Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello, Nice To Meet You. My Name is Ruth and...

Hi... You may remember me.  I'm Ruth.  I write this blog.
(I know, I should use that term loosely lately).

It's nice to meet up with you again!  
(A little fun with a picture of me in Photoshop.  Hint: I'm not the one with the beard...)

Okay, introductions aside, how in the world are you?

Some of you have so sweetly inquired as to whether I am still breathing.  

Thank you.  ;)

I assure you, all is well.  All is CAHRAZY - BIZZZEEEE 
but all is good!  

You know, since there is just SO much to cover 
(too much, really, for one blog post)
I'll chat and fill you in a little 
and maybe you can fill me in on YOU.   

  • There is new inventory sitting in the shop just waiting to be photographed and put on the site.  It's shame for it to sit there any longer, so getting it all up on the site going to be priority #1!

  • A new batch of Emma Bridgewater is in the works.  Since re-introducing it back into inventory late last year, it has been well-received and I know I sure am glad to see back on the shelves!

In the area of magazines, we just received the really gorgeous
first issue of 2011 of Norway's VAKRE HJEM & INTERIORS magazine.
It's order-able and ready to ship by CLICKING HERE!

 Price break!!!
Previously, each issue was $32.00...
The price has dropped to $26.00 per issue!

What do you think???  Pretty great news, huh?
If you are a regular purchaser, this is fabulous news!
And if you've been holding back due to the price tag,
I'd encourage you to jump in -- this is what you've been waiting for!   :)

Jeanne d'Arc Living is wrapping up publication of it's second issue for 2011
and we'll have it in hand for shipping in just a couple short weeks.

Pre-orders for that issue are now being taken online --
it's shaping up to be another beauty!

Snap up your copy by CLICKING HERE!

In other Jeanne d'Arc Living news....
Two things:

1.)  To happily accomodate the MANY requests for back issues of the magazine,
we have order some of every issue they still have copies of -- from 2009 and 2010.
They don't have ALL the issues available, but there are about 7 different back issues
and we obtained some of them all for you!

They will be shipping here in conjunction with issue #2 in a couple weeks.
These back issues will go up on the site shortly.


2.)  In talks with Jeanne d'Arc Living, they are still optimistically holding to their
hopes of reinstating shipment of their product range to the U.S. again -- sometime
(hopefully) during the 1st quarter of this year.  That is not a timeframe they can
be completely held to, but suffice to say, we're closer now than ever to getting their
products back in our pretty little hands, and then into YOURS!   :)

We are just particularly excited about that price break with the
magazine itself.  That is just such great news!!

Well, many other "doin's" around here, but my lovlies,
it is almost 1 a.m. here for me and I'm in need of some beauty sleep.  :)

I already know what I'm going to blog about next...
some pretty big renovation about to begin at my house.
Oh yes, let the fun begin.  ;)

Are many of you regular users of Facebook??
I ask because I sure am -- being at the desk so much throughout the day,
I have Facebook open in a tab online all day.
I have gotten to be friends with some of my customers and blog friends
and it is SO MUCH FUN!

If you are on Facebook, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to look me up!!
We could have so much fun chatting and getting to know each other even better!

I'm on, with my personal, Ruth Harsham page, found

And of course there is the page on Facebook for
The Beautiful Life which I keep up with as as well.
You can get to that page by clicking

So consider it an open invite to come "friend" me on Facebook --
it'll be fun!  :)

Until again,



  1. Hello~Nice new items can't wait to see them in the shop.I love the mg's and will be ordering them soon.~Cheers Kim

  2. Hi Ruth~ Glad to hear from you again!;) Im off to your shop right now to look at your new goodies!! LOVE that you have the back issues now! Hugs, Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  3. Oh, am I really the first to comment? ;-)

    I just found your blog, nice to meet you! What a lovely side you have! I ADORE those Jeanne d'Arc magazine, too! They are such a great source of inspiration!

    Best wishes from cold Germany,

  4. Hi Ruth!
    Glad you're back!Can't wait to see what's in store for next year! I may look into getting some ofht e back ordered Jeanne d'arc.....Maryanne xo

  5. Emma Bridgwater crockery is simply divine! So popular over here in the UK, especially in country kitchens like my Mum's :-)

    Jem xXx

  6. Welcome back to blogworld Ruth :)

  7. Welcome Back to Blogland!!!!
    Love all your new pretties, hope all is well!
    Love ya!

    Short comment, sorry, running out the door for work!!!

  8. Hi Ruth! Great to hear from you. Love everything you're adding to your shop. (The new magazine cover is gorgeous!) Looking forward to hearing about your renovations. Take care!

  9. Yay....she's back!! We missed you. So happy to see you again, Ruth! Happy February <3

  10. Yay! Welcome back! I am lovin' all the new things coming to the shop! I am so happy about the JDL price break! The new issue looks like it's going to be good!


  11. Hiya Ruth :) I popped over to your shoppe the other day and saw a bunch of goodies that I "need" (hehe). What amazing news about Jeanne d' Arc!! They send me emails about their new products and I cannot wait for you to start carrying them!!
    Happy day girl :)

  12. You are so cute! So glad to see a new post! I can't wait to check out all of the new goodies...I need to get back to shopping...I took a little break after Christmas. Emma Bridgewater here I come;)!

  13. Hey Ruth,
    Nice to meet you, again.... :))
    Have a wonderful week!

  14. Ruth how great to me you!!I adore your site and will check your other links!

    Be sure to enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa! You will love it!

    Art by Karena

  15. Beautiful new lovlies in your shop, Ruth! Can't wait to hear about/see your house plans!

  16. I am off to see what's in the shop! I guess busy means good! Hope all is well!

  17. oh yes those magazines are just great, if you like the shabby chic style,probably this magazines are the top 5 in the world :)) Love to read your post, you have a beautiful site so I became one of your followers, have a great day/Marie

  18. Hi Ruth,
    Noticed your comment over at Lauras place...
    Verbena nested treasures, it was a beautiful comment powerful she should be so blessed with the love you passed on to her. I have been inspired by Laura for about a year now and have had some beautiful late night phone chats with one another, I just adore her!!

    I am going to go look at all that inspires me on your site.
    I too will be getting one of the mag's soon.


  19. I love those white canisters with the black lettering! I'm going to go take a peek at your shop! Love your style!

  20. Welcome back sweet Ruth.


    P.S. The new Emma Bridgewater is gorgeous!

  21. Good to see you come up for air Lit'l Miss!!

    Great news about JAL!!!It would be wonderful if or when they get something reasonable worked out with the custom&duty guys!! But I won't hold my breath they (C&D) are long on promises and short on follow threw :( I'll head over in the morning and get the newest issue ordered!! Oh and I think I'll see what new delights you have. Our trip to the Northlands is a mere 3&1/2 months away, and I'm the best lit'l
    mule :)!!!!

    Take care Lit'l Miss stay warm!! and safe. I'm sure Spring is coming!!
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  22. Yay! She's backkkkkkk!

  23. Look at all that good news! Lovin the new price of the best magazine in the world.
    Glad your back!
    Enjoy this beautiful weekend here in central Florida.
    Hugs all the way from Orlando!


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