Thursday, May 5, 2011

A (Pretty) "Bright Idea" -- Thanks Mr. Edison!

Sometimes bringing the a little bit of the past into the present 

can be a bright idea...

As is the case with these fabulous

Edison Bulbs!

We've just added them to the site (along with QUITE A FEW other new things)

and I've added the bulb to my own home en masse!  

I've decked out a chandelier, two wall sconces,

and soon, quite a few lamps.

I am LOVING the look, too!

Hope all is well with you!

As for me, the remodel is for all intents and purposes "done" --

there are a few "tweeks" that need to be addressed by the

flooring guys, but we have our furnishing back in the house 

and I'm having fun setting things out in their new locale around the

new space.

And let me tell you, I've been BAFFLED by the fact that

though we should theoretically have more space...

why doesn't everything we had in there 2 months ago 

now "fit"??  

I'm making piles of things now to give away/donate because

for some strange reason, what came out

won't all go back in!     


Hope you'll take a look at the 

I've been remiss in getting on here to post about them all as 

we've added them...


Have a great day!



  1. Love these bulbs! Just found your blog this morning! Love it too!

  2. Anonymous5/08/2011

    nice lights, but when are you going to show the pictures of the remodel???


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