Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blogging Has It's Rewards (Awards, Actually....)

Somebody pinch me! (Well...not literally.)
In less than a week I have been blessed to receive not one but TWO blog awards from some really incredible fellow (sister) bloggers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The first award, called the "Sisterhood" award, came from sweet Suzie Naso who's blog is called My Sid Dickens Addiction (too funny!).

For those who may not be familiar with Sid Dickens, he is an artist who creates the most beautiful decorative dimensional tiles that have a cult-following

Aren't these tiles incredible? And trust me, these designs are only two of countless (thousands?) that Sid Dickens has created over the years.

So, Suzie thoughtfully passed this "Sisterhood" award on to me. Aww....Suzie, THANK YOU, "Sis!"

In the spirit of now passing on this award to other very deserving blogs, here is a listing of some that you really must visit -- they are truly part of the "sisterhood of bloggers" and you'll be very happy to discover them if you haven't already:

1). Heidi from DREAMS INTERTWINED - We sort of found each other through Etsy (don't get me started -- I should start another blog called "My Etsy Addiction"...). I purchased some things from her Etsy store and then began following her blog and I found she also follows my blog! See there -- sisters! :)

2.) Andrea from EVERYDAY BEAUTY blog -- this blog is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so drawn in by the design/colors/etc...And she always has such unique crafting ideas, etc. You may know her online store called One Hundred Wishes -- yeah...another fab addiction to start...
3). Jeanne from A BUSHEL & A PECK blog -- oh how I've loved getting to know this "sister" in blogging. More and more that we have in common continues to be discovered and her blog is a true joy. Its also been fun being "Facebook Friends", too! Jeanne has an Etsy store as well and makes such beautiful aprons and picture must check it all out!

4.) Tracie from MY PETITE MAISON - this is one dreamy blog -- I am officially in love with her huge but sweet white dog, too. This blog is like being in a fairy tale over and see what I mean...

5.) Lis at LA MIA CUCINA -- If you love to cook (or just love to look at goreous foods someone else has cooked) you MUST visit this blog. With a focus on Italian fare, this blog never fails to make me want to head straight to the kitchen and get cooking. She makes everything look so yummy and so easy!

6.) Carol of RAISED IN COTTON - Wow. My oh my oh my...I love this blog and I love her store. 'Nuf said.

7.) Ruthann of WARM PIE, HAPPY HOME - I want to just step into my computer screen and into her kitchen/home. If anyone has actually achieved the ability to step back in time to a simpler, kinder life, this incredible woman seems to have done it. You will absolutely love this blog.

8.) Cindy at MY ROMANTIC HOME - What a pretty, pretty blog with the lovely picture of her creations and her romantic home -- and Cindy is another Etsy shop owner (uh oh, again with Etsy!). Please take a moment to visit both her blog & her Etsy site!

9.) Lidy at FRENCH GARDEN HOUSE blog - Well, my new friend Lidy and I are "sisters" in another way this year...we were both included in the Feb. 2009 issue of Romantic Homes magazine's listing of their "Romantics" for the year. She was the first person to congratulation me -- by email, on Christmas day!! We have really connected and her blog is beautfiul, as is her heart and soul.
10.) Jamie of SIMPLY ME ART - Okay, I'm admitting it, this is ANOTHER Etsy store owner/blogger...I promise you, I do not spend every waking hour on the Etsy site! Really!
Her jewelry creations are totally unique and have that wonderful vintage/funky appeal.
Well, there you have it. My 10 nominees for the "Sisterhood" blog award.

If you're on the list above, won't you take a moment at some point soon to bless some other well-deserving sistahs out there in blog-land? Its as easy as 1,2,3!

Here's all you do:
1. Put the Sisterhood image/logo on your blog -- be sure to link back to the person who bestowed this award on you somewhere in the post (that would be me...). :)

2. Nominate about 10 blogs which possess the spirit of blog "sisterhood", linking to each of them within your post as you mention them.

3. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
Thank you, again, Suzie!!!

Just last night, I received another blog award, this time from Heidi of Dreams Intertwined (listed as #1 up above as one of my choices to receive the Sisterhood award). I had already designated her blog to receive the Sisterhood award in planning for this post, and low and behold last night she contacted me to tell me she was passing on an award to me! Now THAT'S amazing! :)
Heidi passed along the Este Blog award, awarded to bloggers who invest in the PROXIMITY of space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. Wow. Thank you, Heidi! That is SOOOO sweet! :)
Listed below are my nominees for this wonderful blog award:
1.) PAINTED WHITE BY ALICE - Wow. One talented lady. A shop, design services, and a great blog.
2.) Lisa of URBAN FARMHOUSE blog - Lisa was also included in this year's Romantic Homes listing of "Romantics" for 2009. Her blog and store are incredible eye-candy and I so wish I lived closer to her store!
3.) My dear friend Jackie Cate of WREN'S NEST - I think I first discovered Jackie through Flickr and being involved in the "Shades Of Inspiration" photography group. We are also Facebook "friends" and just "friends" in general. I love Jackie's sense of style -- we both adore all things French -- and her blog is always full of gorgeous photos and ideas.
3.) Tina from CHERRY HILL COTTAGE - WARNING: Do not got to this blog if you are hungry or on a diet! I am going to burn through an ink cartridge just printing recipes from this incredible blog!! Thanks, Tina!
4.) Molly of PARIS MARKET blog - Molly has taken photos from her European travels and transformed them into the most beautiful designs on tumbled marble tiles (of all sizes) and even transferred the photos onto gorgeous calf skin handbags made by generations-old craftsmen in Italy. If these sound familiar its because early last year I discovered Molly and her wares and have been offering them in my shop! See the tiles HERE and those fabulous handbags HERE.
Well ladies -- just like the "rules" for the Sisterhood award, please find a moment sometime soon and pass this award on to some other deserving blogger out there, linking back to this post as well as to your nominee's blog.
Thank you for BOTH of my awards. Who's luckier/happier than me? NOBODY!!!


  1. Anonymous1/28/2009

    Congrats on your awards Ruth! And thanks for passing one on to me ;) You are too sweet! And congrats to all of the other talented ladies too!

  2. Thank you so much for the award! It's an honor to be included with those other wonderful bloggers!

    I just started me etsy shop last week! It's been a lot of fun creating things for it!

  3. Anonymous1/28/2009

    Hi Ruth - both awards so well deserved!! You are such a sweet soul with great taste and talent too!! Thank you so much for including me in this list of amazing ladies!! You picked lots of my favorite blogs and now I have some new ones to love!! Thanks again!

  4. Hi Sis... uh, I mean Ruth!
    Congrats on the awards - so well deserved. Could you hear me running over here after I received your comment? You have truly made my day, thank you! It's such an honor to be in the company of you and all the talented bloggers you've awarded.
    Merci de faire mon bonbon à jour ~ Thank you for making my day sweet!

  5. Thank you Ruth for this Award.Congratulations on yours. I have to tell you everytime I stop into your blog there is always such eye candy and inspirations. I will pass it along. Jamie, I left one comment and not sure if it went thru so this is #2. Im a chatter, LOL...


  7. Howdy Ruth! Thank you ever so much for the fabulous award! I am honored to be among such creative and amazing sisterhood of bloggers! I am also thrilled with your wonderful blog!! I have added you to my favorites list! Your site if full of yummy eye candy, and you truly have a great talent for creating beautiful rooms! Thanks again! Blessings!
    P.S. I like your name!

  8. Ruth,
    Thank you so much for the sweet award...I am in amazing company!

  9. Wow.. thank you so much for passing along this award to me! I am incredibly flattered! :)

    It's so nice to meet you! I'm glad you like the blog.. I've been reading through yours and I'm loving it! You've got amazing taste and talent :)

    I'll be back for sure! Thanks again, Ruth! And congrats to you for receiving both awards - you're definitely deserving of both! :)


  10. Thank you Ruth! How sweet of you! I really appreciate the award. What a wonderful crop of bloggers I'm in the company of here. I can't wait to go learn more about some of the ones I'm not familiar with.
    Thanks so much!

  11. Ruth~ I'm so happy you have received some more awards. They are well deserved.
    This morning, as I was paying bills, and contemplating the future, I knew I needed a pick-me-up. I clicked on your blog and read a few minutes. Then it was back to bill paying, but with a new attitude, and song in my heart. I LOVE YOUR PLAYLIST!!!!!
    Your blog never ceases to bring me a smile.

  12. Just dropping by to say hello Ruth.
    Congrats on your awards. I agree with all you are a kind soul with a good business sense and great taste!
    Hope all is well.

  13. Ruth,
    You are too sweet! I am honored to be included with such a lovely group of bloggers! You are such an inspiration, and so deserving of your awards! (I tried to send an email thanks a couple of days ago, but it was returned?) Cheers to 2009 and new friends!

  14. Anonymous2/11/2009

    Thank You, Thank You for the lovely award and please forgive me for not showing my appreciation sooner:) Your blog is so pretty and I have enjoyed looking through your posts:)


  15. I found your blog from arootdigger2. I didn't know what to make of her blog as I had never seen anything like it. Bits of other peoples blogs were there including pictures. Yours was a comment on one of them. I followed the thread as you mentioned a "see through rug" and I got curious. Anyway..your home is beautiful and SO interesting! I have to go back and read even more when I am not so tired. I ran into a picture of my home on that blog and it sort of surprised me. Very complimentary but I just wasn't expecting to see things I had posted elsewhere. Is this some sort of advertising blog? Part of it seemed..regular but sort of confused me.
    Anyway...I will go and read more of what you have to say. The pictures are beautiful. Your style seems so soft and easygoing..


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