Sunday, December 12, 2010

Faux Real - I love this Faux Fire.

Here in Florida we are having some wonderful cold weather -- the kind you'd expect to
have this time of year, instead of our usual temps in the 80's in December 
and if you've read my blog very long 
at all
you have to know I am just 
HAPPY about this!

The house we live in now is old (1891) and has character galore 
but what it no longer has 
are working fireplaces...

It used to have three of them --
two downstairs and one upstairs.

When the house was cut in half and moved out here to the country from it's place
in our town's historic district, 
a lot of things had to be compromised and the fireplaces were one of those things.

All but one of the three still stand and have their mantles, but a peek inside 
the hearth shows that they are now an integral part of the HVAC system
and house the A/C returns.   



Instead of a crackling fire in the hearth during this wintery weather week,
I've been enjoying is FABULOUS!

Okay, before you turn your nose up at it and declare it's admittedly hokey 
nature, give it a shot.

It has that beautiful crackling "fire" sound


an INCREDIBLE, long playlist of some 

Just click it on and leave it!  The music will play, you get the
continual crackling of the fire with the music, and the fire
"burning" on your screen as long as you leave it up.

It's been my mainstay as I've been decorating the house
and I thought I'd share it with

Be back soon to chat!




  1. LOVE it!!! We don't have a fireplace at all. We built our house 6 years ago and would have lost our only solid wall in the living room if we put one in so we opted not to do it. So we'll be turning or fauxfire, lol, thanks!

  2. How lovely ~ stay warm ;)!

  3. Ruth .. thank you so much or sharing the link.. I will have to check it out. We won't have our wood burning fireplace completed for this winter season... but I'm soooo looking forward to it next year!!

    BTW: I received my beautiful nativity sets and they were more magical than I had expected! Even hubby was in awe of the detailed, hand made work!! I've been meaning to drop you an email - sorry I had not gotten to it yet!!

    I'm trying to get a post up about them .. but things have been crazy around here with the push to get parts of the house people ready from the now that things have stopped until spring .. we can settle in again to a home life. xo HHL

  4. I badly want a fireplace too and never seem to get one. I have the surround but I need a brickie to fix the wall where I want it to go. Sigh. Maybe one day!

  5. I need to do this very thing in a room that would demand the attention to this kind of charm and beauty.

    Love my visit, indeed a beautiful life over here.

    Joyeux Noel

  6. Thanks for showing me how I can now have the kitchen of my dreams with a "faux fire"! I put my hands up to the screen to get warm, its only 10 degrees here in Michigan! lol

  7. Love this! We have a fireplace in our living room, but with this, I can have one in any room I want, with music...yay! I am gonna set this thing up in my kitchen right now as I do my dishes! Thanks Ruth!

    p.s. sooo happy for you that you are getting some cold weather!


  8. We were just saying that we wanted to get a dvd of a faux fire! We want to put in on the television screen in our den. Sadly, we don't have a fireplace and we really miss having one.


  9. Love the mantle and Florida. I have been from Destin to the Keys. Destin is my happy place. I go every year. I got married years ago to another, in Tampa Florida outside. It was in the 80's. I live in texas and we rarely see cold weather. It is in 20's today. In a few days back to 80's. I have a faux mantle too. Fun to decorate.

  10. I love it too! So pretty~~Have a blessed week don't work to hard sweet Ruth :))
    See you in facebook land!

    Kay Ellen

  11. Hi Ruth~
    I just posted about your feature in Romantic Country. Come on over and look.

  12. Ruth, wow! thank you so much for putting this sight up for us. i was so happy to see it and couldn't believe my luck. have always wanted to try this somehow,but i forgot about it. and here it is in front of me from my friend,Ruth.Bestest,Denise

  13. Our office had this playing on the big screen during our Christmas Party and it was delightful! Love the idea.

  14. Looks sooooooooo pretty Ruth...and I am glad your having cold weather,so are we -20...cold enough for you!! x0x0

  15. Ok, that's hilarious! I love it!

  16. I love that fireplace with the plates. We have a faux electric looks nice...but doesn't have the charm of a real fireplace. Our old farmhouse is missing one for the same reason yours is...when the house was moved it just had to go. Oh...and as I type this I'm listening to Christmas music and crackling fire..thanks so much for the link...I love it!

  17. I love your mantle, Ruth, even if the fireplace doesn't work to burn. It works to decorate though! : ) I love that wall color. Very caramel-ly looking!

  18. I found a couple of faux fire cd's on amazon... haven't ordered one yet, but in this little fireplace free cottage, it might be the best we can do! :-)

    Your home is just lovely and I love your blog too... adding it to my favorite chickies...

    Merry Christmas,

  19. no way....adore innovation! i'm going to the link!!!

  20. Ha! I died for this...lovely. The crackles are priceless (especially since I have no fireplace).

    Thanks Ruth.



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