Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time For The "MY HOW A YEAR HAS FLOWN BY" Giveaway!

Sometime last February I started blogging -- I don't really remember what even got me considering doing it... Maybe it was all the time I spent looking at other blogs (once I even figured out what a BLOG was).
But whatever the motivation, it has been such a fun year and I just want to say thanks to all who have joined me along the way, read by lengthy philosophical posts, my excited 'we have new things in the shop!' posts, and my pretty-much-about-nothing posts.
I am always so surprised (and flattered) when someone will either email me or write note on an order with the store placed online, mentioning to me that they've followed my blog for months and was finally popping in to say "hi".
Its funny, as a blogger you can often wonder "sheesh, is anyone even reading this stuff??" Then I get one of those wonderful emails or notes on an order and I feel so good. Thanks for that.
In my blog-browsing I'm floored by the number of comments some blogs' posts routinely get. The average number of comments being maybe 30 to 60. Wow. I often wonder how that happens. But does it really matter? I suppose its akin to taking a drive through the other parts of town and gazing longingly at homes that make you feel like yours is a shack.
And if the truth be told, I don't always leave comments as I blog-surf. I'm the queen of blog "hit & run" -- I read, browse and cruise. Bad, Ruth! :)
If you're a blogger then you obviously have something you want to say it. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter if a post gets 1 comment or 100, some post, some time, will be JUST THE WORDS some woman needed to read.
So I say, write-on, ladies. Let's not do the comment-number comparison game with ourselves. Allow your thoughts to flow and write them down. I know I enjoy reading all your posts. I may not always stop and take the time to comment (SHAME ON ME!) and I really, really want to get better about that, but your posts are always fun, refreshing and inspiring.
Okay....I hear all of you out there saying "Alright already! Enough with the philosophical dissertation on blogging! Let's hear about the giveaway!!"
Well, I have spent the last few days trying to think of just the right giveaway goodie "basket" to come up with. What kind of "theme" could I do? Hmmm... did French or Parisenne. Been there done that (last year). Spring/Garden theme? Well, possibly, but its technically still February and though I sit here in Florida where temps will reach 80 degrees by Saturday, much of the country still has some cold ahead of it. On an on it went with the whole "theme thing"...
Then I spent about half an hour browsing my site to gather things to give away and before I knew it, I practically had MY ENTIRE STORE as the giveaway prize. So....since "corporate" (aka hubby) probably won't approve that, I finally concluded that I would give the gift that puts YOU in the driver's seat -- a
$100.00 spending spree at The Beautiful Life.
I'll get with the lucky winner once the drawing is over and you can let me know what you'd like and within a few days your goodies will arrive all prettily packaged up just for you. How's that sound to ya?
Just leave a comment on THIS blog post, and that gets you entered to win!
Now, one thing... As I recall from my last giveaway, there were some who commented anonymously and I had no way to contact them...If you must comment anonymously, I just ask that you also shoot me an email, too, leaving me your name and then I'll have both name and email address in case you're the winner!
Details, details.
Well, what do you say we wrap up the giveaway on Monday, March 2nd? That way you don't have to wait too long to see if you won and it should give plenty of time for entries. Okeedokee?
On your mark, get set, COMMENT!
Okay, now GO!


  1. Hi Ruth!
    It's a good thing I follow your blog, so I know when all the good stuff is happening! I can't believe we're almost to March and oui, please enter me as I can think very easily what I'd use the prize for in your lovely shop... oh dream, dream, dream!
    I always love reading what you have to say, whether it be long or short, so there.
    Happy night!

  2. Anonymous2/25/2009

    Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary!! So glad I found your blog (and shop) - you're such a sweetie!! Keep on writing!! (and, of course, we all know I can spend money in your shop at the drop of a hat, so the drawing - like Tracie said - dream!!)

  3. Ruth!
    I was just browsing in your shop, drooling as usual, and thought it was time to pop over to the blog and boy what a timely decision that was, eh? Congrats on a year! And cheers to many more!

  4. Happy 1 year Blogaversary... Your shop is filled with delectable goodies and I would be thrilled to win your giveaway and on my birthday to boot!!!! It's meant to be... lol LindaSonia

  5. Anonymous2/25/2009

    Oh my fun!! I'm so glad that I'm getting the chance to get to know you & Olivia better! Ya'll are awesome & I LOVE all of your fun stuff! So count me in for the contest!

    Rachel Setliffe

  6. I just stopped in to say "Hi" and congratulate you on your First anniversary which got me to thinking when is mine? I took a peek and Oh my ~ this month is mine too!

    How right you are! Time does go by so quickly and reading your post is like listening to me talk to myself. While I don’t always leave a comment I so enjoy stopping in every chance I get!
    Thank you.
    Again, congratulations!
    ~ Rebecca

  7. Happy Blogiversary sweet Ruth!!! I would just LOVE to be entered into your giveaway...wishing you many more years of blogging and sharing, xxoo, Dawn

  8. Anonymous2/26/2009 have no idea how much I needed to pop over and read this right now. I was scrolling through Fifi's blog and on a really old post she had a link to your site and it made me think to visit your blog. I actually have been "down" a bit lately...and I know it seems silly...but I have been doing the comment comparison...and getting discouraged. I have taken some time the last few days to reflect on it all...what it means...why do I do this blog anyways? Does anyone even notice...or care? And then like you email or comment comes in that can totally make it worth it. And I actually just uttered your same words to myself the other day...even if only one comment comes in ...that does not take away the value and I should be proud in my one comment! Okay...I am so sorry for rambling...and also for being a "hit and run blogger" as well! Shame on me too! You are very inspiring and it is good for me to stop by often to let you know how much I enjoy your blog!

    OH and Happy Anniversary! May your year ahead be filled with many more wonderful and inspring posts!

    This truly was one that I needed to thank you for taking the time to write it;)

    Okay...I am leaving now really! LOL.

  9. Everyone likes giveaways! lol

    It's funny about blogging. I thought of it as a fad and kind of stupid until I tried it myself anyway. Funny how we come around isnt it?

    BTW, great title for your blog. Life IS beautiful!

    Have a great day!

  10. Oh sister , i have been waiting for this. ENTER ME... PLEASE. mishelle

  11. Anonymous2/26/2009

    Happy blogaversary. you have a most inspiring blog, great ideas and a gift certivicate for some fabulous stuff. Thanks for offering it. Hope I win!!!!!

  12. Dear Anonymous,
    Please don't forget to email me directly with your name/email address in case YOU win!! :)

  13. congrats on the one year mark.

  14. Congrats on the anniversary! This is my 1st ever giveaway entry -- how fun!! What a treat it would be to have that kind of cash to spend in your store. I love your blog (even if I don't comment every time I visit :)). You've introduced me to music I wouldn't have heard otherwise and I always enjoy the eye candy in your store!

    Hope you have a great day!

  15. Um, yeah, Ruth, I have to cop to the 'Blog Hit & Run' M.O, as well. It's sad because I so love what other women are doing - I need to stand up and applaud more! (And isn't that really what comments are? A little applause & appreciation?! We all need that!)

    So, this is my coming-out party! I want to say that I actually LOVED your philosophizing in this post...please keep it up! Your blog is so uplifting, and your heartfelt words really encouraged me today. I was the woman who needed to hear your words - so thank you!

    And what could be more inspiring than a shopping spree at TBL? Such a generous gift. Please do enter me in your giveaway!

  16. Anonymous2/26/2009

    Wow, how generous! I love your blog & all the things you offer so please enter my name. Happy Blogiversary.

  17. Hi Ruth! Please enter my name in your drawing...Even if I don't win, I will be placing an order. Just too busy moving now to do so.
    Love your blog and your goodies!!

  18. Anonymous2/26/2009

    Thanks for not giving away the whole store! Looks like you've got a lot of people who want that gift certificate!! :)


    ps- please do not enter me in the contest!

  19. Anonymous2/26/2009

    I'm afraid I'm guilty of reading and not commenting on your blog, Ruth! But after that oh so inspirational post how could I not comment ... not to mention a chance to win a spending spree at your lovely shop! I will make sure I comment more often and not just read & run!

    Happy 1 Year anniversary!

    ~ Lynda

  20. Happy blogging anniversary. You have a big heart. Your thought of a "giveway" is a great way of showing your appreciation to your readers. This is.... like if you good to others, good is come back to you.

  21. I too have always wondered if anyone reads my blog. (My counter puts my mind at ease though!) Happy one year anniversary to you :oD

  22. I love ordering from T.B.L. I just discovered it three orders ago. Ruth is such a pleasure & I truly feel that I am her only customer as she gives me all the time I need in choosing my goodies. I could appear on t.v. to tell everyone to shop at T.B.L. because you will never be disappointed. Your orders are shipped out next day & the presentation of your packed goods is lovely. Ruth, I am so delighted to have found you. The very best to you & your successful business. bestest, to you. Denise from northern wisconsin.

  23. Hi Ruth!

    Gosh! You just totally called me out on the read and run! How can I not comment now! I think I actually started reading your blog from the very beginning and have never left a comment! That is just wrong! I have felt guilty about that so many times because so many of your post have touched me and I think that is something you should know about. I mean, to know that there is a point to it all and that someone is actually reading all this and being moved by your words and for all your wonderful posts this past year and a few touching emails(remember those-Mr. Magorium post)and for introducing me to some great music, thank you :) So, I guess I should stop now, man I could get used to this commenting thing!
    Anyway, Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for the giveaway!


  24. happy anniversary! Love your blog and shop...

  25. Hi Ruth!
    First of all, congrats on your first year of blogging! And, yes, time flies. I used to be a blog hit and run kind of girl, too, and I just started my blog and realized how fun it is to receive comments. So, I've been so much better about leaving comments. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. I'm off to check your shop out right now! And it is a beautiful life!

  26. Are you kidding me? This is an amazing giveaway!!!! Please, oh, please pick me!! Thanks, Joanne ~~

  27. Congratulations Ruth, and thanks for being out here in BlogLand! I'm getting close to my 500th blog post, and am having to figure out something divine (or at least helpful and cute!) for a giveaway too~ wish me luck!


  28. Oh how I love your blog~ Such pretty pictures.

  29. Oh Ruth, Happy Anniversary - I just had my first blog anniversary. Isn't amazing how fast the time goes? Count me in for the giveaway. I love my '21' pillow!

  30. Anonymous2/26/2009

    Congrats, and thanks for giving us the chance for a wonderful shopping spree =)

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  31. OH! I'm so excited... just found your blog and shop today seaching for vintage items. What a wonderful find. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  32. I have enjoyed the items I purchased from your shop immensely and also your blog. You bring a little bit of "the beautiful life" into my life and I appreciate you putting it out there on your blog. Thanks!

  33. Isn't it funny how Fast time Flies when you are having Fun! Congratulations on your Blogiversary! Jamie

  34. Anonymous2/27/2009

    I would love to enter your blog giveaway! Please add me to your list. Hop over when you have time. I am hosting a giveaway for 100th posts. THanks,

  35. Anonymous2/28/2009

    Congratulations on your first year anniversary! I've been an avid reader for the entire time and, yes, occassionally I hit and run! Rest assured that I always enjoy the posts and the visual eye candy. Here's wishing you another fabulous year of posts and an ever expanding circle of fans. You go girl! XOXXOO

  36. Happy 1 year Blogiversary!! Here's to another wonderful year.

  37. Happy blog anniversary. You have such good ideas, and very inspiring. I would be very thrilled to win your prize. thanks for offering it.

  38. Anonymous2/28/2009

    happy bloggiversary ruth! your blog is wonderful and so are you! ann

  39. I found your website by searching for French decor! I placed an order for exactly $100 so maybe that is "a sign" that I may win your $100 giveaway! Please enter me as I plan to visit often and would LOVE to win!

  40. You know, I wonder the same thing all the time ... is anybody reading my blog? How on earth does that blog get soooo many comments? And I am guilty of the same transgression too, I read, move on, read, move on ... lurking about amongst blog after blog, the majority of the time without leaving a comment. So, here ya go, I'm leaving a comment at your blog, and not just because you have a giveaway ... but because we seem to think alike when it comes to blogging and that certainly deserves a comment.

    Happy 1st blogiversary!!

  41. Congrats! Luv this blogging community
    Plead enter me in your givesway

  42. Anonymous3/01/2009

    Thanks for inspiring me to live the beautiful life! I just found your shop today and -Wow-loved it all!

    Blessings to you!


  43. Bonjour!
    I love, love, love your site. I check your blog often, but don't leave comments. Sorry. I will try to do better.

    Enter me in the contest!!
    Au Revoir,

  44. Hi Ruth, I emailed you Yesterday, You won my Give Away on my Blog. When you have a minute stop into my Etsy shop and Pick what ever you would like. Have a Great week, Jamie

  45. Just wanted to tell you that I came across your blog from Hummadeedledee blog.
    I started reading about how you got started blogging and I totally agree with you about the posting.
    Then I read about your contest, so count me in.

  46. Just wanted to tell you that I came across your blog from Hummadeedledee blog.
    I started reading about how you got started blogging and I totally agree with you about the posting.
    Then I read about your contest, so count me in.

  47. Just wanted to tell you that I came across your blog from Hummadeedledee blog.
    I started reading about how you got started blogging and I totally agree with you about the posting.
    Then I read about your contest, so count me in.

  48. Congratulations Ruth just heard the news over at Jamies of Simply Me Art!
    Have a great evening! ~ Rebecca


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