Friday, February 13, 2009

CH-CH-CH-CH-CHANGES....A Story In Pictures...

So the thought of making a fairly drastic change in my appearance (okay, I know - "define drastic") has been on my mind a lot lately and after a really, really busy time lately and neglecting myself totally for -- well, I don't know how long -- I decided to take the plunge and make a change that, for ME at least, was really BIG...
Since I'm a visual person, I'll "tell you " the story in pictures...

I think I'm really going to like the "new me" and I've already made a follow-up appt. with the gal who gave me this fab color. Since I can never leave well-enough alone, I'm already planning some burgundy touches to be added in here & there next week.
Now I know that for you gals who switch hair colors like some of us switch nail polish colors, this "big" event for me may seem a trifle silly. But believe me...this was, GINORMOUS for me!
This is the color (well, slightly lighter maybe) that I am by birth. Seems that for all my "straying" from it, my return to it is telling me that God knew what He was doing in the first place (insert the obvious "DUH!" here...) and the color He gave me at birth turns out to be the color that best suits me afterall.
For years for me, the "hair was blonder on the other side of the stylist chair", but I'm back where I belong and loving it!
How about YOU? Had any fashion or image-related "eureka moments" lately?
Thanks for letting me share. This was really big for me. :)


  1. Your hair looks FANTASTIC!!!! I love the color.

    Wendy :)

  2. Anonymous2/14/2009

    Change is good!! It looks great both ways, but I do like it darker! Hair color is a fun thing!! Enjoy your new look!

  3. Hey- I like it dark too. Looks sassy and fun! It was a good move. You look great.

  4. I think your new brunette hair looks fabulous! I might be bias cuz I have brunette hair too, but I think dark hair rocks!

  5. It looks really good!

  6. It looks fantastic. You are scaring me a little with putting burgandy in it. I am a hair stylist
    so i have been thru different looks with myself and clients. lol. But it does look great with your skin. You are a pretty lady anyways. Plus brunettes are more fun not blondes. lol. mishelle

  7. fabulous, friend! You look amazing! {how young did you say you were??!} you are as beautiful on the ouside as you are on the inside.
    xo Lidy

  8. The color really suits you. I started coloring my hair when I was 16 with heavy blonde highlights and have often thought about going back to my natural color...or something closer to it. It is a big deal! If I knew it would turn out as fab as yours did I would go for it!


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