Monday, March 2, 2009

We Have A Winner & A FUN Deviation From The Norm On "Music Monday"...

First things first! As promised, its Monday and I have randomly (well, nothing in life is truly "random") picked a winner by using one of those neat online random number generators.
Number #4 was generated and its Linda Sonia!

Congratuations, Linda!

Thanks so much, to each of you who took the time to comment and enter. Oh how I wish I could give a prize to EACH of you!! And I think my family would back me up on this -- if I thought I could get away with it, I would do it! :)

Today's winner has been posted a bit later than I normally would have done it due to the fact that I spent a good deal of the day earlier at my dentist's office. NOT FUN!

I commented on my Facebook page something to the effect of : "You know how the Hollywood stars get their names on their dressing room door, as a sign that they've "arrived"? Today's oddesey at the dentist may have earned me my name on one of his rooms!!
My visits there are far from being over -- they should just reserve a room with
my name on it. I'll be heading back there soon for what will be my THIRD root canal. Am I doing something wrong here? I hear its mainly genetics, so...

Its in the spirit of all dental fun and pitfalls (my experience is more the latter!) that in lieu of a sharing a favorite song with you, I'm going to share what I think may be the cutest video(s) on the web right now, featuring a darling little French girl (naturally).


In this video she has hatched a plan to fool the tooth fairy into leaving her a little something under her pillow -- although she has yet to lose any teeth yet (just wait, doll & don't be in such a hurry -- your day is coming, if my experience is any indication).
The little cherub's name is Capucine (love it!) and she is utterly, completely enchanting. I wouldn't be surprised if one day years from now SHE has HER name on a famous dressing room door! :)
(Thank you, Teri, for introducing me to these precious videos of her's!)
Enjoy the video and click on some of her others if you have time. I did and I just simply smiled the entire time. She is such a dear!
Thank you, again, for all your sweet, sweet comments and entries. I may not be able to give you each a shopping spree, but if we were all seated together at Starbucks I'd surely buy you a coffee, a pastry, and send you each off with a great big HUG!
Now...I'm off to check my otherwise sensation-less, numb face/jaw in the mirror. Ever try to put lipstick on when you can't feel a thing? Ugh...
Love to you all!!!


  1. Hi Ruth!
    Congratulations to Linda - what a lucky person she is to have her number chosen. I'm sorry to hear of the dentist dilemma... something I'm quite familiar with myself... can you say root canal? My sympathies are with you. Oh and I'll have one of those dangerous salted caramel hot chocolates (but iced) from Starbuck's when we all meet. Drats, now I'm going to have that on my mind all day! Off to the link. Hope your mouth's better very soon, sweetie! And I haven't forgotten about the award (just caught up in daily chaos ;)

  2. Congratulations to the winner! Oh, Ruth, I'm with you on the dentist. I seem to be there continuously. The only reason I'm not there now is because I'm working out of town for an extended period of time. I had a root canal last summer. My sympathies are with you ~ feel better soon!

  3. My congratulations to Linda and sorry to hear about your trip to the Dentist.
    Thank you for sharing the video of little Capucine. She is adorable ~ how clever she is!

  4. Congrats to Linda! And sorry to hear you had to spend the day at the dentist. Definitely not a fun way to spend a day. It could be worse... you could have to paint your peanuts - I mean teeth - white to make them look clean and pretty. What a cute little girl!


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