Monday, June 6, 2011

Nuts & Bolts Of Creating...Amazing What Can Be Created From The Least Likely Bit & Pieces...

I thought this was so inspiring.

I've been feeling like getting back to my
"creative roots" more and more lately and 
this video definitely
added to that feeling!    :)

Hope you enjoy it, too.

Happy Monday!

W Hoboken "Manhattan Mettle" By Ann Carrington from tinklevision on Vimeo.


  1. So grateful to you for sharing this!

    What a stunning creation. I love the look on Ann's face when she presents it at the end.

    Inspiration, indeed!

  2. I am envious! I am so not adept at making anything!!!!!!!!This was an interesting video, and I agree the look was accomplishment!Maryanne xo

  3. Can't wait to see what you will be creating Ruth! Go for it!
    Here's to a fantastic week,

  4. wow! LOVE the new header! when i can, am sending you a pick of my latest find. OH MY! One finds the strangest things in the grocery store...


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