Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's A Consensus - Beadboard Wins Out AND More Hidden Treasure Is Found.

It was an overwhelming landslide vote -- 
EVERYONE voted that we rip out the rest of the plaster
and reveal the antique beadboard ceilings that were
discovered under heavy plaster.

Keep in mind, we have only about a 4-6" swath of beadboard
currently revealed (where the wall came out) and THAT sampling looks great.

The concern is that we will get into tearing out the rest of the plaster ceilings 
only to find that there was a really good reason why they covered over the 
wooden ceilings -- like maybe there is a huge amount of damaged or, worse still,
MISSING sections under there.

But to NOT at least have a look while we already have a big mess and things are torn up,
seems crazy.

So... the big ceiling rip-out day is upon us and by evening time,
we'll know whether our curiosity will be kind to us or not.  :)

There have been some neat discoveries, that's for sure.

1.)  Of course the beadboard ceilings and walls were uncovered.
Very neat "find" and may prove to be one of the most serendipitous finds yet.

2.)  Also discovered just on top of the beadboard on the walls was some 
very beautiful antique wall paper.  As I understand it, these homes were built
originally with wooden walls/ceilings.  

Then, as desired, the Mrs. of the house would apply wall paper directly
onto the wood walls.  Then over that, was the lathe & plaster. 

We only knew about the plaster -- as that is what we have in all rooms here at home.
So it was so neat to discover all that pretty wallpaper under there!

3.)  The old, damaged floor boards that have been ripped out 
had some of those really old, obviously hand-made nails --- they have such a 
distinct look!
I discovered that I do NOT like the sight of seeing the earth just below my feet
as I peer through what was our family/dining rooms just days before.    :)

So... by the end of this day, the beadboard ceilings will either be a fabulous
addition to Harsham House, or we will be wringing our hands in regret
for having ripped out perfectly fine plaster ceilings.  Either way,
it won't be the end of the world and if the beadboard is just too far gone,
 I already have tin picked out and ready to order to cover it all back up again.   :)

There really is no reason not to at least take a peek at what lies

Be back to let you know what we find!  :)



  1. Bonne Chance Ruth! Aren't those old houses wonderful (most of the time ;)
    Will be back to hear the results!

  2. What fun Ruth! You are a treasure hunter in your own home :) That is the neatest thing that to find out that they covered wood walls with gorgeous wallpaper, only to cover them up?!
    Crossing my fingers for all your beadboard to be as amazing as the sneak peak....

  3. YAY!!!! I know that it's not technically correct or proper to pray for something like your beadboard ceiling....however, I think God will understand just this once when I pray that it is all BEAUTIFUL when you uncover the rest! I can't wait to find out the results!!

  4. Good for you! Deep breath, good bottle of wine and carry on!

  5. I hope you'll have an open house after all this is complete with a few of your closest friends... hum, wonder who that could be???????


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