Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where Angels Fear To Tread: Giant Catalogs, Reproductions vs. Originals, and Whether Restoration Hardware Is A Design Scapegoat

We tend get things late around here... in the mail that is.

I routinely get my magazines a good week or so after I begin hearing about 
my blog friends getting theirs and true to this, I am one of the last to
have finally gotten my copy of the MUCH talked/blogged/Facebooked/Twittered about
Restoration Hardware BIG catalog.

It's their biggest ever -- in physical size as well as "buzz".
But the buzz has not been all good.

Let me say now, that if you didn't already know it by my many recent posts about
our home renovation, I am a HUGE fan of Restoration Hardware.

In fact, the space of our home that we recently gutted and restored was done to
almost 100% mimic our local Restoration Hardware shop.

So, I say upfront, as I sheepishly put my toe into the almost angry waters of this
Restoration Hardware debate, I am completely baffled by the wave of
angst that this catalog and RH as a whole is suddenly being engulfed in.

As I read the various posts and comments out there (and there are too many 
to provide links to  --- possibly just Google Restoration Hardware new catalog
for a selection of posts that appear for you to check out) - the REAL problem
seems to stem from the backlash against true antiques and vintage pieces being
copied or "knocked off".

This is not new to RH -- and it's not a recent phenomena at all.

I love this hat form...
And I can guarantee you, as a resident of Central Florida, there are
NO fabulous outdoor antique fairs ANYWHERE around here
in my future where I will be able to unearth the authentic version of this...

I think many of the blogs I read forget that not ALL of the US has access to
the kind of vintage items and antiques that perhaps they have come to
take for granted.

Hence, we do not think it bad or morally corrupt to buy our version
of "vintage" from stores like RH.

Which brings me to the whole idea of what is apparently
now the verboten idea of reproduction furniture...

If you own any "new-ish" furniture at all, it is probably a reproduction of 
some design or another from the past.

So for Restoration Hardware to suddenly be the "it" company to vilify for reproducing
antiques ... well, it just ain't right.

It may be a bit too put-together for some, or formal, or whatever,
but if you are a follower of interior design at all, you HAVE to admit,
Restoration Hardware has it in SPADES when it comes to
timeless, casual elegance -- and tasteful themes that,
whether embraced fully or picked and chosen here and there,
cannot be rivaled almost anywhere.

Tonight I was trying to catch up on weeks of blog posts from the blogs I follow
and I will share a comment that I was going to post on YET ANOTHER
blog post condemning Restoration Hardware,
but I decided to cut and paste here instead... 

here is what
I had written as my comment, but did not publish:

I really think there is room for both repro's and true antiques.

I happen to live in an area of the country that has almost NOTHING in the way of the kind of antique/vintage fairs that we read about on a lot of the blogs, etc., so I'm always amazed at the fabulous stuff people can find that is totally inaccessible to me here locally.  Sooooo, for me, I'm totally willing to buy the repro's from RH or the like.

Also, there are probably situations where a renovation is underway and there just isn't time to scour fairs and shops for "the real McCoy" and it is preferable to the customer to just buy a fitting repro for the same "look".

There are consumers who have a certain look in mind and want a slightly more refined, polished look that, while nods to the vintage look, does not have all the roughest edges and chippy qualities that a lot of true vintage can have.  In this case, it's simply a matter of taste/opinion -- no right, no wrong, just a matter of some not caring for quite the ruggedness that much of the chippy/peely/distressed vintage can hold.

It's a look -- it combines the best of both worlds:  new, but with a sense of the past.  Kind of like those who build a new home that could be mistaken for a 100-year old home because of the details and even "aging" that went into the careful construction.

Last, some vintage items just may not lend themselves completely for hard use and in those cases, a well-made, new, sturdy piece that looks older is best.

I personally like a mix -- true old, and the made-to-look-old.   And my home contains both.  

I suppose, in the end it's almost akin to someone outfitting their home in a totally French look with loads of knick-knacks about Paris, the Eiffel Tower, etc... but never having even been to France.  Are they being fakes?  Or, just showing their love of a look/ambiance/region when they may or may not ever be able to personally visit it?  

That's my spin -- I don't see RH's approach or look as a ripoff of anything -- just a collection of things in a company that is presenting it's trademark look.  They will always have their demographic that they appeal to and that is as it should be.  Just as the Anthropologies and the Pottery Barns of the world have their demographic that finds them breath-taking.  And I'd bet that the typical customer of RH would not feel at all genuinely comfortable with the very bohemian, mismatched look that is Anthro.  :)  Perhaps somewhere out there in some blog circles there are die-hard RH fans bemoaning Anthro and what must be, in their opinion, the craziness that passes  for design and fashion in those stores.  (Wouldn't it be fun to run across some of those blogs!).  :)

I'm cool with them all -- RH, Pottery Barn, Anthro, Williams Sonoma... they all have plenty that tugs at my heart(and purse)strings when I pass through their doors.  

So, I guess I'm like Switzerland -- I'm neutral.  Okay with it all. 

I wrote all of that and realized.... I have an entire blog post here. 
Why not just DO a blog post?

Yet another area of criticism seems to stem from the scale of their

Again, I don't know how THAT becomes a valid point of 
almost hatred for a company.

When we subscribe to a shelter magazine and drool over page after page
of homes on a scale that many of us will never live in,
do we cancel our subscription?
We dream, we imagine, and we gain inspiration.

Much like with this new Restoration Hardware catalog.

My dining room may not easily accommodate one of their largest 
tables, but if so inclined, I could order one of their smaller models
(they do offer many of their furnishing in varying sizes).

Or, I will be inspired to  begin looking for something like one of their

Even if we don't live in a home of Belgian castle proportions, 
one can glean ideas and inspiration from the collection 
they offer.

And on the subject of size/scale...

Ruth's Chris Steakhouse serves obscenely sized side dishes --
baked potatoes the size of footballs, more broccoli or asparagus
than one person can truly call a "side".  But... they have a 
devoted following and many love to go there for a special meal.

Should they be called to task for their portion sizes?
They serve a demographic and meet a desire that's out there.

Personally, I couldn't care less if I ever step foot in a Ruth's Chris again,
but I wouldn't feel a need, either, to set about calling for them to 
close or call them obsolete or "out of touch with the masses".

And what of the almost deified Anthropologie?  

Has anyone checked THEIR catalog lately???

Just got mine in the mail yesterday... saw the shoes/boots tipping the
scales at $400.  

Saw the dresses, sweaters, and skirts for hundreds of dollars --

Saw the upwards of $5,000 leather sofa,

pictured below... $4,998.00.

And I'll betcha for that price it's not nearly the size of one of
the 'SCANDALOUSLY LARGE' sofa's from Restoration Hardware...
the ones that so many hate the store for because of their
huge scale and "high prices".

(The sofa below, from RH, same size as the couch above from Anthro, is $3,845.00.)

Hmmm.... me thinks this is a fairly one-sided debate.

Anthro can put something in their shop that looks like it was
dropped from a 10 story building - then kicked a few times for good measure --
and charge a price that is out of the stratosphere for it.

But... if you are Anthro... you can pull it off.

They can charge $80 for what amounts to a knit tee.... 
but.... if you are Anthro....

If your name starts with an "A" and rhymes with "apology"
you can sell this dress for just south of $400.00:

This is a sleeveless dress, people...
and Fall is coming...

How about a pair of t-strap shoes made up of
3 mis-matched, uncoordinated colors charge $278 and 
they are ALLLLL the rage.

a pair of goodness-knows-what-you call-'em shoes for
over $500.00:

as a shop owner,
I wish I had an OUNCE of whatever
magic Antho seems to have unearthed to allow them to
put pretty much ANYTHING out there and charge 
hundreds for it and it be the MOST COVETED 
THING ON EARTH for almost every young
20 to 40-something.

I guess what I'm feeling is....
anyone who has vilified Restoration Hardware
recently but has also shopped at Anthro...
owes RH an apology.


So Restoration's new "look" isn't "you"....
is that a reason to launch a campaign against the entire company?

"It's too dark."  "Too monochromatic."
"Too big!"  "Too expensive!"
"Too pretentious."
"Caters to the over-indulgent rich with no clue..." (??? really?  Again, I bring up Antho...)

I cannot ever see myself furnishing my home from

Or Design Within Reach.  

Or in the of-the-moment 
all white with chippy details...

All too light, too cold, and just not "me".

But.... I see no reason to write extensively about how
"far too modern" or "awfully lacking in color" or
"WAY to white and bland" they are...

It's a matter quite simply of taste.

And... as I always say, it's just STUFF.

This isn't about world peace.  Or hunger. Or life-altering matters...
It's furniture and accessories.

And in the end, it really doesn't amount to much.

If I don't care for the offerings in a particular catalog from a
particular store,
it goes in "File 13".   

How did poor RH come to be the point of such
contention?  It's just a store.  

Filled with stuff.

And it's ALLLLL just stuff.

Just like Anthro's full of "just stuff" too...

But I don't think we should draw a line of conclusion
from where a person shops for their home
to their character.

If that's the case ... as I said... 
Those of us who frequent Anthro owe
RH a HUGE apology.

Antrho is no discount store -- and what passes for
design (homewares as well as clothing) sometimes just makes
my head spin.

I've seen outfits in their catalogs that make me laugh --
and ask, "Did a 2 year old dress you? Blindfolded?"

NOTHING matches!  
It's almost their badge of honor at Antho:
the more mis-matched the better.
Purple blouse under green/ivory striped cardigan,
paired with a red checked skirt ... and yellow shoes.


Okay... I'm done.

I'm just saying... where is the love, people?

Some will not care for RH's current monochromatic themes
and heavy Belgian influence... sweet.  No prob.

But they have a LOT of customers out there who love it
and for whom a trip through that GIANT new catalog is almost heaven.

RH's typical demographic is allowed to furnish their home
or condo or townhome or vacation home in whatever manner
makes their heart sing and thank goodness there is a store
out there with all that they love under one roof.

And not all hearts "sing" to the same tune...
One soul is lifted by the all white room with bare floors
and furniture with paint just falling off it.

One soul sings in a room full of a Parisian influence
-- all dainty and full of Eiffel tower themes and
French sayings.

Someone else craves roses and chintz and dripping lace...
all things floral and uber-feminine.

Yet another loves a Farmhouse look...

But I would hate that the one whose heart beats a bit faster
when they step into a Restoration Hardware has to feel shamed into
silence of admitting it for fear they be labeled as 
"pretentious" or "snobbish" or "cold" because for them
nothing is more serene that bare wood and linen
and shades of grey and khaki...

Style, scale, and color truly is not a 
character statement... 
merely a design preference.

I may run into you at Ikea, or Anthro, or Pottery Barn or... GASP... 
Restoration Hardware (I promise I won't tell anyone I see you in there...).

Let's be able to shake hands and shop -- design is no reason
for a great divide.  Too many other things in life
vie for that billing... let's all get along over what really just
amounts to "stuff".



  1. :) I hope you have a great week...


  2. This is a very interesting post for me, an Aussie who doesn't have either of those stores in her country! I would really love to see both of the catalogues for myself and see what the fuss is all about.

    It was great to hear your passion for something you love in this post. Goon on you for that!

    Best wishes,

  3. All I can say is Bravo Ruth!
    I have barely been aware of the goings on in blogland...a little out of it lately..but after doing as you suggested and Googling the whole Rh debate I am with you on this!
    I also live in an area where these authentic finds are hard to locate and so often, I would rather have new (sorry, I know so many don't want to hear that)
    I love RH! The whole feeling their spaces convey is warm and inviting to me.
    I like their look and love it that they put so much thought into their pieces. Enough to design items in different sizes to suit many peoples homes.
    As a store merchandiser I think they have a talented Creative director/design team for moving the company into this new direction.
    I think we all should be able to buy what we want from who we want without being criticized for it.
    but that's just me.
    I like it all!

  4. Donna! Great to hear from you! And congratulations on your association with Belle Inspiration!

    Coming from you, a former designer from my "other favorite" (E.A.), I SOOO appreciate your comment.

    E. Allen has always been, to me anyway, the epitome of taste and across-the-board balance in design. On-trend, but not trendy. Meaning, you can drop $7,000 there but know that your room will still be functional and stylish 20 -30 years later.
    The height of true design.

    Thanks Donna! SO great to hear from you!


  5. What an AMAZING post sweet Ruth!!! I'm so not a hater and can't diss any of these big amazing stores and their inventory....but what I can gain from them is true inspiration!!!!!

    I can't afford RH or Athro but I can enjoy the gorgeous offerings they gather and take what I will for my own home! I'm sure many CAN afford items from both stores but even though I can't, I can gain such wonderful inspiration and insight from both companies. I'd already been drooling over RH and those amazing architectural prints!!!! What does that make me do? Simply think of how can I recreate this look for me! I just love pure inspiration...hugs and love, Dawn

  6. So very true,Ruth!! now I'm wondering where MY RH catalog may be! I love antique and vintage, but I also want my drawers to work!
    xo Debra

  7. Loved your post ~ well written, passionate and the comparison's and thought provoking questions fabulous!

    RH's pieces, speak to our country home ... where all others just did not even whisper ... so needless to say we are HUGE RH fans. We were recently on vacation in Vermont visiting girlfriend who is from France (born, raised and lived) has decorated her home beautifully with RH mixed with some modern, vintage and antique ~ it all works perfectly!! ... I think people need to remember no one is trying to pass off RH as "antiques" .. they are wonderful designs that are restored into new pieces - that offer a certain look.

    I wonder if the same people who were grilling RH are the same people - who sport a faux designer hand bag and try to pass it off for authentic..?

    Wishing you a fabulous Labour Day!! xo HHL

  8. Anonymous9/05/2011

    Nicely done post! Since we have things in our house from most of the stores you mentioned...I can't play favorites! As long as it all works together, what's it matter where it comes from, or how old it really is??
    BTW, how come you didn't mention the nice little piece about you in the latest Romantic Homes issue??? :)


  9. Anonymous9/05/2011

    I completely agree Ruth...
    I was skimming Fb last night when I came across your post that you were posting about RH the next day in response to Apartment Therapy's I was up late last night reading them..there are a lot of people out there with bad attitudes..and I decided to post too..not so much because I love RH..(I'm designing my own line of furnishings and they are "competition" or something like that) but because there is room for every company that serves a need and RH is certainly selling and meeting a lot of people's needs..and I like their styling and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the symmetry of many of their rooms..!! btw, I don't get their catalog, just looked them up online...

  10. For what it's worth, here's what I think:

    I am not a fan of Restoration Hardware. I was when they first opened, because they were fresh and somewhat affordable. Now they are ridiculously overpriced. As is Anthropologie. And both companies routinely reimagine antique finds and also get inspiration from blogs which they then proceed to have made and sell to consumers (most likely made in China.)

    What makes me angry about RH is not that they are doing what they do...though I will always look for the real thing and not buy a reproduction - if I can only get a repro, I will find something else that charms me and that is true vintage - what bothers me is the quote from their designer that I read yesterday. I'm paraphrasing, but he said something that referred to antiques being dead and over. What a snob! I don't need him to tell me what is in or not in. And I don't like anyone making that kind of sweeping, frankly pretentious, statement.

    So I will stay away from RH. I would anyway, because I can't afford their prices (nor Anthropologie's) and I much prefer the pleasure of seeking and finding and discovering something I feel is 'real.'


  11. First time here. I just saw your comment over at Eclectic Revisited. You did a wonderful job on this post. I think all the stores you mentioned have gorgeous things. Have and will buy from all of them. I'm a designer and antiques dealer as well. I don't have any angst with the stores just the clients who don't have the understanding about mixing it all up rather than copying a catalog page room. Because it never turns out the way it looked in the catalog. It's a good resource,it's great inspiration but was never intended to be ordered as a room. I've walked in to some that tried that and believe me they did not look like the catalog. Great post. Thought provoking. Have a great day. Mona

  12. Oh, my goodness, I forgot to say that I saw you in Romantic Homes and am thrilled for you!


  13. Bravo! While I prefer antiques that are useable in my home, if I can't find what I need at an antique shop or flea market, then I search the well-established furniture stores, like Restoration. And...if I were younger I might shop at Anthro with no "apology". What I do like about Anthro shops in our area are the displays...very creative, not that I would replicate in my own home or shop. I'm not a fan of IKEA, with the exception of their very reasonable slipcovered sofas/chairs (we have pets that seem to always want to nest on the sofa/chair with us) and their fabulous farmhouse kitchen sink. What I do love about antique furniture is that it's lasted over 100 years, which means it's not made of pressed wood, like so many "furniture stores" have to offer in the way of tables, etc. Antiques are the MOST RECYCLED item in the universe. GO ANTIQUES!!

  14. AMEN!!!! Ruth!

    I too am all for anyone who wants to create a reproduction or upstyle an antique. In most cases the reproduction will outlast the antique in so many ways due to the decay of an old piece.

    I shop R/H and Anthro, as well as any shop that has something to offer me. If it is a repo I have no problem and I will anchor the room with something old with history.

    I do not fear the oversized pieces a room looks great with one oversized piece, and all the larger homes have a place to shop, for years it had been truly hard to find pieces for larger homes I know because I had a very large home and stepped down to a smaller home keeping a large piece or two for my new place.

    You are a brave girl, I have wanted to say exactly what you have said in your post for some time now!!!

    Ruth! how about all the readers of R/H catalog who don't like it, but turn around and have there builders reporduce a bakersrack or dinning table to the Teee! from R/H catalog, again here is another example of reproduction.

    Thank you for this beautifully well written post.

  15. PS....

    I love that we all have a choice in our lives to pick and choose what we want to live with! :)

    Bravo!! to the fine artist who bring us Restoration Hardware Home, Anthropologie, Pottery Barn, Shabby Chic and so on.


  16. Yeah, I don't get the ugly buzz over RH either.
    So what it's monochromatic. Rachel Ashwell sings everything in ALL white.
    Their stuff can be pricy but their are obviously people out there with money to spend.
    So what that it's huge.There are some huge homes out there (my barn is pretty large I have to say, not that I can afford RH's line of items but I will say I do love their line and use them for inspiration!)

    Thank goodness for diversity. In response to your post I say "Amen sista'!" :-)

  17. Wow! Dear Ruth, you said a mouthful. And so much truth to it. and,I have these feelings that one should just be themselves, surround yourself with the items you love and appreciate. you do not have to follow what the fad is at the time,unless you truly love it. mix n' match,enjoy and don't let the "things" rule you. as you stated, things are really just things. that is one of the first things that i recall you saying when we first started to know each other. Bestest,Denise

  18. RH just did an amazing turnaround in this economy and they did in a short time span.
    for their couches a 8 or 9 footer in belgium linen is not outrageously priced.
    1. I'm a huge fan of RH now. {who cares if they are copying antiques, I couldn't afford the real McCoy anyhow!.
    2. I would rather drop money @ RH than anthro. Anthro is ho hum to me. displays great, but, tired of them. RH is more appealing to me now that I'm 36. {I'm talking interior merchandise not fashion.}
    Also, incredible article in the Wall Street Journal, here's the link
    ruth--click on the WSJ magazine for the article interesting for any biz owner.
    hope all is well

  19. Hi Ruth:)

    Well I wanted to jump up and down when I read your post~ I have been a RH customer and fan for a few years especially when they started doing more of the industrial farmhouse look. To me RH has always been ahead of the typical mainstream retail curve. I always felt that they were not afraid to reach out to us reclaimed raw wood crowd. My farmhouse is about 80% antiques and the rest is RH pieces picked because they closely match what I already adore. Yes some of the furniture is large but talk about a statement piece! And Yes they may take inspiration from blogs etc (I've been doing the chandelier in the birdcage for years) but at least they're trying to be design current for some of us!

    So Dear Ruth, anytime you want to come over and sit at my Restoration Hardware farm table made from 100+ year old wood and look through the 600+ catalog, you're more then Welcome:)

    Hugs, Carol

  20. I must live under a rock. I have not heard of this angst towards RH (nor do I receive theirs or IKEA's catalog, actually have never set foot in an IKEA). But my mouth is hanging open to the fact that people would actually take the time to become angry and judgmental about about a retailer reproducing coveted pieces. HELLO....every large retailer has been doing this for years and years! Nothing new here. So I guess I'm going to have to go Google it and find out what the buzz is...on second thought,no, it will make absolutely no sense to me. I'm with's all just stuff and everyone is entitled to pick and choose what makes their heart go pitter patter. After all, as the great Albert Hadley said, "Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one's well-being."
    Excellent post Ruth.

  21. Im with you. Here in Australia we dont have RH or any of the awesome Roundtop fairs etc that the States have. Lets face it, alot of people dont have hundreds/thousands of $$$ flotaing about each weekend to go barn digging or fair fossicking either, so I dont see what the fuss is about a repro. As long as you are not trying to tell people its the real thing, I dont see whats the prob. If you dont like it, dont look! Loving the new catalogue btw!! ;0)
    Ness xx

  22. This is the first blog I've read in over 3 months, and all I can say is, you did not disappoint. Even though I knew nothing of the RH backlash, your post was spot on for something that happens constantly and is wrong...having a judgemental attitude! Live and let live! Shop and let shop! And you perfectly described our corner of the country...NO antiques and great flea market fairs...ever...anywhere...drives me insane!

    Also...I walked around Paris for years, not realizing a lot of stuff I saw were reproductions! The originals are in the Louvre and other museums, but I'm SO happy they put copies in parks and in metro stations, etc. for everyone to enjoy on a daily basis. Hey...if it's okay in France, it must be okay...chic even!

    Love you!

  23. I guess I don't get around enough, not a clue about the RH fuss. I was in the shop on Friday for a look around, (the catalog is next to my sofa). After a few more shops and lunch, my last stop, Anthro. I've always thought of these shops as great inspiration and all their stuff comes in smaller sizes. I love to give gifts to my DIL and sister, they both love these shops. The sofa my RH catalog is next to, my Anthro Cotswold. I patiently waited for a sale, ordered it and never looked back. I love it. Very reasonable on sale!

    The French Hutch

  24. Anonymous9/15/2011

    Totally with 'ya Ruth!!! Had no idea there were so many H8R's out there in blogland against RH. I love RH,and Anthro too. Times change and either as a person one changes or one dies. Personally, I love your prices Ruth, as I could never afford the real price for rare antiques, but the other makes me just as happy. Way to script GF!!

    Tracy from Houston

  25. OK! Awesome post. My home is full of both repros and originals... If it's quality... I'm telling ya! You can't tell the diff!!! .... We also have two rolled arm chairs from RH (paid top dollar) and then a rolled arm sofa from IKEA...IN THE SAME ROOM! GASP! I will say that in the 3 years that we have had all 3 pieces...the RH chairs we will have forever. The Ikea sofa... not so much. It's a quality thing. But then again... we didn't pay that much for it. It is perfect for now though. If I could afford to do nothing but RH...I still wouldn't. I love mixing it up. So I say... the more selection the better. These huge stores spend the big bucks for marketing and we all benefit from it.
    Have a great week!

  26. Anonymous9/23/2011

    First time reader and loved your post! My home is filled with antiques and great things from all of the shops you mention in your post, including target. I know what I think I need and if I find it, and can afford it (or find the price is worth the purchase) I'll get it. I'm not about authenticity here, just comfort and making a home for my family. I don't have a lot of discretionary cash but find the hunt is just as fun. I wish I had more time for perusing antique shops - which I do gleefully, but sometimes it's the RH stuff that sings to me. I don't find their items over priced. I think you DO pay for quality and comfort and for many things, that is what I am looking for! Thank goodness we have all of these options! I continue to miss Smith & Hawken. Would hate to see any of the lovely stores you mention end with that fate.
    So, thank you for reminding us that choice and options are a good thing!
    Carin (loving her STUFF) in Pennsylvania

  27. I had no clue about the argument!
    I do however think sometimes about my trips to RH and how happy I was in there..and that someday I'm wiping out my whole house inventory to fill it with RH. I like how small I feel in there and the moody lighting.
    On the other hand, LOL...there are these horrible chairs right now that look like those stereo speaker ones...ew...what are they thinking?

  28. oh for Gods sake, what is wrong with people! I live with just about all antiques, mostly from Europe, but when RH sends me a catalog, I drool and think....if I had another home...maybe a bit grander... and the money to spend, I certainly would do it from their catalog. And while I am at it, maybe a house all done in Pottery Barn and one in Ballards.
    There is room for it all out there!
    And good taste, is good taste, and all these catalogs have it in spades!!!!
    People out there, there is a heck of alot more important stuff to worry about and agonize over.
    And that is my view,
    Ruth, many hugs, Evi

  29. Anonymous11/19/2011

    I love the RH look. It is so over the top. Imagine coming home to all that lux stuff. Those chandeliers, tuffed couches, books wrapped to color coordinate - who reads nowadays anyway. Yes Rosebuds, it's all for show and whadda show it is. Ann


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