Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shop Updates & Holiday Shopping Deadlines :)



Long time no chat, huh?

And because of that, there is SO much to cover in this post!

First, everything you see in the photo collage above is for sale on the site and
so far things are going fast!

The burlap ribbon and bags are FABULOUS 
Wow.  Seriously.  LOVE that piece!!

Oh, and the ironstone European-style pitchers... yes... LOVE those.

The collection sewn from true vintage canvas has been doing so well!
The bags, the pillow covers, the rugs, 
all are now listed and up for sale.

Thank you so much for your sweet patience while they got 
photographed and up on the site.

One click HERE will take you there.

Now, to catch you up on some info that may affect your 
holiday shopping:

1.)  We have JUST A HANDFUL of copies of the Autumn issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine.
So few, in fact, that we took them off the site so we would not over-sell them
If you'd like a copy, simply drop me an email or phone us up.  We'll set you up!   :)

2.)  There are also VERY FEW copies of the Jeanne d'Arc Living "JUL"
Christmas book left in stock.  This is the reprint in English that we sold out of last year.
We have placed our last reorder for the book and what we have in stock now is it --
so if you'd like a copy of this book either for a gift or for yourself, well... 
you might want to hop over to the site to secure yours.

3.)  The last issue of the year of the Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine 
(issue #8) is on it's way to us and we anticipate shipping out our pre-orders this week, so
you will have it in plenty of time for Christmas!  :)
In this case as well, we will not be reordering this issue like we typically do all others
(meaning, typically if we start running out as we're filling orders, we
just place a reorder for more so we can keep filling orders) so when the amount
we have coming is exhausted, that will be it for 2010.

4.)  We still have some issues of the gorgeous Vakre Hjem & Interior Christmas issue
available -- but again, no reorders of this issue are planned so if you planned to order
a copy, you may want to hop over and get yours!
And, may I say, I LOVE that magazine.  I really, really love it.
And if you have been reluctant to try it for fear that it would be too much
like Jeanne d'Arc Living, FEAR NOT -- it has different "feel" (dare I say "vibe")
and I think you will be VERY happy you tried it.... VERY happy.    :)

Here's what's behind the "no-reorder" policy for the mags for these current issues... .

I'm a-thinkin'... 
how about if The Beautiful Life does something 
it hasn't done in 
all 12 years of business..?

S-L-O-W it down over the holidays if not even just 
shut down for December.

Revolutionary, huh?  ;)

Well, it is actually.  
For me, anyway.

And to tell you the truth...

just being honest right now...

I don't yet really even have a "plan" set in stone yet as to how we'll pull it off.

How much will we ship in December and until when?  

What will be the "official" date of closing for December?  

I just know that I wanted to let you know the plans swirling around in this
pretty little busy head of mine 
so you can at least have a heads-up about it 
and maybe be planning accordingly for any
holiday shopping you plan to do with us.

You'll still love me, right, if I wrap things up early this year??  

You will, right??    :)

So, as I say, I really don't have it all figured out right now, but I at least 
wanted to put the word out to help YOU plan.   

Haha -- I'd even take your suggestions on how to best pull off
giving enough time before the holidays to shop, but where to draw the 
cut-off for orders.  

Can you see I love being in biz, but when it comes to decision making

And it isn't easy because I ADORE my "job" (weird to even call it that)
but I also miss getting my own home decorated, tree up, and holiday baking done
BEFORE the week of Christmas.   And for the last few years, that is how
it's been.  

So, I would love to try and find some middle ground -- between making sure
all of my sweet customers have what they need 
and making sure my humble abode gets gussied up far enough in advance
to enjoy it for a while.  Plus do a bit of Christmas shopping with my girl,
some baking (MY FAVE) and visiting with my family
(ESPECIALLY my sweet dad!).   

I'm not going anywhere over the holidays, so I WILL be available
in the event there arises a shopping 
"emergency" that you have and you simply MUST GET something.  ;)

Okay sweet friends, I'm gonna let you go and I will be
working on another blog post to go up in the next day about a 
VERY SPECIAL Christmas item we have this year only
--- all the way from Africa ---
with a very special twist to it.

That's the next post -- coming up next.

Unitl then, thanks for letting me pop back
into your day and I'll be back here in a jiffy!


  1. Those burlap ribbons are too cute! Let me think about it for a sec
    here -)
    All looks lovely!

  2. I say December 8 is your last day for orders! (Is that later than you wished?!) That gives you a few days to pack them all up and move 'em out and not have to worry about "rush shipping" or frantic calls on the 22nd! I think you're brilliant putting a stop date on things! And I think those of us who shop with you or on etsy, etc. are familiar with's why we love you have life in perspective! And by putting it out there, you help US keep things in perspective! xoxo

  3. So good to hear your "voice Little Ruth!! I'm also soooo glad that you are going to take some time to spend the Holidays with your family!! Your little family grows up soooo fast and there are no do-overs in life. If we miss it the first time, we have lost the chance to make those memories that keep us smiling in our walkers and orthopedic oxfords!! :)

    Oh I think I have to, HAVE TO, have the rusty bird on the poorman's silver ball!!!!! Don't let it go anywhere without me!! I've got to go beat the bushes for a "mule" heading this way!!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  4. The burlap ribbon is to die for. Yes, thats a tough question; when to cut off? I say go with your gut instincts. Hope to see more of you Miss Ruth. Have missed ya! And ditto what Cathy said above. I love how you keep perspective. I started an email to you last week, remember when I put cookies in? Well I was going to tell you that the piece of advice you gave me months ago about fishing is the best advice Ive ever got in my life. Yep, really. It has changed my perspective. So thank you my dear. I owe you one and hope I can repay the favor some day. Hugs to you.

  5. I LOVE all of the new items! Fantastic and I LOVE the idea of closing up shop for the holidays. I have been in retail for two decades and the idea of a real Christmas with time and less hustle and bustle sounds like a dream. I applaud you for taking time out for you and your family!!! Good luck with it all, it's brilliant! I say Dec. 1st or the 5th.

  6. Love you have decided to take some time and enjoy the holidays...a difficult decision I know but I agree..the 8th sounds just right.
    Take the time and make lots of happy memories with your family! I'll still be here.... ;-)
    Much joy and happiness to you with hugs too! ~ Rebecca

  7. I want it ALL!!!
    Now it's time for you to take some time out and enjoy Christmas. Just think if Santa didn't make it this year because you were too busy?!

  8. Gorgeous products dear. And of course we'll still love you - there is NOTHING wrong with taking some time to enjoy the holidays yourself.


    Have a gorgeous week Ruth!

  9. Oh Ruth..everything you have is so beautiful,I love the set of 3 chalkboards..I would kill for those!!! Ahh lets face it i would kill for all your things....x0x0

  10. oh ruth, it's all so beautiful!!
    if i won the lottery, i think my first stop might just be your shop & i'd buy it all!! :)
    lovelovelove the card tower...
    off to check it out.

    have a great day

  11. Your shop is very lovely, I can't believe I haven't been here before....I'm enjoying your blog, too.

  12. Hi Ruth,
    I so understand the need to take a break and enjoy the holidays. I hope everyone heeds your warning and gets their orders in early so you can rest and spend time with friends and family!
    ps...thanks for stopping quite awhile back...I'm a bad blogger sometimes:)

  13. You are such an inspiration. I love what you do!
    I have a newly created store and blog...I'd love for you to check it out when you have a moment.

  14. Ruth!
    My package of pretties was waiting for me on the table this morning (my husband brought it in after work last night). I LOVED everything, especially my Jeanne D'Arc Living Magazine. I squealed! So clever to hide it in my beautiful, charcoal gray towel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughtfulness. I cannot wait to snuggle up and read it this afternoon. Everything was adorably packaged and I was greeted with the aroma of my lovely new lavender's huge! All the better. Thank you so much. I will be back for certain.

    As for your post, I completely understand. Take a break and enjoy the holidays. I say you wrap things up the first week of December. That will force the rest of us to be good and get our shopping done early, too. Beautiful collage. I love it all.

    Sending you a big hug, sweet Ruth.

  15. ...and I can't wait to share my pretty things with my readers. I will let you know when I do!

  16. Just love the "BEAUTIFUL LIFE" over here!

    I too am a lover of Burlap and burlap bindings.

    Love all that you inspire!

    I am having a Natural beauty GiveAway! please do stop by!

  17. Hi Ruth,

    Thank you so much for stopping by. The last few days have been beyond difficult. Tommy was such a huge part of our lives. It is very quiet around here.

    Saying prayers for your sweet pup. It is so beautiful to love but the pain that comes from the loss...

    I love all of your goodies. You know I am a fool for burlap.


  18. Thank you so much again, Ruth.

  19. Hi Ruth!
    You got me at the first word!!!!!I can so relate.....If you want to take a break do it!!!!!!If you had a shop that was brick and mortar you wouldn't have the opportunity...We close for a while but in January.........I might have to go over and order some books!!!!!!Maryanne xo

  20. Love this blog, very well done. That burlap ribbon is amazing! I will definitely follow you....please also check me out (its new but worth going to :)

    Thanks and Happy 2011


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