOI" Love it. =)

    ~ Kristen

  2. Hi Ruth,
    I did see that rug, I was at their website Saturday. I can't wait to see the purist French items (yay!) and the Swedish. I can't get enough of that Swedish style these days. I'll keep checking back for details.

  3. I like these used as a rug. I'm considering maybe a window treatment in my small bathroom too. Hmmm.

  4. Wouldn't that rug be perfect for Windy Ridge?? LOVE it.

  5. Very cool...I can even see some trim added to stuff.

  6. I must've been absent that day...(: So cool!

  7. I laughed when I saw that article and took it out to show Bob - he was DOUBTING my choice to upholster some of our chairs in burlap. Now? Notsomuch! ;0)

    I've given you a blog award, my friend - visit mine to check it out:

  8. Daisy Cottage4/22/2009

    Hi Ruth!
    Lots of luscious goodness over here!! I hope you are doing great and enjoying our beautiful spring as much as I am...

    Love from another major coffee addict!!! ;-)


  9. Kim!
    Great to hear from you! You should have entered my "Coffee Giveaway" a while back!! :)
    We gotta get together!!

  10. I WANT ONE!!!!Did you see I posted those on my blog,so I need one o.k...Motholgy wont ship to Ontario, wish is soooooo sad!! Talk soon, Chrissy

  11. Can't wait till you get the burlap sacks! Your blog is wonderul i don't visit enough! But am going to start making more time to enjoy all the creativity and reading, my New Years resolution.


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